The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 825 Gathering of All Saints

Chapter 825 Gathering of All Saints
Chu Tianshu has been paying attention to the seal on his body.

He felt as if there were countless threads of light that penetrated into his body from the outside and connected with his own blood cells. They were densely packed and innumerable, and they could not be cut off at all.

And the other end of the silk thread was rooted in a formation disk in Mo Sang's hand.

It can be regarded as imprisoning his own body and nailing it to Mo Sang's side.

To put it bluntly, it is a puppet.

The so-called marriage is just a tool.

Thinking about what happened to him, Chu Tianshu wanted to smile bitterly.

He found that from the time travel to the present, he seemed to be just a tool all the time.

Whether it was marrying the princess, or being selected by Hu Xuanji later, getting engaged to Hu Yingwu, and now being forced to marry Mo Sang, he was just a pawn in the hands of others.

God uses all living beings as pawns, and all living beings also have their own pawns depending on their level of cultivation.

However, since he opened up the Heart Demon Realm, why didn't he use others as chess pieces?

The Kunpeng Continent is a huge chessboard. Everyone is a chess piece, but they all have the potential to become chess players. Everyone is playing a big game of chess, and it depends on who is more capable and becomes the final winner.

I came to Hokuriku to get the devil's blood. The demon god wanted to pursue the "goddess" and asked Mosang to keep him. For the benefit of the demons, in order to be able to control the communication device, regardless of reputation, Mosang chose to marry himself. Everyone It's all for their own benefit.


This is just a clone of himself with the blood of Tianlong.

Even if you lose your freedom for a while, so what?
The deity is still free, and still has the clone of Tianfeng blood.

Not to mention the big wedding between Mo Sang and Chu Tianshu, the Kunyuan Secret Realm at this time has really become lively.

Because the channel was unsealed again and the Xuan Emperors were allowed to come in, all the countries went crazy.

Hu Yingwu, Yu Shanjun, Snake Lao and other mysterious emperors who were originally guarding the passage directly entered the Kunyuan secret realm without any hesitation.

The Kunyuan Secret Realm has a huge attraction for everyone.

However, once they left, the entrance to the passage still needed to be guarded.

Everyone can see the trend of gradually unblocking the channel from the situation in the past few days.

Therefore, many Profound Saints also rushed over.

Ye Daozi, the patriarch of the Ye family, and three other human beings stood on the south side of the passageway.

Three Profound Sages of the Snake Human Clan stood on the east side of the passage, and five Profound Sages of the Sky Feather Clan stood to the north.

However, these three parties are all staring at the West.

Ten miles away, the space rippled, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of over a kilometer.

Not long after, a big black hand protruded from the inside, and then, a giant with a height of [-] meters and a whole body made of steel, drilled out of the space passage.

One after another!

A total of three giants with a height of over [-] meters and eighteen giants with a height of tens of meters appeared one after another.

The space channel also slowly disappeared.

"A holy giant appeared?" All the Xuansheng from all sides frowned.

These three giants are more than [-] meters tall, as tall as a thirty or forty-story building, and all of them are holy.

The other eighteen are all emperor-level.

From the looks of it, it is inevitable to win the Kunyuan Secret Realm.

The giant race is a race of ancient gods, possessing a tyrannical bloodline of the god race. Under the same level, they can fight against two with one.

However, now that the three parties add up, it is definitely not easy to mess with, and the Great Sage is watching behind them.

Therefore, this giant family doesn't seem to want to go to war immediately.

The black giant standing in the center said: "Everyone, if you don't want to fight, let my people in. The Kunyuan secret realm is definitely not something you can swallow alone. This is transformed by the statue of our giant clan!"

The human race and the other three Profound Sages all frowned.

The current situation is not clear. If this so-called Kunyuan Secret Realm is really a fetish of the giant clan, does the other party know more secrets? If they control the secret realm, wouldn't their own people be in danger?
But if the giant is not let in, this battle will be inevitable.

It would definitely be another disaster if it really fought.

Just when the three parties were hesitating, several waves of coercion suddenly came from the northwest sky.

Also, a huge space vortex appeared, the space channel was opened, and huge monsters flew out of it.


