Chapter 806
The appearance of Xiangxiang, an elf the size of a thumb, also attracted everyone's attention.

In particular, the fragrance emanating from her body, even taking a sip, gives people a feeling of blood boiling and fighting power soaring.

Some people with a bloodline body can't help arousing the power of bloodline.

Long Ni, who was the closest, turned into a golden dragon and soared into the sky.

Even for those Xuanxiu who don't have a bloodline body, the Xuanqi seeds in their bodies seem to become more vigorous, the growth speed is accelerating, and the Xuanqi they spit out is also increasing rapidly.

They immediately sat cross-legged and began to inhale heavily, urging the seeds of profound energy to spit out more profound energy.

Chu Tianshu naturally felt the same, but because of his higher cultivation, he didn't react as strongly as everyone else.

But he still carefully analyzed this scene.

It seems that Xiangxiang has the effect of enhancing everyone's combat power and speeding up everyone's practice.

But if you encounter those monsters, or Xuanxiu with extremely high cultivation, it may not be a good thing.

They must find a way to eat Xiangxiang or take it for themselves.

Invisibly, this also added a lot of danger to Xiangxiang.

But Xiangxiang herself, as if she didn't realize it, still ate her peaches with relish.

Maybe it was because they were too small, and one of them burped before finishing eating.

The little belly is bulging.

She patted her stomach and said, "Papa, I'm full!"

"Is this enough to eat? You are too easy to raise, right?" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"That's right, they are easy to raise!"

She turned her head and looked around, seeing that everyone was practicing silently, she wondered again: "Papa, what's wrong with them?"

"Isn't it because of you, the smell from your body is very good for everyone's practice!"

"Really? Should I release some more pollen?" Xiangxiang asked.

"Is there any harm to you?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"No, at worst, eat more food and make up for it. However, pollen is not as good as Xiangxiang's tears!" Xiangxiang said innocently.

"Tears are your flower dew and your flower tears, but Dad doesn't allow you to cry casually, you know?"

"Yeah!" Xiangxiang nodded seriously: "Then dad, do you want me to release the pollen?"

"Is there really no problem?"

Xiangxiang nodded again.

"What realm are you now?" Chu Tianshu asked.

Xiangxiang tilted her head, thought carefully, and then said: "If it is divided according to the level in Dad's mind, Xiangxiang should be regarded as the peak Xuanhuang now!"

"Peak Xuanhuang?" Chu Tianshu was shocked.

"That's right, Xiangxiang's mother is equivalent to the peak Xuanhuang, she gave me all the energy, plus the power bestowed on me by my father's world, I should be slightly stronger than the peak Xuanhuang!"

"So, don't you mean you are half-step Xuandi?" Chu Tianshu was even more surprised.

"It shouldn't be much different!"

"Then how do you improve your cultivation?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"My mother told me to bask in the sun more. If I can get the nourishment of the Phoenix Divine Fire, that would be even better!"

Chu Tianshu pondered.

This fragrance is really different. It is natural for plants to bask in the sun, but how can there be plants that dare to use Phoenix Divine Fire to nourish them?It is estimated that once encountered, it will be roasted and withered by the powerful flames!

However, Xiangxiang is definitely not wrong in saying this. If there is a chance, she still needs to let her bathe in the Phoenix Divine Fire. At that time, she may be able to become Emperor Xuan directly.

And if there is an extra Emperor Xuan by his side, even if it is placed in the Central Continent, it can be regarded as a considerable force.

Of course, if he was really in danger, Chu Tianshu would not be willing to let Xiangxiang help him against the enemy.

Xiangxiang regards him as his father, and he indeed regards Xiangxiang as his daughter.

"Do you need to practice any exercises?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously again.

Xiangxiang shook her head: "I don't need it!"

Chu Tianshu nodded slightly, guessing that the elves should be the same as the Zerg, and they don't need to practice at all, they just need to "eat".

Of course, Xiangxiang must be protected in the future, and it is best not to let too many people know of her existence.

Even if she has half a step of Xuandi's combat power, she is still not safe on the Middle Earth Continent.

If those saints and great saints knew that she was transformed by the golden sun flower that bloomed for 10 years, they would definitely find a way to refine her.

"Is the elixir useful to you?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously again.

"Yes, according to my father's memory, the elixir should be made from precious medicinal materials, and it is also very helpful for Xiangxiang!"

"Okay, here's the Emperor Spirit Pill for you!" Chu Tianshu flipped his hands over and pulled out an Emperor Spirit Pill that Emperor Mosang once gave him.

Seeing this, Xiangxiang was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly took it, saying, "Thank you, Dad!"

After speaking, she directly put it in her mouth.

After waiting for a while, Chu Tianshu saw that Xiangxiang hadn't moved, and asked curiously, "Don't you need to practice?"

"No need, the elixir is in the body, just absorb it slowly, I believe, it will reach Emperor Xuan soon!"

"It's really amazing, Xiangxiang, may you accept Dad's star?" Chu Tianshu asked.

Xiangxiang nodded: "It should be possible!"

"Then dad will order a star for you now, and build a bigger white star for you in the God of Wealth Realm as your home!"

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he infiltrated his soul power into Xiangxiang's body.

With this touch, Chu Tianshu finally discovered the difference between Xiangxiang.

She didn't have the unique blood of living beings, but a combination of pure soul power and energy.

There is no sea of ​​consciousness in her body at all.

Chu Tianshu's star pointing technique can be applied to any part of her body at will.

After a little hesitation, Chu Tianshu placed the star on her forehead, which was shaped like a five-petaled flower.

Usually it can be hidden, but once activated, it will appear on the surface of the body.

And with Xiangxiang's body structure, even if others seal off the space, they can't stop her from entering the God of Wealth Realm.

Just like when Chu Tianshu first entered the secret realm, he couldn't open the space channel, but he could still receive the power of inner demon from the God of Wealth Realm.

As a soul energy body, Xiangxiang will be more free.

Even Chu Tianshu guessed that Emperor Xuan might not be able to catch up with Xiangxiang's speed.

After pointing the star, Chu Tianshu split a new little white star from the God of Wealth star.

Its diameter has reached five hundred miles, and its volume is even larger than Chu Tianshu's own little white star.

After the two parties established contact, Xiangxiang immediately felt the magic of astrology and little white star.

As soon as the divine mind moved, it disappeared, and then suddenly appeared in front of Chu Tianshu.

She waved the petal-like golden wings on her back, releasing a colorful aura like pollen.

Spiritual light scattered in the valley.

Those who were originally practicing, etc., became excited again.

Some of the Xuanxiu who were trapped in the bottleneck suddenly broke through.

Even Chu Tianshu himself felt the power of the blood in his body, which was revolving rapidly, and the blue moon, which was the seed of profound energy, became much bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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