Chapter 581
Yun Luoluo said coldly: "I don't think there is any misunderstanding. These people of yours not only humiliated me and my friends, but even shouted and killed me, trying to kill me too!"

Yu Jiasheng broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, turned his head to look at the owner of the murloc stall, and said angrily, "Is this really true?"

"Senior?" These murlocs were stunned. They didn't know why their seniors turned to a foreigner.

Yu Jiasheng suddenly shouted: "You are blind, this is from the Monster Beast Mountain Range, the younger sister of Emperor Yunfeng of Fengming Mountain, hurry up and kowtow to me to apologize!"

When the murlocs heard this, their faces turned pale with fright. No matter where they came from, the Great Emperor alone was not something they could provoke.

Where dare to ask the other party what is the relationship with human beings?
They all knelt down on the ground and kowtowed one after another: "I'm sorry, Your Highness Luoluo, it's all our fault, please forgive us a lot, my lord!"

The rest of the murlocs who were mocking and threatening before, backed away involuntarily.

In their eyes, humans are naturally nothing.

However, human beings with the backing of the Great Emperor are not easy to mess with.

In any case, the current level needs to be perfunctory.

When the emperor's sister leaves, it won't be too late to seek revenge from the humans on Dragon King Island.

Therefore, all of them became much more low-key all of a sudden!
Yun Luoluo glanced around, and finally, her eyes fell on the jewelry necklace on the booth.

She picked it up and said, "Now, am I eligible to buy this item?"

"Yes, yes!" The murloc nodded hastily.

However, at this moment, a mocking voice came: "Hehehe... So the Xuanxiu of the Sea Clan on Longshan Island are all such bullying and fearful people!"

Everyone turned to look!

I saw a handsome man in a dark blue suit, walking from far to near.

However, this person's chin is very sharp, and his cheeks are in a triangular shape, giving people the feeling of a snake spirit.

But his skin is very white!

The blue clothes on her body also seemed to hide a blue ocean, constantly rippling.

No dust!
At first glance, it is not ordinary.

On the left and right sides, there are two water snake-waisted women, whose looks are charming and captivating!

Behind, there are several well-trained armored guards!

"People from the Tiantian Python family?" Some people have already recognized them.

"Isn't this person the grandson of Emperor Tuntian, She Langjun?"

"Yeah, why did he come here?"

The people who changed the treasure building have already shifted their attention from Yun Luoluo to this man with a triangular face!
The person who came was indeed the grandson of Emperor Tuntian, one of the three great emperors of the Chaos Islands.

He squinted his eyes, fixed his eyes on Yun Luoluo, and raised the corner of his mouth, "When did people from the Monster Beast Mountain Range dare to come to our Chaos Islands to play wild?"

There was a murderous look in Yun Luoluo's eyes, but it didn't happen immediately.

Because in this She Langjun, she felt the danger.

Even Chu Tianshu couldn't help frowning.

He could already see that this Mr. She Lang was at the level of a beginner Xuanzun.

The four seemingly charming and enchanting women around him are all high-ranking Daxuan Grandmasters.

The four guards behind him are none other than Xuanzun.

With this level of strength, if they step into the human world, the entire Eastern Continent will be in danger.

Xuanzun Yu Jiasheng of the fish-human tribe had already stepped forward, came to the front of Mr. She Lang, bowed slightly, and said: "I have seen Mr. She Lang, I don't know why Mr. She Lang suddenly came to Dragon King Island today?"

"Of course I came here with my grandfather. You murlocs have really become more and more despicable. Even outsiders are riding on your necks!" She Langjun sneered.

The Yu family showed embarrassment, and said: "Your Highness Yun Luoluo is the Emperor's guest, so we naturally have to treat each other with courtesy!"

"Treat each other with courtesy? Of course I have no objection, but if you lose face to our Chaotic Islands, then I, Mr. She Lang, can't sit idly by!"

After speaking, he glanced at the people of Dragon King Island again.

In the end, he looked at Long Ni and said, "I heard that the people from the Monster Beast Mountain Range were invited by your Dragon King Island? Is Dragon King Island going to change its gate and join the Monster Beast Mountain Range?"

Long Ni frowned, and said: "Mr. She Lang misunderstood, His Royal Highness Luo Luo is only here as a guest. Could it be that this is not allowed?"

There was a sneer on the corner of She Langjun's mouth: "Of course it's nothing, but... I still want to remind Miss Long, don't forget your identity. You are a human being in the Chaos Islands. You are protected by Emperor Longshan, but not by Fengming Mountain Cloud. God's protection!"

These words already sound like a warning.

Long Ni was slightly worried and didn't dare to say anything.

I don't want to offend the grandson of Emperor Swallowing Heaven again!

But Yun Luoluo became furious: "When will the snake become the dragon's home? Is the swallowing python going to become the master of Longshan Island?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone around them changed.

She Langjun's face darkened, and the energy ripples on his clothes suddenly expanded!
His gaze became even colder, and he said, "Do you think that you can play a role of sowing discord by saying these words? Hehe...then you are too underestimating our monster race in the Chaos Islands!"

"I don't dare to underestimate anyone. This girl is only in the realm of a high-level Daxuan Grandmaster. How dare you act wildly on this Longshan Island where there are so many experts? But you, why do you embarrass the little girl when you come here?" Yun Luoluo asked back. .

"I'm just reminding you to pay attention to your identity. Since you are a guest, then don't go off the rails, and don't try to interfere with the affairs of the Chaos Islands!"

After finishing speaking, She Langjun looked at Long Ni and said, "Miss Long, I have a question and I want to ask you!"

Long Ni frowned and said, "What does Mr. She Lang want to ask?"

"A while ago, a member of my tribe was killed by a human in the waters near Dragon King Island, and his partner was attacked by the dragon girl and that person when he was avenging him and chasing down the enemy. Is there such a thing?" She Langjun asked back.

Long Ni was silent.

She thought of the black water black snake that Chu Tianshu attacked together.

And Chu Tianshu seemed to have killed a female black snake first, even the body was swallowed by Yun Luoluo.

Judging by She Langjun's expression at this time, it is impossible to deny it.

Calm down a little.

Long Ni said: "Who killed your people, I don't know, I only know that there is a black water mysterious snake, trying to attack Longwei City on our Dragon King Island, I happened to be there at the time, as a human princess, How can I stand by and watch?"

"Hmph, sophistry, when I attacked Longwei City, I just chased and killed that ship and that human being!"

This sudden shout came from behind She Langjun.

A tall, burly man with dark skin and a pair of snake eyes stepped forward.

"Human, you probably never thought that I, Dahei, is just a pet raised by the owner, and there is still a chance to transform into a human form, right?"

The man showed killing intent and stared at Long Ni angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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