This time, everyone's expressions became more dignified.

These giant beasts were no smaller than giants, but after landing, their bodies shrunk rapidly and turned into human shapes one after another.

They have already possessed the ability to change form, and their cultivation bases are all above Xuandi's realm.

The leaders are five demon saints, three males and two females, each of whom is a tiger, leopard, wolf and lemur, followed by more than 20 demon emperors.

Although their bodies have shrunk, the powerful energy and blood on their bodies are like flaming mountains, roasting the earth and pressing down on everyone.

The giants also turned serious, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The monster race and the giant race are world feuds.

They were located in the west of the Middle-earth Continent. They were originally quite far away, but they arrived one after another. Obviously, the Monster Race should be secretly watching the Giant Race.

The leader was a man transformed from a white tiger with wings. He was wearing a white black armour.

First, he glanced at everyone, and then smiled: "Everyone, long time no see!"

"Hu Chengfeng, I didn't expect you to come here!" The black iron giant sneered.

"Old Tie, you are here, how can I not come? And everyone of the Tianyu Clan, shouldn't we also let our Monster Clan in?"

Hu Chengfeng looked at the Xuansheng of the Tianyu clan.

The people of the Tianyu clan also looked dignified.

Leading a woman with four golden wings on her back was also staring at Hu Chengfeng, and said coldly: "It's rare that all the demon saints can work together? They are all mobilized, don't you fear your own family?" , was attacked by a foreign race?"

With a water snake waist, a coquettish appearance, and a red-clothed banshee whose body is a holy fox, she pursed her lips and smiled: "Yu Yunyan, you don't need to worry about this matter. Today, our demon clan will definitely enter the Kunyuan secret realm. If you don't agree, then we will wait for you." I don't mind having a good fight with you guys, if it affects the territory of your Tianyu God Clan, then you can't blame us!"

"Hmph, you can go in, you two can only send ten Xuandi at most!" Yu Yunyan finally took a step back.

After the people of Yaozu looked at each other, Hu Chengfeng nodded: "Yes!"

The black iron giant was silent for a moment before agreeing to the request.

Everyone knows that coming here is for treasure hunting, not for fighting.

If the saints really fought, the impact would be too great.

Moreover, this place is the closest to humans and the Tianyu clan, and there are great sages behind both sides.

Especially the Sky Feather Clan, which is a member of the Protoss Clan. Even the Monster Clan is very afraid of their tyrannical strength.

Soon, ten giants and ten monsters also entered through the space channel.

Saints from all sides are still wary of each other.

Ye Daozi's expression became more and more serious, because the disadvantages of human beings have been highlighted now.

Saint-level masters are obviously not as good as the opponent.

The only good news is that nearly [-] Xuan Emperors of the human race have entered the secret realm, including the half-sage Hu Yingwu, who still have a great advantage in combat power.


The woman transformed by the holy fox smiled lightly and said: "Have you paid attention to the affairs of the Northland Demon Clan? It is said that Mo Sang got married today, and the marriage partner is actually a human man named Chu Tianshu!"

"Marriage between demons and humans?" Several people were shocked.

They all looked at Ye Daozi and the other three Xuansheng.

Ye Daozi's heart trembled too. As a saint among human beings, he also had some understanding of Mo Sang. It was said that he was reincarnated from a certain demon sage.

It's just that it hasn't been confirmed yet.

Such a person can almost 100% become a demon saint in the future and open all sealed memories.

But the name Chu Tianshu made Ye Daozi very familiar.

"It can't be that kid, right? Isn't he already engaged to Hu Yingwu? Besides, he has already entered the Kunyuan Secret Realm, why did he suddenly go to the Demon Race again?" Ye Daozi frowned, puzzled .

The woman transformed by the holy fox continued: "Now, Mo Fentian is inviting guests to Mo Sang's wedding. If it wasn't because of the delay here, I guess I would have gone to join in the fun, but I really couldn't think of it." , Humans actually turned to the demons, hehe...Ye Daozi, are you planning to marry the demons and gain the support of the demons? Are you going to escape the control of the feather god?"

(End of this chapter)

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