The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 705 Star Universe

Chapter 705 Star Universe
Seeing Chu Tianshu nod his head, Hu Buhui became excited again.

He said, "Then how can I sign a contract with this planet? How can I become an envoy of God?"

"Swear to the God of Wealth, dedicate your whole life to the God of Wealth, never betray, obey the precepts set by the God of Wealth..."

Before Chu Tianshu finished speaking, Hu Buhui raised his hand, and made an oath with the huge white star on his face.

"I, Hu Buhui, swear to the God of Wealth, dedicate my life to the God of Wealth, never betray, and abide by the precepts set by the God of Wealth..."

In fact, Bai Xing was transformed by Chu Tianshu's demons.

When others swear, it is tantamount to summoning their own inner demon, and blending this inner demon into Chu Tianshu's inner demon.

If Hu Buhui doesn't abide by the oath in the future, he will definitely be backlashed by the demons in his heart and be punished accordingly in the oath.

Chu Tianshu's inner demon world, as well as the black and white inner demons, have evolved to the current level, with the belief of [-] million living beings, and they have begun to be regulated and legalized.

It no longer only belonged to Chu Tianshu, but belonged to these [-] million creatures.

Swearing to Bai Xing is like making a promise to [-] million living beings. If you betray, you will definitely be cursed by the resentment of [-] million living beings.

The results speak for themselves.

After Hu Buhui finished his oath, he immediately felt that he had a wonderful connection with the God of Wealth Realm and this God of Wealth star.

It seemed that this little Fortuna star had become a part of his life.

From then on, it can no longer be divided, even after death, the soul will probably end up on this little God of Wealth star!

Moreover, he also discovered that he could already extract energy from the little God of Wealth at will.

You can even use this star to open the space door of the God of Wealth Realm and escape your body into the God of Wealth Realm!
In other words, he already has a certain ability to control space.

He is also proficient in light attribute spells such as dreamland and dreamworld.

This situation is not much different from that of Huang Lang who was recreated by Chu Tianshu.

Before, Long Ni and Long Juechen also possessed this ability through taking an oath.

And if there is no God of Wealth Realm and this little God of Wealth star, then these abilities will disappear immediately.

"So powerful!"

Hu Buhui raised his hand excitedly, and the surrounding light gathered, constantly changing its shape.

Hu Xianyue on the side also excitedly said: "Can I also swear?"

"What are you in such a hurry for? This little God of Wealth star is not guaranteed to exist!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

Hu Xianyue pursed her lips, pinched Chu Tianshu's sleeve with her index finger and thumb, and shook it coquettishly: "Brother Tianshu, why don't you give someone a star too?"

Chu Tianshu shivered, and from the corner of his eye, he also looked at Ji Ruxin.

As expected, Ji Ruxin gave him a dark look, but she helped to explain: "For this matter, everyone should go to the housekeeper Liu Feifei!"

"Yes, I'm looking for Sister Feifei!" Everyone was excited.

The words just fell off!
Liu Feifei had already appeared in the sight of everyone.

She turned towards the huge Fortuna star with a diameter of [-] miles, and grabbed it from the air.

A barren area, an area with a diameter of a hundred miles, was split.

Then it condensed into a ball, floated up, and rushed into the night sky.

It is still hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Great God of Fortune.

But generally speaking, they are all around the blue moon.

Afterwards, under the mobilization of Liu Feifei, the little Fortuna stars rushed into the sky.

Count them, thirty in total!

But for the Great God of Wealth, which is seven thousand miles away, it is not too much missing.

And everyone has already been shocked by the small planets rising into the sky.

Everyone sighed at Liu Feifei's strength.

On the contrary, he no longer worships Chu Tianshu, the real owner of the God of Wealth Realm.

Even Chu Tianyang thought that Liu Feifei was the real envoy, and Chu Tianshu's status here should be far inferior to Liu Feifei.

"If you can all make an oath, these planets can all be yours. In the future, you will all be star masters. As for how big this star will become in the future, and whether it can be as prosperous as the Great Fortune Star, it's all up to you !" Liu Feifei said.

"Boss, are you saying that this star can grow bigger in the future?" Everyone was surprised.

"That's right, after you sign the contract, you will be envoys of the gods. Your main task is to help the God of Wealth spread the faith so that all the creatures in the world can hear the gospel of the God of Wealth. The more creatures you convey, the better your planet will be." The bigger it is, the more energy you can attract in the future!" Liu Feifei explained.

"I understand, this small planet is like the wealth that the God of Wealth gave us to start a family. How much we earn in the future, and how we develop, depends on ourselves!" Hu Buhui said.

"It can be said that this is your own country, how to plan and how to take care of it is entirely up to you!"

"Haha... Thank you, Chief Steward, I plan to turn my planet into a big ship, soaring in this endless night sky!" Hu Buhui said excitedly.

Liu Feifei's face sank: "You think too much, there is a great danger in the dark place where the moonlight cannot shine, if you break in randomly, it will definitely swallow you up, no one can save you except God of Wealth !"

"What? Will it still be like this?" Cold sweat broke out on Hu Buhui's forehead.

"Could it be that the butler can't control that black energy?" Liao Qiange asked beside him.

Liu Feifei shook her head: "No, although some of you have summoned black energy before, it was also obtained the attention and permission of the God of Wealth, but the God of Wealth cannot always pay attention to you. In addition, the God of Wealth does not want to be And let you fall into crisis, it is estimated that it will be difficult for you to mobilize the black energy in the future, and you can only use the white light energy in this little Fortuna star!"

"I understand, hehe, don't worry, Chief Steward, none of us are greedy people, and being able to become envoys and star masters is already a blessing from previous lives!" Hu Buhui said with a smile.

"Can I swear to the God of Wealth now?" Hu Xianyue said impatiently.

"Yes!" Liu Feifei nodded.

"Let's all go together!" Long Juechen took the lead and said.

In fact, he had already made an oath, and he didn't need to swear at all at this time, but for the sake of fairness, he still did it.

Even Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin raised their hands and swore together with everyone.

Only in this way will it give everyone a sense of fairness, and it can be regarded as a kind of psychological comfort for everyone.

Except for Hu Buhui, the remaining 28 people were all assigned a little white star after taking the oath.

Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin were no exception.

When the power of the black inner demon cannot be exposed in front of Ye Xuan and others, the white energy has become the key to life.

However, after the allocation was completed, Long Juechen smiled at Liu Feifei: "Boss, look, can you merge the planets of Xue Lingyun and me? We don't plan to separate in the future, even if we die." In the end, we plan to bury them together!"

Liu Feifei nodded: "Of course, after merging together, the energy you can summon may be even stronger. Of course, if you also pass on your faith in the future and lead believers to your planet, you will also You can't summon the energy in the planet casually, otherwise, it will also affect the believers, and at that time, you can also split the planet again!"

"Just like you are doing now, splitting the God of Wealth?" Xue Lingyun asked in surprise.

Liu Feifei nodded in approval.

Everyone froze.

In this way, wouldn't this God of Wealth star be able to split infinitely?

In the end, what will it look like?
And people like myself, wouldn't they all be able to dominate a galaxy in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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