Chapter 815
This was also the first time that Chu Tianshu had beheaded a junior Xuanhuang with his own strength.

Thinking back to when he was in Baiyun City, even with a gravity stone in his hand, he didn't have the guts to fight Yuhuang Baikong.

But now, he feels that he has the strength to fight.

Even if you can't win, with so many trump cards, you can still protect yourself!
If the enemy is only the middle-level Xuanhuang, Chu Tianshu is confident that he can draw with the opponent without exposing the artifact.

And Bai Fei, who saw all this in his eyes, felt awe in his heart.

Although she had seen the battle between Chu Tianshu and the Pearl Queen, it couldn't compare to the shock it gave her now.

She couldn't see the illusion, she could only see that Chu Tianshu killed the junior Xuanhuang of the Yu Clan that day with a single sword strike.

You know, all the people of the Tianyu clan are good at speed, let alone the junior Xuanzun, even the Xuanhuang of the same level, they can't even try to catch up with them, let alone kill them.

But Chu Tianshu did it easily.

"Is he really just Xuanzun? Just a barbarian kid from the Eastern Wilderness?" Bai Fei's heart also started beating.

Chu Tianshu smiled: "Don't be dazed, I guess there will be more people coming, let's hurry up and go up the mountain to find treasure!"

Yu Bing said: "My lord, Miss Bai and I can't get close to the mountain at all, so we probably won't be able to help you. Why don't we watch out for you from a distance, and you go up by yourself, so you don't have to be distracted to take care of us!"

Chu Tianshu looked at Bai Fei with a questioning look.

Bai Fei also nodded: "That's fine, Mr. Chu has such abilities, so he must gain something!"

"Since this is the case, you should be vigilant for me for the time being, and I will go for a walk on the mountain!"

The two sides are separated.

Both Bai Fei and Yu Bing flew towards the high sky far away.

Chu Tianshu returned to the foot of the mountain with a flash.

Just wandering around, he has already seen the mountain almost.

There are at least [-] dragon blood stones inside, many of which are a small number of extremely high-grade dragon blood stones.

And the keel, and the dragon marrow inside the keel, are what he wants to get.

However, what he wanted most was the dragon soul.

Although the dragon soul has not been fully conceived, if it can be refined into the body, it will definitely be of great benefit to the growth of the Tianlong bloodline.

But this dragon soul is too powerful, its soul power alone can be compared with some junior Xuan Emperors.

The only thing lacking is spirituality, which is still in a chaotic state, without much aggressiveness.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Chu Tianshu to get close to it.

Looking up at the sky, the golden dragon was still roaring. The higher it went, the greater the pressure. The dragon's chant seemed to have the effect of attacking the soul.

This is probably the dragon soul's self-preservation instinct.

Looking down at the ground, Longdi Mountain is already connected to the ground, and it is absolutely impossible to uproot it.

Even if he passed through the God of Wealth Realm, he couldn't take Longdi Mountain in.

I bent down and stroked the mountain. Under the weeds and vegetation, there was a rock as hard as steel.

Weeds just grow in the crevices of the boulders.

Chu Tianshu patted hard a few times, clearing a large piece of vegetation and exposing rocks.

On the black boulder, there are some golden spots, densely arranged, like pieces of dragon scales.

He called out the gravity hammer, aimed at the mountain and smashed it.

The mountain has not moved at all, and the rocks have not broken at all.

"It's pretty solid!"

Chu Tianshu stepped back for another distance, enlarged the gravity hammer, mobilized all his strength, and smashed it down again.

An even more ear-shattering sound came out, and the earth and the mountain trembled violently.

The force of the shock also made Chu Tianshu retreat a little.

The weeds on the mountain were shattered countless times, as if they had peeled off a layer of skin.

But looking at the rocks that were hit, there was still no sign of damage.

"So hard?" Chu Tianshu was shocked.

This was the first time in his history that he couldn't shake something with a gravity hammer.

It's not that the gravity hammer is not good, but that Chu Tianshu is still unable to exert its true power.

But even so, even if Emperor Xuan stood still and was hit by Chu Tianshu, he would feel very uncomfortable.

But this Dragon Emperor Mountain cannot be shaken.

