Chapter 568
Chu Tianshu hastily changed his appearance, changed his body shape, and kept his breath restrained, like a short, fat, black-faced man.

The rest of the people also saw what was written on the notice.

Ji Tian was surprised and said: "Unexpectedly, the Huang family made a move so soon, brother... where is brother?"

Ji Tian turned his face to look at Chu Tianshu, but found that Chu Tianshu had disappeared.

But there was a black fat man in front of him, and he was surprised again: "Who are you?"

"Who are you? I'm just making soy sauce, passing by!" Chu Tianshu said.

Ji Tian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and led the crowd, and quickly left the place.

Walking on the street, Chu Tianshu found that there was a great similarity between this place and Baiyun City.

Mainly half-demons and humans.

There are also many murlocs whose skin is covered with scales.

There are even some that look like people, but have blue skin. Once angry, their ears will swell like fins, and they will make piercing screams.

All in all, there are more types of creatures on the Chaos Islands than in Baiyun City.

There are so many strange things, everyone has already seen it.

However, there are also many creatures who, after seeing humans, started to spit and show displeasure when they were far away.

Some creatures cut their throats.

Ji Tian said: "Don't worry too much, everyone. On Longshan Island, killing is prohibited. Even fighting is generally prohibited. The party who provokes the incident must bear the responsibility!"

"Where are you going?"

"Find a place to stay first, it's getting late now, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Afterwards, everyone found a hotel opened by humans nearby.

The guests who live there are almost all human beings.

Just settled in!
Long Ni sent a message to Chu Tianshu: "Do you know that you are now wanted by the Huang family?"

"I already know, I was just about to ask, do you want to make a deal?"

"What business?"

"I plan to lose a clone. How about you grab my clone and go to Huang's house to exchange for two thousand bloodstones?"

"That's all right? Are you sure they can't see it?"

"My avatar is no different from my real body. It has flesh, blood and soul. As for the cultivation base, you can just say that it has been abolished by you, so it's fine? In this way, the grievances between your Long family and Huang family can also be resolved! "Chu Tianshu said.

" a good idea, where are you now?"

"Longshan Island!"

"I'm here too. It is said that people from the Huang family have already arrived. They should meet Emperor Longshan tomorrow and let the emperor deal with our people from Dragon King Island!"

"Then tomorrow, how you need to cooperate, just tell me directly!"

"If the emperor gets involved at that time, what should you do? How can your avatar hide from the emperor?" Long Ni asked.

Chu Tianshu frowned.

For this, he is not too sure.

Chu Tianshu also has only a half-knowledge of how many heaven-defying methods a Xuandi-level existence is proficient in.

Think for a while!
Chu Tianshu replied: "How about this, you capture my avatar directly to Whirlwind Island, when the time comes, the Huang Lang who was revived by me should also be there, he will be able to spot me at a glance!"

"What? You brought Huang Lang back to life?" Long Ni was shocked.

"It's not a resurrection, it's just a trick to make him believe in the God of Wealth, the soul is resurrected, you can feel it yourself, and you will understand!"

Long Ni is already equivalent to an envoy of God, so it is very easy to know the situation of any believer.

After figuring out what happened to Huang Lang, Long Ni was also speechless to Chu Tianshu.

"How can there be people like you in the world? Killing someone, but still making them feel grateful to you and worship you like a god?" Long Ni sighed.

"That's not necessarily the case. Huang Lang wants to eat me alive now. Do you want to go?"

"Go, why don't you go? Cyclone Island is nearly ten thousand miles away. If things go well, we can return in time tomorrow morning!"

"Then we'll see you later!"

After the two parties have finished communicating!
Chu Tianshu also looked at Ji Ruxin: "I'll go out first, and I'll be back later!"

Ji Ruxin nodded without asking anything.

Chu Tianshu teleported away directly.

Thousands of meters above the sky!

Chu Tianshu performed the clone technique, and with the help of distraction, demon spirit bones, and his own blood essence, he condensed a person exactly like the deity.

Even the breath is the same.

Although Long Ni had seen Chu Tianshu's clone of Tianlong blood, she was still a little surprised by this clone technique.

She also pinched the cheek of Chu Tianshu's avatar playfully, and said excitedly: "It's interesting, I can't see it anyway!"

"Since you can't see it, how many members of the Huang family on Whirlwind Island can see it?"

"It's hard to say. Huang Xuanhai, the patriarch of the Huang family, and Huang Yan, the current head of the family, are said to have come to Longshan Island, waiting to meet the Dragon Emperor tomorrow. Now, there are probably only one or two Xuanzun on Xuanfeng Island, right?"

"If it's just one or two Xuanzun, then there is no problem. Huang Lang should have returned to Whirlwind Island by now. When he sees me, he will 100% choose to kill me directly. Then, you can leave with the reward. When it's over, I won't meet those Emperor Xuan and Emperor Xuan at all!"

"It's perfect like this. Don't worry about showing your feet. It's can't show up forever, right? If someone from the Huang family finds out in the future, wouldn't the Huang family have to hate our Dragon King Island even more?" gone?"

"First of all, it is impossible for me to stay in the Chaos Islands for a long time, and I will return to the mainland soon. Secondly, I can change my appearance. Who can recognize me?" Chu Tianshu said.

"Then it's settled, you go back, and the avatar will be handed over to me!"

Chu Tianshu's true self nodded, and teleported away.

The avatar is generally the same as the deity.

At that time, even if his body was killed, he would be able to escape back to the God of Wealth Realm if he was distracted. For Chu Tianshu, at most, he would lose a piece of demon spirit bone and some of his own blood.

If it can be exchanged for 2000 yuan dragon blood stone, it will be worth it.

A distance of [-] miles is nothing at all under the feet of Nine Princess Long Ni!
Like a meteor chasing the moon, it arrived successfully within an hour.

When she twisted Chu Tianshu and arrived outside the whirlwind island, she opened her mouth and shouted loudly: "Is there anyone on the island? Come out!"

As soon as the words fell, someone flew out of the whirlwind: "Who dares to act presumptuously in front of Huang's house?"

However, when this person felt Long Ni's Xuanzun-level aura, his expression became more dignified.

Even if the Huang family has Xuanhuang patriarch, it doesn't mean that just anyone can put on a face for Xuanzun!
Therefore, this person hastily clasped his fists again and said, "Senior, why are you here?"

"Isn't your Huang family looking for a man named Chu Tianshu? I have captured this man alive, and I will capture him in exchange for a reward for the god stone!" Long Ni said.

"What? You caught the murderer who killed my young master?"

This one was taken aback, and took a closer look at Chu Tianshu in Long Ni's hand.

Then he hurriedly bowed and said: "Senior, wait a moment, I will come as soon as I go!"

After speaking, he got into the whirlwind.

(End of this chapter)

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