The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 847 Pearl Detoxification

Chapter 847 Pearl Detoxification
Hu Yingwu broke his soul, which was also far beyond Chu Tianshu's expectation.

Since the body will eventually die, why should the soul continue to suffer?
Asking for a kiss before death is not really falling in love with Chu Tianshu, it may just make up for the regrets of this life.

After all, she is not quite the Fox Shadow Great Sage, nor is she so determined.

But Chu Tianshu became anxious and shouted: "Hu Yingwu, I will not allow you to die. Even if the body dies, the soul can live on. Listen to me, I may have a way to detoxify you!"

After speaking, his divine sense entered the God of Wealth Realm, and locked on the Pearl Queen who was in meditation.

Since Chu Tianshu gave her a little divine blood the day before yesterday, she has transformed into the pearl body, and her cultivation is also improving rapidly.

He has reached the peak of the middle-level Xuanhuang, and is breaking through to the high-level Xuanhuang.

But Chu Tianshu couldn't control that much anymore, and moved her out directly.

The Pearl Queen was startled awake, and as soon as she came out, she turned into a human form. After seeing the situation of the two clearly, she turned into a pearl state again.

It landed on Hu Yingwu's lips.

Wisps of red gas came out of Hu Yingwu's mouth and nostrils, and submerged into the pearl.

Hu Yingwu, who was in a state of self-destruction, stopped immediately after feeling her physical condition.

The Queen of Pearls is born with the ability to cure all kinds of poisons.

The medicinal power enough to control the semi-saint couldn't help her.

After a while, Hu Yingwu's hot body began to slowly return to normal.

From powerless to powerful.

Her eyes became brighter, and she gently left Chu Tianshu's embrace, sat down cross-legged, and began to perform exercises to heal herself together with the Pearl Queen.

After another incense stick, the Pearl Queen flew aside and turned into a charming woman again, pursing her lips and smiling: "Master, her poison has been cured!"

"What about mine?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"The master is not poisoned!"

"Then why do I still think about it?"

"Maybe it's because the master and her have hair, but I can't stop cutting, it's protected by the holy power!" Queen Pearl replied.

Chu Tianshu raised his hand, grabbed the hair that was connected to the two of them, and pulled them to both sides with all his strength.

Sure enough, the hair seemed to be protected by powerful energy, and he couldn't stop pulling it.

Hu Yingwu opened his eyes, looked at the Pearl Queen and Chu Tianshu with complicated eyes, and said, "Unexpectedly, you have subdued such an alien!"

"I'm a fifth-level demon trainer!" Chu Tianshu said.

Hu Yingwu nodded, and didn't question any more. After all, Chu Tianshu could even tame a fifth-level nine-headed worm at the high-level Xuanhuang level, and it shouldn't be a big deal to want to tame the Pearl Queen.

She looked at the two people's hair that was held by Chu Tianshu, and said, "You keep pulling..."

"Then how can we separate?" Chu Tianshu said.

Hu Yingwu pursed her lips, and looked at the Pearl Queen again.

The Pearl Queen smiled: "Master, I'm going back first!"

She turned into a pearl again, fell into Chu Tianshu's hands, and then disappeared.

"Is there a space sacred artifact in your body?" Hu Yingwu asked.

Chu Tianshu just nodded.

Hu Yingwu took a deep breath, and faced Chu Tianshu again: "It's very simple to separate the long hair, either one party dies, or we become a real husband and wife, Yu Tianji must have planned this way!"

Speaking of this, her expression darkened again: "Actually, you shouldn't have saved me just now. Death, for me, is the best result!"

"You're still young, aren't you?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

Hu Yingwu smiled wryly: "Then you would like to see me marry and have sex with other men, would you like to see me being treated like trash by Yu Tianji, stripped naked, thrown outside, and humiliated by others? Reviled?"

Chu Tianshu frowned. Although he didn't answer, it was equivalent to giving an answer.

He was hesitating whether to tell the other party about the God of Wealth Realm.

However, the God of Wealth Realm has a lot to do with it, and Hu Yingwu was a member of the Phoenix Temple in her previous life, and the sealing technique in her body was all planted by her.

After all, it is impossible for the two to become fellow travelers.

Once she fully inherited the memory of her previous life, would she still treat herself like this?

In fact, Chu Tianshu really wanted to ask, what kind of hatred did Hu Yingwu have with himself, or with his mother whose origin was unknown, and why he did not hesitate to plant such a powerful sealing technique.

However, when he thought that Hu Yingwu hadn't recovered his memory at all, he gave up this plan again.

His silence, from Hu Yingwu's point of view, should be a sign of disdain for himself.

I couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Unexpectedly, I have been proud for half my life, but I was looked down upon by you, a little Xuanzun. In that situation just now, you didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about me. It's because I can't get into your eyes, it's too ugly?"

Chu Tianshu smiled and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think I should take advantage of others' danger?"

Looking at each other for a moment, Hu Yingwu nodded: "You are a good person!"

"Good guy?" Chu Tianshu thought of the label.

Between men and women, nice is usually a derogatory term.

However, Hu Yingwu slowly leaned his head on Chu Tianshu's shoulder, staring blankly at the front: "Wait till dawn, if you don't kill me, I will commit suicide again, I absolutely can't let Yu Tianji succeeded!"

"Actually, even if the body dies, the soul can live on!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Are you planning to let my soul enter your space sacred object? But without a body, what use is the soul even if it lives? Maybe it will become a ghost in the future and endanger the world. I can't help but look at Yu Tianji, here, she can see through everything, and I don't want to implicate you, after I die, you must go out alive, tell my mother and grandma about what happened here, and let them help me revenge!"

Chu Tianshu frowned secretly, this matter is really difficult to handle.

Yu Tianji, he has already met, the two have had a pleasant conversation, and even have some relationship with his own mother, but can he persuade her not to take revenge?

You have suppressed her husband for nearly 20 years, and her hatred has already penetrated into the bone marrow.

Absolutely impossible to resolve.

While hesitating, someone knocked on the door.

It also surprised both of them.

Afterwards, the two maids pushed the door open and walked straight into the new house.

This also made Hu Yingwu's eyes reveal a murderous look again.

One of the women smiled and said, "There is good news and bad news to tell you, which one would you like to hear?"

"The bad news first!" Chu Tianshu said lightly.

"The bad news is that if you can't become a real couple, someone will still marry Hu Yingwu tomorrow night!"

"How do you know we're not married?"

Chu Tianshu got angry, and hugged Hu Yingwu's waist with his backhand, and let Hu Yingwu's body cling to his body.

Seeing this, the second daughter burst out laughing.

A woman said: "You have to pretend to look like you!"

"Are you eavesdropping outside?" Chu Tianshu let go of Hu Yingwu and stared at him closely.

"The two of you haven't even taken off your clothes. Do you still need us to eavesdrop?"

Chu Tianshu was a little depressed, and said, "What's the good news?"

"The good news is that our wife and master can let you live, but you must kneel down to them and call out father and mother!"

Chu Tianshu was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the other party meant.

Hu Yingwu sneered, "Hehe... wishful thinking!"

"Our wife said that she plans to take you Hu Yingwu as a righteous daughter, and even allow you to break through to the realm of Xuansheng in the Kunyuan secret realm. She doesn't want to take revenge anymore, but she absolutely can't tolerate you looking for her again in the future. She took revenge, according to human ethics, children cannot kill their parents, only if you recognize her as your mother and the master as your father, can you understand this grievance!"

Hu Yingwu gritted her teeth tightly. In her opinion, this was just another way for Yu Tianji to humiliate herself.

What is the difference between allowing yourself to recognize them as your parents and recognizing a thief as your father?This is tantamount to digging his own grave and letting himself betray the human race.

But the other party continued: "Madam also asked us to tell you that even if you don't agree, don't try to commit suicide. In Kunyuan Secret Realm, without Madam's permission, even if you want to die, it is impossible. Madam will find a way to make you die." You will live a long life, and you will have more children..."

Hu Yingwu's breathing quickened. If eyes could kill, the second daughter would have died many times.

Chu Tianshu sighed, looked at Hu Yingwu and said, "Keep the green hills here, don't be afraid that there will be no firewood, and go out alive first, it's okay, right?"

"Hmph, it is absolutely impossible for me, Hu Yingwu, to recognize her as my mother!" Hu Yingwu said angrily again.

Chu Tianshu sighed, just this little temper is really helpless.

He could only look at the second daughter and said, "Will your wife keep her promise?"

"Yes, Madam also said that you can keep a secret for Hu Yingwu, as long as Hu Yingwu will no longer be an enemy of Madam in the future!"

Chu Tianshu was stunned, not understanding what caused Yu Tianji to change suddenly.

He looked at Hu Yingwu again.

Hu Yingwu's eyes also flashed an unbelievable look, although he still didn't believe that Yu Tianji would be so good, but he was still thinking about the reason.

Chu Tianshu knew that it was not easy to force Hu Yingwu on this matter, so he said: "You two girls, you go back first, I will discuss with her carefully, and I will definitely give you an answer before noon tomorrow!"

The second daughter bowed slightly, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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