The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 593 Longyeon's 1 Hammer

Chapter 593 Longyuan's Hammer
"All of them can receive divine power? It's absolutely impossible!" Emperor Tuntian was taken aback.

How many believers does Sea God have?
How many of them can feel the Sea God?

How many of them can absorb the Seagod's power?

One in a million!

In the entire Chaos Islands, there are only a small number of high-ranking monster clans who are qualified to receive divine power.

Add up, it is estimated that there are less than ten!
It also includes the Three Great Xuan Emperors!
But Long Yuan said that anyone who believes in the God of Wealth can receive divine power and use it to enhance their combat effectiveness. Who would believe this?
Huang Xuanhai, who had been silent all this time, coughed twice.

Looking at Emperor Tuntian with a bit of awe in his eyes, he said: "Emperor, what Long Yuan said is true, anyone who believes in the God of Wealth can indeed receive divine power!"

"How do you know?" Emperor Tuntian frowned.

"My little great-great-great-grandson believes in the God of Wealth!" Huang Xuanhai replied.

"Huang Lang?"

Emperor Tuntian looked at Huang Lang in the crowd.

Huang Lang was standing on the ground right now, staring at the people in the sky.

Seeing Emperor Tuntian looking at him, he stepped forward and bowed and said: "Emperor Hui, it is true, anyone who believes in the God of Wealth can summon the power of the God of Wealth!"

"What if hundreds of millions of people summon together? The God of Wealth can also distract hundreds of millions?" Emperor Tuntian asked in disbelief.

"This... this junior is not clear, but... this junior knows that after Long Yuan summons the power of the God of Wealth, this junior can also receive the power of the God of Wealth!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Lang's aura rose rapidly.

Black energy enveloped him.

Gradually, an enlarged version of the beast form of a weasel was formed!
It has a long tail, bared teeth, and the hair on its body has also turned black, standing straight like steel needles.

Seeing his ferocious expression, even an ordinary Xuanzun would be in awe.

"Sure enough, it can also summon the power of the God of Wealth? Doesn't that mean that if there are other Xuan Emperors who believe in the God of Wealth, they can also have the power of the Xuan Emperor?" Emperor Tuntian said to himself.

Emperor Longshan looked at Huang Xuanhai.

Seeing this, Huang Xuanhai's heart trembled.

In today's Longshan Island, who doesn't know that the God of Wealth was brought here by Huang Lang?

Huang Lang is like a messenger who spreads faith, and he has been trying his best to recommend the God of Wealth to others!
Even Emperor Longshan entered the God of Wealth Realm because of the communication device in Huang Lang's hand.

How could Emperor Longshan not suspect that Huang Xuanhai secretly believed in the God of Wealth?

With Huang Xuanhai's cultivation in the Xuanhuang period, once he believes in the God of Wealth and receives divine power, he can 100% have the fighting power of Xuandi level.

It will inevitably pose a huge challenge to Emperor Longshan's rule!
"Not good!" Huang Xuanhai groaned inwardly.

If Emperor Longshan suspected him, then the Huang family's fate would be in danger.

However, he knew better that even if he explained it himself, the Great Emperor Longshan would never believe it.

Unless he can kill his relatives righteously and kill Huang Lang with his own hands.

He glanced at Huang Lang again.

Huang Lang was in the state of a monster at this time, with a pair of mouse eyes, turning around. After looking at Huang Xuanhai, he guessed a lot about the inner activities of his ancestor.

His body trembled unexpectedly, and he began to back away slowly.

Others have a way out, but he, Huang Lang, doesn't.

He was originally reborn after death, once he abandons the God of Wealth, he will only be lost!

Seeing this, Huang Yan hurried forward and said, "Grandfather, please give Huang Lang another chance!"

Huang Xuanhai shook his head, and said: "Sea God and God of Wealth, there can only be one left. My Huang family has believed in Sea God for tens of thousands of years, and I have been receiving the protection of Sea God. How can I change my family easily? Huang Lang, you are already dead. , explode your body now, and return your soul to the God of Wealth Realm, don't let me do it!"

"Old Ancestor, why? The God of the Sea has not rejected the arrival of the God of Wealth. People from the Chaos Islands, who dare to be the Lord of the God of the Sea?" Huang Lang asked back.

"Hmph, don't make excuses, but, in order to let you rest in peace after death, I will personally ask Seagod, Patriarch!"

After Huang Xuanhai finished speaking, he also landed from mid-air and knelt down in front of the Poseidon statue.

In the eyes of everyone, he touched his head to the ground and kowtowed three times in a row!
He just opened his mouth and said: "God of the Sea, please explain to your believers whether you plan to expel the believers of the God of Wealth, and expel everything left by the God of Wealth here!"

Sea God was indifferent.

There is no response.

This also confused everyone.

Huang Xuanhai rolled his eyes and asked, "Benevolent and great Sea God, if you want to expel the God of Wealth, please calm down the turbulent sea ahead!"

Everyone looked towards the sea.

The sea is not calm, although it is not rough, but the waves can be regarded as ups and downs!
The roar of waves beating against the rocks could be heard constantly from the shore.

Wait a long time!

The sea did not calm down.

Huang Xuanhai was overjoyed, bowed his head again, and stood up.

He said to Emperor Longshan: "Emperor, you have also seen that the Sea God does not want to expel the followers of the God of Wealth!"

Emperor Longshan frowned, naturally a little dissatisfied with Huang Xuanhai's actions.

Who doesn't know that Sea God likes to sleep?

What if Seagod didn't hear this?
Of course it will do nothing!
But among the believers, the Sea God is omnipotent, and he, Long Shan, dare not say that the Sea God is sleeping.

"You step aside first, the matter of the disciples of the Sea God will be resolved later!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Longshan stepped out of the air and came to Longyuan, who was transformed into a dragon.

The black dragon is [-] meters long, surrounded by black clouds and mist under its four claws, and a faint black air is released from its pair of dragon eyes.

Emperor Longshan raised his head and let out a dragon chant.

The body stretched slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it also turned into a giant dragon.

The body length is also a full hundred meters, and the red dragon scales are shining brightly under the light.

Its body shape is bigger and taller than that of the black dragon.

Long Wei is even worse.

Comparing the two, it is obvious that Long Yuan is at a disadvantage.

Long Yuan said: "The Great Emperor really won't leave a way for us Dragon King Island people to survive?"

"I once gave you a way to live, but unfortunately, you don't want to cherish it and suffer death..."


Emperor Longshan uttered a dragon chant, his body turned into a red afterimage, and flew towards Longyuan.

The huge dragon claw, like a five-finger mountain, crushed through the air.

Longyuan didn't move!

But in his dragon claws, suddenly there was a black sledgehammer.

Under the blessing of black energy, the dragon claws counterattacked against the dragon's palm like a sky plate.


The sound is deafening and earth-shattering!

Huge shock waves suddenly scattered in the void, tearing the air and sending out ear-piercing screams.

Looking at Emperor Longshan again, that huge body flew upside down.

Long Yuan also fell from midair to the surface of the sea.

Standing on the sea with both feet, staring at the Emperor Longshan who was still going away.

This scene shocked everyone.

Emperor Tuntian couldn't help but gasp.

Emperor Longshan is at the peak of Xuandi realm.

He has a higher level of cultivation than the Heaven Swallowing Emperor, even if Long Yuan received the divine power and reached the level of the junior Xuan Emperor, he could not be Long Shan's opponent.

However, why at this time Longshan couldn't stand Longyuan's hammer?

(End of this chapter)

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