The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 613 Giant Ant

Chapter 613 Giant Ant
The purple-black giant ants are each as big as a human fist, and their defensive power may be comparable to that of a third-level monster.

But they are strong in group strength, this large group covers an area of ​​hundreds of meters.

The number is estimated to be in the millions.

I don't know how those human Xuanzun offended them, and where they were released from.

While running, he was still attacking backwards.

Although it is possible to kill ten or eight occasionally, for such a large group, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

I can only run away crazily!
Millions of giant ants were chasing after them, and houses and buildings were crushed wherever they passed.

There are also some wooden beams, furniture and other things that were eaten away in an instant.

"I go……"

Chu Tianshu was also stunned.

Although he had also seen a group of monster beasts, he had never seen such a terrifying group of monster ants.

Each one is comparable to a third-level monster, how much food do they need to feed them?
"I don't know if these giant ants can swim. If they can, once they leave the secret realm, the entire Chaos Islands will be unlucky. Even the demon emperor will feel his scalp go numb when he sees it."

Thinking of this, Chu Tianshu didn't dare to stay here anymore, but turned around and ran in another direction.

However, what made him depressed was that those Xuanzun were also galloping towards him.

In desperation, Chu Tianshu could only change direction again.

But those Xuanzun seemed to recognize him, and they still followed behind.

"Are you determined to eat me?"

Chu Tianshu opened the formation, and with the help of the ejection force of the formation, jumped up.

With three or two strokes, the few people behind were pulled away.

However, his performance surprised the five Xuanzun behind him.

"He can jump that high? His cultivation must be stronger than ours, everyone shout!"

"Yes, call together, senior, help!"

"Senior, hurry up and save us, there will be great rewards in the future!"

They can only shuttle on low roofs and walls, and their speed is not much faster than those giant ants.

Most importantly, several people are already scarred.

It seems that there has been a big battle.

Now, it is the end of the road.

"Senior, we are under the sect of Emperor Longshan, as long as you save us, the emperor will definitely reward you!"

Chu Tianshu, who was running, was also stunned after hearing their shouts.

Are they the ones who came in early?

Maybe save it, and I can figure out the specific situation here.

Thinking of this, Chu Tianshu slowed down.

One five people, four men and one woman.

They should all be descendants of the Transformation Monster Clan, on the surface they are not much different from humans!

However, when this group of people sensed Chu Tianshu's realm, they immediately showed disappointment.

"It's just a high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster?" One of the elders frowned.

"Boy, are you a human race? Why are you here?" Another person asked.

"Don't ask me so much, do you want to live?"

"Nonsense, of course I want to live!"

While speaking, he turned his head and looked back.

The giant ants were only three to forty meters away from them.

Moreover, some giant ants have already begun to spit out green liquid.

After falling to the ground, even masonry can be corroded quickly.

"Is this supposed to be super strong formic acid?" Chu Tianshu was also stunned by this scene.

"Boy, can you save us?"

"Of course, as long as you believe in the God of Wealth, I can send you to the God of Wealth Realm!"

"The God of Wealth? The god that the Huang family turns to? Are you a believer in the God of Wealth?"

"That's right, if you want to survive, this is the only chance you have. Think about it carefully, I will only give you three breaths of time!"

"Why did you send us to the God of Wealth? You need to give up your body?"

"Of course not, I guarantee that you are intact, believe it or not, you decide for yourself!"

"Stop talking so much nonsense, hurry up, how do you believe in the God of Wealth?"

Chu Tianshu shook his hands and threw a communication device to each of the five people.

"You should know how to use it, right? Inject spiritual power into it, enter the God of Wealth Realm in a dream, and then receive some stars, and pray that God of Wealth will bring your physical body into the God of Wealth Realm together, and you can escape from this terrifying place!" Chu Tianshu said .

"But, we can't be distracted now, otherwise, the giant ants behind will catch up!"

"I can help you support for a few more seconds, hurry up!"

Chu Tianshu opened the formation, covering these five people together in the energy shield.

Seeing this, the five people were also very surprised.

But he also knew that he had no other choice, otherwise, he would have to die.

Without the slightest hesitation, he entered the God of Wealth Realm directly in his dream.

Chu Tianshu led their souls to the statue of the God of Wealth.

Quick star!
Then, he patted the shoulders of five people with his hands.

All five people were included in the God of Wealth Realm.

Forcing them to point stars is naturally to make it easier to control them.

If the five Xuanzun were outside, how could it be so easy to surrender?
Almost after finishing everything, the giant ants approached.

Formic acid first hit the energy shield like a sharp arrow.

Such a powerful energy was also corroded so quickly that it could be penetrated in less than ten seconds.

This also surprised Chu Tianshu even more.

The energy shield suddenly expanded, and the body was bounced up again.

Before his body fell to the ground, he used the illusion clone technique.

The deity is hidden.

Let the avatar attract this group of giant ants and run wildly into the distance.

After the giant ants passed by, Chu Tianshu's true self was revealed in a corner.


A lame giant ant happened to pass by.

After seeing Chu Tianshu, it stopped.

A pair of tentacles swayed, as if to send a message to other companions.

But Chu Tianshu directly used the formation energy shield to imprison him.

Later, it was also included in the God of Wealth Realm.

After coming here, Chu Tianshu can easily tame him.

Hypnotize, dream, order stars!
After taking out its soul, Chu Tianshu wanted to communicate with it, but found that this ant is a fool.

Even if tamed, it cannot communicate with humans.

It is estimated that the IQ can only be compared with that of a one or two-year-old child.

One question and three questions, even the soul message seems to be incomprehensible.

"I'm going... so stupid, how did you become demons?" Chu Tianshu was very depressed.

He could only ask the five rescued Xuanzun about the situation.

The five Xuanzun were also looking at everything around them in amazement.

After some exclamations, he was also full of praise for the God of Wealth.

"How many people, what's going on? What about the other people who came in? Didn't Emperor Longshan say there were 20 people?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"I guess they're all dead!" the leading elder and strong man sighed.

"How did you die?"

"How else can we die? There is no exit here at all. The group of giant ants was released after we unintentionally opened a formation. There are eight of us in this group, three of them died, and five of us are left." , if I hadn’t met you, I would have died too, as for the others, we separated after entering, so it’s probably more or less ominous!”

"Why are these giant ants so terrifying?" Chu Tianshu asked in surprise.

"They are not ordinary giant ants, they may be the legendary Zerg!"

"Zerg?" Chu Tianshu heard of this name for the first time.

"Well, there is also a Zerg List on the Middle-Earth Continent. Creatures with ancient bloodlines like this one are small in size, don't transform into shapes, and don't practice. They can improve their cultivation by devouring them all, and their bloodline level can be unlimited. The growing demon worms are all zergs, and according to legend, the real dragon is a kind of zergs, which evolved from zergs!"

Another person also said: "I also know something about this. This giant ant has some similarities with the top 20 powerful King Kong ants. If they are really them, they will be terrifying. The purple-black King Kong ants, They are still in their infancy, if they turn golden, they will be considered mature, I just hope they are not, otherwise, the entire secret realm will suffer, and they will eat up everything!"


(End of this chapter)

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