However, through careful observation, Chu Tianshu found that there seemed to be a little more cracks on the rocks.

If you continue to hit it with a hammer, it is estimated that there will be good results.

It's just that this mountain and rock seem to be a whole, and they are all prosperous.

If Chu Tianshu forcibly breaks through this rock, the entire mountain may collapse.

It may even damage the keel and marrow inside.

"This is not easy!"

Chu Tianshu pinched his chin, pondered for a moment, and his eyes lit up.

With a movement of his mind, he called out the Thorn Demon who had been in the God of Wealth Realm all along.

The Thorn Demon is in an atavistic state at this time, like a green thorny ball.

Originally, the thorn was very hard, but after it fell into Chu Tianshu's hands, the green thorn became as soft as hair.

A pair of big black and white eyes occupy almost a quarter of the body, and those gazes are much more aura than before.

Looking around curiously.

Under the eyes, a small mouth opened again, and a voice came out, "Master Yin, what is this place?"

Chu Tianshu stroked its "hair", and said with a smile: "Green hair, I'm going to get you something delicious, so that you can evolve to the realm of the demon king!"

Naturally, the green hair is also the name Chu Tianshu gave to the thorny monster in the atavistic state.

"Really? Where is the delicious food?" The green ball turned left and right, as if looking at the world with its eyes.


Chu Tianshu pointed to Longdi Mountain with his hand.

Until this time, the green ball seemed to have discovered the dragon soul surrounding the Dragon Emperor Mountain.

A pair of eyes widened even wider, revealing a trace of panic.

"Master Yin, what a big dragon!"

"I'm not asking you to look at the dragon, but to look at this mountain. Hurry up and turn into a demon body, use your roots to prop up this mountain, and help me remove the dragon blood stones, keel bones and other good things in the mountain rocks. Get it all out for me, of course, in the process, I will allow you to take some for yourself!"

The Thorn Demon's hair instantly became straight, as if it had exploded, and he said excitedly: "Master Yin, is there really a dragon blood stone here?"

Chu Tian shivered, and was stabbed by this "fried hair" guy, so he said angrily: "Hurry up, if it's too late, if someone else takes the lead, we will have nothing to do." arrive!"

"Don't worry, the boss, there is green hair here, and I guarantee that no one will be able to take away our things!"

Chu Tianshu used his arms to smash the green hair directly onto the mountain.

As soon as the green hair touched the mountain, the roots had already grown, extending inward through the small cracks in the rock.

The "green hair" on its body also began to stretch wildly, turning into thorny thorns, climbing up along the mountain.

In just one cup of tea, the Thorn Demon's body has already covered half of the mountain.

Dragon Soul seemed to feel the threat, and roared again.

The Thorn Demon is afraid of this. After all, its cultivation base is too low, and it can only be equivalent to a monster master at the peak of the fourth level.

Therefore, when climbing halfway, there is no further upward.

But the lower half of the mountain has disappeared, and it is completely covered by its body.

On the mountain rock, bigger cracks burst out one after another.

Through perspective, Chu Tianshu discovered that the thorn demon was indeed the nemesis of Shanshi.

The roots have penetrated deep into the mountain, and the fluffy tentacles on the roots are entangled with the dragon blood stones, devouring the energy inside.

Its realm is also rapidly rising.

The guy who had been trapped in the Blood Dragon Secret Garden for an unknown number of years finally had inexhaustible high-level energy today, and his growth rate was immediately highlighted.

Another half hour passed!
The Thorn Demon's entire body trembled violently, as if it had encountered some kind of attack.

However, blood-red stripes appeared on the gray thorns, which looked even more terrifying.

"Evolved? Are you going to become the Demon Emperor?" Chu Tianshu was secretly delighted.

Although he didn't know the specific species of the thorn monster, he understood the horror of the thorn monster.

This guy, like the Zerg Vigorous King Kong Ant, is absolutely invincible in the same realm. Under certain circumstances, there is no problem in killing enemies by leapfrogging.

Even if it is a high-ranking demon emperor, if he is entangled by it, it will be a dead end.

Of course, it's not fast, and its value is in defense, not attack.

(End of this chapter)

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