Chapter 571 Gifts
So the night passed.

When the next day dawns!

Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin came to Ji Yao's room together.

Without further ado, Chu Tianshu directly threw the storage bag containing the dragon blood stone.

"Second brother, open it and have a look!" Ji Ruxin laughed first.

Ji Yao was a little confused at first.

However, when he saw that there were thousands of dragon blood stones inside, he was immediately shocked.

"This? is it possible? Where did you get it?" Ji Yao said excitedly.

"Should be enough to transform your bloodline talent?" Chu Tianshu also laughed.

After Ji Yao was excited, she walked in front of Chu Tianshu!

He put the storage bag in Chu Tianshu's hand again, and said, "Second brother doesn't need these things, you should keep them for yourself!"

Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin were both stunned.


Ji Yao smiled: "I think, with so many dragon blood stones, your cultivation base can be improved even higher, and I am not a body-refining Xuanxiu, and I have never thought about taking the road of body-refinement. What I have been cultivating is only profound energy, and now I have finally reached the level of Daxuan Grandmaster, do you still plan to let me train my body again?"

Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin looked at each other and smiled.

Really care is messed up.

How many Xuanxiu people in the world take the road of body training?
There is no one in a million who cultivates body, energy and soul like Chu Tianshu.

Ji Yao can resist the lure of body training and firmly follow the path of profound energy, which is considered a firm heart.

"Forget it, I won't force you, but I have a holy soul pill here, and I planned to use it myself, but well, my profound energy cultivation has not kept up with the level of war spirits, and I won't be able to use it for the time being , I will give it to you!"

Chu Tianshu handed over the Holy Soul Pill that he won from a bet on Dragon King Island to Ji Yao.

As soon as Ji Yao heard the name, his body trembled inexplicably.

He is very clear that although the Holy Soul Pill is not as good as the Holy Blood Pill, it is more suitable for Qi Refining and Xuanxiu!
Its greatest function is to enhance the realm of the battle spirit.

The reason why many Great Mysterious Masters have been trapped at the ninth level is mainly because the fighting spirit in their bodies cannot keep up with the progress.

It is not difficult for human beings to perceive and control the situation by virtue of their own intelligence.

However, if the fighting spirit in the body does not reach the third level, it will not be able to advance successfully.

Many Xuanxiu, when entering the Great Mysterious Master, most of the demon souls they choose are first-level or second-level.

Only a few Xuanxiu with unique talents or strong backing are qualified and able to choose a third-level demon soul.

This type of person is born without a bottleneck.

Ji Yao has been fighting with monsters for many years in the monster hunting group, and has already realized some power of momentum.

The biggest shortcoming is the battle spirit. The battle spirit in his body is transformed from a second-level demon soul. It is extremely difficult to advance to the third level!
But with the Holy Soul Pill, this problem can be easily solved.

"Brother-in-law, younger sister, second brother, thank you very much!"

"Okay, Second Brother, we'll wait for your good news. You can practice hard here for the next few days!" Ji Ruxin said with a smile.

"What about you?"

Ji Ruxin looked at Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu said with a smile: "We plan to go to Longshan Palace with the members of the Long Family to meet the Great Emperor Longshan and see the geniuses here!"

After finishing speaking, his appearance also changed into another appearance.

The skin is a little darker, the body is more slender, with sharp edges and corners, and it has lost a lot of weight.

From top to bottom, the unique coercion of the dragon clan permeates.

The Tianlong avatar took the lead.

"Brother-in-law, you?" Ji Yao was a little dazed.

Chu Tianshu didn't explain, but waved goodbye to Ji Yao together with Ji Ruxin.

"Second brother, let's see you later, practice hard!"

Ji Yao nodded, feeling a little envious in his heart.

But he knew that he hadn't reached that level yet.

Get out of the room!

Yun Luoluo and Tie Ying were already waiting outside.

The four of them bid farewell to Jitian again, and then flew to where the Long family and others were located.

As a force in the Chaos Islands and as a subordinate of Emperor Longshan, the Long family also had their own residence on Longshan Island.

This is called Longjiadian, a rather luxurious hotel.

The Long family can be regarded as one of the representatives of human beings on Dragon King Island.

The ten-story building was built using black iron, gold stones, and rune formations.

After Chu Tianshu and the other four came to the gate, the members of the Long family also left the hotel gate one after another!
Long Yuan, who was the leader, was stunned immediately after seeing a few people.

Although he didn't recognize Chu Tianshu, he was still a little surprised by the arrival of these people: "Why are you here?"

"We plan to go to Longshan Palace with you, Dragon King, to meet Emperor Longshan. I don't know if Dragon King is willing to help?" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

Eye to eye!

Long Yuan felt that Chu Tianshu looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw him. He looked at Yun Luoluo and Ji Ruxin, and was even more confused.

So, he asked, "Where's Chu Tianshu?"

"Chu missing, and may be dead!" Yun Luoluo said in frustration.

"What? Died? When did he die?" Long Yuan asked in surprise.

"We don't know either. Last night, someone broke in and took Chu Tianshu away!"

"Could it be... the Huang family's wanted? It shouldn't be? With Chu Tianshu's powerful combat power, even if this king wants to catch him, it will not be so easy, unless Emperor Xuan personally takes action!" Long Yuan was even more shocked.

"We can't rule out this possibility!" Ji Ruxin said.

"Then you asked me to take you to Longshan Palace, wouldn't it be because you intend to ask Emperor Longshan to investigate this matter?"

"If there's a chance, it's okay!" Yun Luoluo replied.

Long Yuan looked around at the two girls, his brows were furrowed, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

It's okay for Ji Ruxin to say, but the key is that Yun Luoluo is the younger sister of Emperor Yun.

He is indeed qualified to directly talk to Emperor Longshan.

And Tie Ying, the black-feathered man who has always been taciturn, probably has a high status in the feathered race, and maybe he can also represent Baidi.

If they disclosed their identities, Emperor Longshan would indeed treat each other with courtesy.

If Yun Luoluo asks Emperor Longshan to investigate Chu Tianshu's disappearance or death, the Long family will probably be involved!

But when he was hesitating, Long Ni said: "Father, just take them with you and treat them as guides. When they meet the Huang family, let them confront each other. It has nothing to do with our Long family!"

Only then did the Dragon King nod his head: "Forget it, follow along!"

A group of people lifted off at the same time and flew deep into the island.

The Longshan Palace where Emperor Longshan lives is actually not in Longshan City.

But in the valley plain hundreds of miles away from the city.

It is full of vegetation, lush and beautiful!
Palaces carved from white jade are dotted among them.

Like a beautiful scroll.

Such a scene of warmth surprised Chu Tianshu deeply.

There are no hundreds of feet of cliffs, no clouds and mountains, no exotic flowers and plants, and no fairy birds and animals. On the contrary, it is very similar to gardens and parks among ordinary people.

"Is this Emperor Longshan also a half-demon? Has human blood in his body?" Chu Tianshu asked secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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