The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 707 Encountered Attack

Chapter 707 Encountered Attack
Chu Tianshu looked at the excited Duo Duo, and asked with frowned eyebrows: "Duo Duo, what is the relationship between you and the reincarnated Pluto now? Can you tell me in detail?"

Dodo frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then said: "Brother, have you ever seen conjoined twins?"

Chu Tianshu nodded: "Yes!"

"The situation between me and her is like conjoined twins, but we have two heads and share one body!" Dodo replied.

"Then what if she wants to swallow your head?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Although I can't guess the specific purpose of the reincarnation Pluto, but I can sense it to some extent. She seems to have some thoughts about the Phoenix Divine Fire of human beings. Before she can get the Phoenix Divine Fire, she still has to use my soul and body. Form a symbiotic relationship with me!"

After Chu Tianshu heard this, he couldn't help raising his hand and stroked Duoduo's head.

A seven-year-old girl was supposed to be innocent, but Dodo was forced to go through so many things, which really made people feel distressed.

Perhaps feeling Chu Tianshu's heart, Dodo laughed again: "Brother, when I was in danger, I integrated the star you left in my sea of ​​consciousness into my soul. As long as you are still well, You can lend me strength, it will be very difficult for the Underworld God to fully integrate me, and she doesn't dare to cut off my head casually, otherwise, she herself will be injured, and maybe she will die because of it. die!"

After hearing this, Chu Tianshu's eyes lit up.

Even if it is a conjoined twin, how can the other half be removed casually?

Otherwise, the shared body will definitely be damaged!
The same is true for the soul.

Just like everyone has evil thoughts and good thoughts, can the evil thoughts be easily cut off?

"Let's go back to the management office first!"

Chu Tianshu led Duoduo, Ji Ruxin and Chen Yuanyuan by the hand, and disappeared here together.

As soon as they left, Hu Buhui sat down to meditate, began to control Little White Star, and transformed into a spaceship.

In an instant, it turned into a giant ship with a length of hundreds of miles and crystal clear.

But the trajectory of the giant wheel has not changed.

Standing on the deck, Hu Buhui said excitedly, "From now on, you will be called the Battleship Buhui, and you will carry the believers of the God of Wealth on the road to the eternal life of the soul!"


outside world!

Chu Tianshu had already opened his eyes, and the rest of them also came back from their dreams one after another.

They began to try to connect with their own white star, and summoned energy from it, pouring it into their bodies.

The tyrannical combat power also made them all excited.

After Chu Tianyang felt Bai Xing's energy, he also sighed: "No wonder the fourth brother was able to leapfrog me and beat me. It turns out that this is divine power, divine power!"

Actually, he didn't expect that Chu Tianshu would assign a white star to himself this time.

After all, he is very clear about what his mother did back then.

Murong Jiangyue once told him that the maid Murong Xue might have been killed by Chu Tianshu.

As for the reason, there is no need to ask.

"Forget it, when I go to the Central Continent, I will disappear from Chu Tianshu's sight!" Chu Tianyang thought to himself.

He knew that Chu Tianshu helped him only because of Chu Yanhong's face.

The blood connection will be cut no matter what!

But he also knew that Chu Tianshu hated himself and his biological mother Murong Jiangyue from the bottom of his heart.

I don't even want to see myself again.

This time!

In his mind, Ye Qingling's voice came: "Can I go to the God of Wealth Realm to have a talk?"

Chu Tianyang frowned.

For this woman who almost became his fiancée, he still has a deep grudge in his heart.

But he still entered the dream again and came to his own Tianyang star in the God of Wealth Realm.

A moment later, a ray of white light also flew over.

Ye Qingling's figure was revealed.

Chu Tianyang frowned and said, "What do you want to say?"

Ye Qingling took a slight breath and said, "I didn't promise to be engaged to you before, and I always wanted to find a chance to say sorry to you!"

But Chu Tianyang waved his hand: "Everyone has their own aspirations. You and I are not meant to be. Let's pretend that the engagement never happened. After we go to the Central Continent, we have to go our separate ways. I'm afraid the matter of children is even worse." It's possible!"

"I'm also very pleased that you can think about it, as long as you don't resent me, I will have one less thing on my mind!" Ye Qingling said.

"You're thinking too much. If it weren't for the many blows that happened before, I, Chu Tianyang, might not be able to go to Middle-earth with you, and I would probably still live in hatred!"

After saying this, Chu Tianyang found that the complaints about Ye Qingling in his heart had really disappeared.

Ye Qingling nodded, she found that Chu Tianyang seemed to have really changed.

He is no longer as domineering as before, but he is a little bit strong on the outside.

Now, he has become more composed.

If he was just a vanguard officer who charged into the battle before, then Chu Tianyang is now the marshal who strategizes.

"What do you think of your little God of Fortune?" Ye Qingling changed the subject.

"It's a bit like Daxuanzong's Qiankun Son-Mother Formation. The little God of Wealth star is the child star, and the place where the big steward is located is the mother star. There is only one mother star, but there can be infinite number of child stars. Of course, each child star has another There is a possibility of becoming a new parent star!"

"Such an expression is quite appropriate, but my goal is to enter the Phoenix Temple. I don't know if I have that opportunity. After I believe in the God of Wealth, will it be affected? If I am detected by the fire of the Phoenix God, I believe in other gods ..." Ye Qingling revealed a worried expression.

"Since you're worried, why didn't you tell Tianshu? I believe he won't force you!"

"No, if all 28 of you believe in the God of Wealth, but I don't, what will everyone think? I am from the Ye family, and they will definitely be worried. I will tell Ye Xuan and the others about this!"

Chu Tianyang frowned, but he didn't know what to say.

However, after a moment of silence, he still said: "I can't help you convey this matter to Tianshu. You should be clear about the matter between me and him. Although we are brothers, our relationship is not very good. I suggest You should tell the butler directly!"

Ye Qingling nodded: "Then... I will take my leave, thank you."

After she finished speaking, her figure also turned into light and flew towards her mother, God of Wealth.


However, before Ye Qingling found the head housekeeper Liu Feifei, she felt a huge shock coming from her body.

Subconsciously, she knew something was wrong, and hurriedly escaped her soul.


The sword ship outside has already been attacked again.

As if being pressed by a heavy object, he was forced to fall rapidly.

Everyone lay at the window and looked out. Unfortunately, the outside world was still pitch black, and they didn't know exactly what happened.

However, Ye Xuan's voice spread to every room, saying: "We were attacked by a skeleton bird at the peak of level six, and we are being forced to fall. Everyone, get ready to fight immediately, and be careful not to fall!"

The sixth-level peak is already equivalent to the Xuandi, the peak of human beings.

No wonder the sword boat can be forced to fall.

After a while.

A bigger earthquake came from the hull, accompanied by a loud noise: Boom!
The sword boat seemed to have landed, and was pressed to the ground by a huge force.

Outside, there was a huge skeleton bird with a wingspan of over a thousand meters, standing on the sword boat.

That pair of sharp claws grabbed the sword boat tightly.

The sharp beak was still pecking at the hull of the sword boat.

Every blow was like a heavy hammer attack, causing the eardrums of the people in the sword boat to swell and their blood to roll.

Strangely, after landing, the light became much brighter, and the fog was not as thick as it was at high altitude.

The people inside the sword boat can more or less clearly see some close-up scenery.

The bones here are dense, like a white ocean!

(End of this chapter)

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