Chapter 709

Ye Yutang glanced at Chu Tianshu and the others, and said, "Each of these two small sword boats can only hold 15 people at most, but now in a critical moment, everyone has to squeeze in. You 29 people , just divide up nine people and sit in a sword boat with us!"

After speaking, he raised his finger to Ye Qingling and the other women: "You girls, follow us, and you will be safer!"

Coincidentally, among the 30 people, there were exactly nine girls.

Ji Ruxin, Xue Lingyun, Hu Xianyue, Ye Qingling, Chen Yuyan, and four other girls that Chu Tianshu didn't know before!
However, the girls frowned.

With the Chen Yuanyuan incident before, who can easily trust Ye Yutang?
This peachy-eyed Xuanhuang is not a good thing.

Besides, now everyone and Chu Tianshu are advancing and retreating together, how can they be separated?

Ji Ruxin first said: "Senior Ye, I'm sorry, I will not be separated from my husband, even if we die, we will die together!"

After hearing this, Ye Yutang frowned immediately: "What about you?"

Xue Lingyun took Long Juechen's hand, bowed and said, "I'm sorry, Senior Ye, I can't be with you either!"

"Senior Ye, I will not be separated from my brother!" Hu Xianyue said.

Chen Yuyan also held Liao Qiange's arm. Although she didn't speak, her gaze had already told Ye Yutang the answer.

The other girls, even if they didn't have a partner yet, kept their heads down, unwilling to follow Ye Yutang.

This scene immediately made Ye Yutang furious, gritted his teeth and said with a sneer: "Hehehe... Okay, very good, since you guys are so ignorant of good people, let's die together, Sun Tianlu, you take them on the sword boat ,let's go!"

After speaking, the hatch at the stern of a sword boat opened, and Ye Yutang took the lead to get in.

The nine Xuanzun of the Tianji Chamber of Commerce followed behind.

Chu Tianshu and others looked at another Xuanhuang Sun Tianlu!

This person is also a high-level Xuanhuang, but he is much more low-key than Ye Yutang.

Along the way, he didn't speak much, and his sense of presence was very low.

However, Chu Tianshu and the others had a good impression of him, at least not as disgusting as Ye Yutang.

Sun Tianlu glanced at the crowd and said, "In this case, everyone, come with me. I hope we can all overcome the difficulties together and fly through the sea of ​​death fog safely!"

Everyone nodded and followed Sun Tianlu into another sword boat.

This sword ship is somewhat similar to the internal structure of the plane on the earth!

It is divided into two parts: the cab and the engine room.

Chu Tianshu and others were all in the cabin, there were only fifteen seats, and the rest could barely squeeze.

But Sun Tianlu, alone, got into the front cab.

The cockpit door was closed, and the people in the cabin could not see how Sun Tianlu operated the sword boat.

The sword boat is sealed, there are no windows, and everything outside cannot be seen.

Even the spiritual power was isolated.

This may also be to prevent external psychic attacks.

But in this way, everyone has a sense of depression and crisis.


The engine room shook violently, and the sword boat soared into the sky.

The three great emperors also poured the energy of their bodies into the two sword boats, and pushed them away from the coverage of the energy gold mountain at an accelerated rate.

When approaching the edge of the golden mountain, the energy golden mountain suddenly exploded and turned into countless golden lightsabers, attacking all around wildly.

At this time, the two sword ships burst out with golden light, turning into hundreds of similar sword ships like fission.

This scene also made the attacking skeleton monster a little at a loss.

They couldn't tell which one was the main body of the sword ship.

The dazzling golden light also obstructs their vision, and the bursting golden mountain emperor can also disturb the mental power, making it more difficult for skeleton monsters to distinguish between real and fake.

Only the high-altitude Lady Bone was still using arrows to target Ye Xuan and the others.

At the same time that Jinshan Emperor's face was shattered, the arrow had already shot out, approaching Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan is also a high-ranking Emperor Xuandi, and he is protected by holy-level armor, and even the secret eye is temporarily withdrawn by him.

There was a gap between the eyebrows, and colorful rays of light shone out.

In an instant, he met the bone arrow, and a brighter light erupted.

The bone arrow shrinks rapidly, but is still moving forward.

Seeing the light of the secret eye, the bone arrow could not be stopped, but the other two Xuan Emperors slapped Ye Xuan on the shoulder.

The profound energy in the body was poured into Ye Xuan's body.

This also made Ye Xuan's eyes of secrets shine brightly, causing the bone arrow to shrink at a faster speed, and the speed of advancement became slower and slower.

Finally, when the tip of the bone arrow was about one meter away from Ye Xuan, it completely disappeared.

The three Xuan Emperors were all afraid for a while.

Just a little bit, Ye Xuan's body was about to be attacked.

The high-altitude Mrs. Bones has already drawn her bow and shot an arrow again.

This time, she shot two arrows at the same time, but the target she attacked was not Ye Xuan, but the two fleeing sword ships.

Those skeleton creatures couldn't tell where the sword boat's real body was, but the bone lady in the semi-holy realm could.

Arrows come first!

On target.


The two sword ships were hit by ten-meter-long arrows in different places, and one of the ships was directly penetrated.

The arrow fell into it.

And this ship was exactly what Chu Tianshu and the others were riding on.

The arrow flew into the cabin without weakening its attack power, and it was about to hit Ye Qingling.

Chu Tianshu raised his hand and swiped in the void.

The space door of the God of Wealth Realm was opened, and the arrow sank into the God of Wealth Realm, failing to hit Ye Qingling.

Ye Qingling broke out in a cold sweat, and looked at Chu Tianshu gratefully.

Chu Tianshu also just nodded slightly, and did not speak.

However, the hull was pierced by arrows, and a large hole with a diameter of half a meter was punched out.

Huge suction came in from the outside.

This also caused the flying speed of the sword boat to decrease rapidly.

Coupled with the heavy blow of the arrow just now, the sword boat has been forced to change the direction of flight.

But if that's the case, relying on the strength of Chu Tianshu and others, they can stabilize the sword boat.

After all, the internal structure and formation of the sword boat did not suffer much damage.

However, to everyone's surprise, a muffled sound suddenly came from the original position of the cabin.

This sword ship was split into two, which belonged to the position of the driver's cab. It broke away from the hull and flew towards the sky at a faster speed.

Sun Tianlu ran away.

The sword ship with only the cabin left is like an airplane that has lost its engine, completely hopeless.

"Damn it, this Sun Tianlu is not a good guy!" Chu Tianshu was furious.

The rest of the people also frowned.

"There is no other way, everyone first enter the God of Wealth Realm, and I will handle the outside world!"

After Chu Tianshu finished speaking, he opened the door of space again.

Everyone didn't dare to hesitate, and entered in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, only Chu Tianshu was left here.

The cabin fell to the ground and was severely deformed!

At the same time, another sword boat that Ye Yutang and others were riding on was suddenly covered with a layer of golden armor in the form of fish scales when it was attacked by the sword boat.

Like a protective shield, it blocks the arrows.

The arrow pushed the sword boat, flew forward rapidly, and kept drilling into the protective shield!
Although the arrow finally broke through the protective shield and nailed it to the hull, it did not penetrate the hull, nor did it damage the internal structure.

The sword boat quickly stabilized its figure and accelerated to fly forward.

In the blink of an eye, he was out of the attack range of Mrs. Bone.

Ye Xuan and the other three, who were still facing Madam Bone below, also fled after launching multiple attacks in a row!
Madam Bone was naturally unwilling to let the three of them go, so she stepped on the skeleton bird and chased after it again.

(End of this chapter)

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