The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 729 Details of the Continent

Chapter 729 Details of the Continent
Hu Xianyue said: "Lord Ye, can you tell us about the Central Continent? Let's make some mental preparations first!"

"Alright, the Central Continent is much larger than the Eastern Continent, with a radius of no less than 3000 million miles. It can be divided into eight domains. We humans live in the Flame Domain to the east. The reason why it is called the Flame Domain is because of the Phoenix Divine Fire. , a radius of one or two million miles is ruled by us humans, and the population is estimated to be more than ten billion!"

"Ten billion?" Chu Tianshu was shocked.

The entire Eastern Continent has only [-]-[-] million humans.

But there are tens of billions in the Central Continent?

How powerful is this?

How many heroes can be drawn?

No wonder the people here look down on Donglu people.

"Yes, tens of billions was just a number decades ago, and it must be more now. The center of the Flame Domain is Phoenix Mountain. The Phoenix Temple on Phoenix Mountain is the holy place for all human beings. In name, it commands all races. In fact, they don’t care much about the affairs of the world, and the management of human beings mainly depends on the five human holy kingdoms, and the location of our Ye family belongs to one of them called Feiyun holy kingdom!"

"Is there a saint in Feiyun Holy Kingdom?" Hu Buhui asked.

"Anyone who dares to call himself a holy country must have a saint in charge. There are two holy saints in Feiyun Holy Kingdom. In addition to Ye Daozi from our Ye family, there is also a mysterious holy man named He Yunshan. Both of them have Lived for more than 800 years!"

"Then He Yunshan won't be the emperor of Feiyun Kingdom?"

"That's right, the emperors of the Holy Kingdom are not called emperors, but saints. They are all in the realm of Xuansheng!"

"Then who is stronger, Ye Sheng or He Yunshan from your Ye family?"

"He Yunshan!"

"Among the humans in the Central Continent, how many Profound Sages and Great Sages are there?"

"One Jiazi year ago, there were thirteen Profound Sages and five Great Sages. I don't know now. The number must be more. However, the numbers on the surface are not credible. No one knows how many masters are hidden inside, and they usually won't show up until the time of human crisis!" Ye Qianji said.

Everyone nodded slightly.

Also keep asking questions.

Chu Tianshu became a good student, listened carefully, and asked some questions that he cared about from time to time.


Through Ye Qianji's explanation, Chu Tianshu also had a general understanding of the situation in the Central Continent.

The human organization structure here is not much different from that in Donglu.

The peak power is naturally the Temple of the Phoenix, where the masters of the Great Sage level are basically concentrated.

It is also they who are guarding the sacred object of mankind: the Phoenix Divine Fire.

Under the temple, there are the five most powerful human holy kingdoms, and there are also Xuansheng sitting in the city.

They occupy the most extensive and fertile lands.

The population is naturally the largest!
Under the Holy Kingdom, there are major empires, and the rulers generally have the realm of Emperor Xuan, and are also called Great Emperors.

There are now more than fifty empires in the Central Continent.

There are also major kingdoms under the empire, and the Xuanhuang usually sits in the royal family.

The lowest principalities are generally ruled by the Xuanzun family!
Quantities are hard to pin down and are not fixed.

Regardless of the principality, kingdom, empire, or holy country, their allegiance is only to the Phoenix Temple.

There is no dependent relationship between countries.

Conflicts between countries are generally decided by the Phoenix Temple!

Of course, there are often such things as strong countries bullying small countries.

There is no absolute justice in the world.

Holy nations and empires, in general, are relatively stable.

They are also passed on from family to world.

But the kingdom and principality are a bit chaotic, and it feels a bit like an aristocratic city-state system.

Basically, when a king falls, he will be replaced by another Xuanzun and Xuanhuang with higher cultivation and stronger family power!
There is a tradition in the Central Continent, as long as a practitioner reaches a corresponding level of cultivation, swears allegiance to the Temple of the Phoenix, and after performing tasks and earning corresponding points, he will have the opportunity to be bestowed a corresponding title by the Temple of the Phoenix.

You can open up your own territory, gather people together, and establish your own country.

As for how to develop, it depends entirely on individual ability.

As a result, many principalities and kingdoms in remote areas have only one or two castles and some nearby residents.

There are even a few hundred or a few thousand people!

There are also a lot of kingdoms with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Even if you are just a Grandmaster, as long as you swear allegiance to the Phoenix Temple, you will have a chance to be awarded the title of Earl.

Be attached to a certain kingdom or principality, and then open up your own earldom in the unowned land and become a lord.

All in all, the regime here is completely aristocratic.

Because the area is vast, the terrain is complex, mountains and rivers are densely covered, and there are often beasts and spirits hidden in it, so most of the residents also gather in cities or villages and towns fortresses.

Like Donglu, two or three families dare to live in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests, which is almost non-existent here.

Because it won't be long before there will be no bones left.

After hearing these explanations, everyone became excited again.

Hu Buhui smiled and said, "Doesn't this mean that all of us can become lords?"

"Hehe... You seem to be thinking too much. In your state, go to a barren area to open up a territory? I estimate that you can't live for three days. Besides, the title is not something that you can have, you must have a certain amount of merit! "Ye Qianji laughed.

Hu Buhui rolled his eyes: "Lord Ye, can you tell me about the Hu family? My mother said that our Hu family is on the Central Continent side, and we still have some skills, so I'd better go to the ancestral land to practice! "

"The Hu family, that is, the Fox family, among the five holy kingdoms of mankind, is the only one with a half-demon body, and is the ruler of the Heavenly Fox Holy Kingdom!"

"A half-demon body? Why do humans allow a country with a half-demon body to integrate into humans?"

"Because the rulers of the Heavenly Fox Holy Kingdom chose to be loyal to the Phoenix Temple, believe in the Phoenix Divine Fire, and take it as their duty to protect mankind. They also have human blood in their bodies. The ancestor of the Hu family is one of the six great saints of the Phoenix Temple. They have long been It has integrated into our human beings!"

"I'll go, our Hu family is so powerful?" Hu Buhui was excited.

"It's really powerful. Even the Ye family is very afraid of the members of the Hu family!"

"Is the Holy Fox Kingdom far from here that day? I think we don't have to stay here to wait for Ye Xuan and the others. We might as well fly directly to the Holy Fox Heaven. I will protect everyone in the future!" Hu Buhui patted himself chest way.

Everyone's eyes brightened, after all, they were not very interested in the members of the Ye family.

Especially Ye Yutang, even Chu Tianshu wanted to crush him to death.

If Tianhu Holy Kingdom can accept his group of people, why bother taking risks in the Ye family?
Ye Qianji replied: "It's not too far away, it's next to the Feiyun Holy Kingdom, it's only about 50 miles away, but during this period, you still need to fly a lot of monster mountain ranges, don't think that humans gather here in a radius of 200 miles In the area of ​​thousands of miles, I feel that there are only humans here, but in fact, in many places, demons and ghosts are mixed together!"

"That is to say, there is me in you, and you in me, and there are often fights between each other?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Well, the most important thing is that in the Tianhu Holy Kingdom, most of the human beings are half-demon. They mainly focus on body training, and most of you are pure human beings. If you can enter the Daxuan Academy to practice profound energy , is the most suitable!" Ye Qianji said.

(End of this chapter)

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