The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 850 Meeting Parents

Chapter 850 Meeting Parents
Today's Chu Feng's complexion is much better than yesterday's, and his shriveled skin has returned to a healthy color.

Although he was still very thin, his eyes were full of spirit.

And the two servant girls, one on the left and one on the right, stood on both sides of the two of them.

They each held a bowl of tea that had been prepared long ago, and delivered it to Chu Tianshu and Hu Yingwu in person.

Without hesitation, Chu Tianshu picked up the tea and turned to look at Hu Yingwu.

Hu Yingwu hesitated for a moment, but still took it.

It was still Chu Tianshu who knelt down first and brought the tea to Chu Feng: "Father, please drink tea!"

Hu Yingwu took a deep breath, and also knelt down in front of Yu Tianji: "Mother-in-law, please drink tea!"

The two took the tea, took a sip, and smiled.

They laughed almost in unison: "Child, get up quickly!"

Chu Tianshu felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart, but Hu Yingwu felt humiliated again.

However, with the stories Chu Tianshu told last night, her endurance was obviously stronger.

After the two stood up.

Yu Tianji looked at their hair that was still connected, and said with a smile: "You two are about the same age, and you are in love with each other. Although you were forced to get married, it can be regarded as fulfilling your wish ahead of time. Why don't you want to cut off your long hair yourself?"

Hu Yingwu naturally remained silent.

Chu Tianshu replied on his behalf: "Mother-in-law, this emotional matter cannot be forced. I am engaged to Hu Yingwu, it is a stopgap measure, so that Hu Yingwu will not be harassed by others again!"

Yu Tianji nodded slightly: "Mother-in-law understands you."

What the two said made Hu Yingwu feel awkward.

She found that Chu Tianshu was yelling smoothly, and Yu Tianji was also yelling smoothly.

It seems that it has been discussed a long time ago. If I don't know, I really thought it was a family.

But in his heart, he also admired Chu Tianshu's face and forbearance.

She looked up at Yu Tianji, and said, "Are you willing to let us out now?"

"Of course you are willing. You can go out at any time. The gate of Kunyuan Secret Realm will always be open to you, and it will never become your prison!"

"What about the others?" Hu Yingwu asked again.

"I sent them all out last night!"

"Where's Lin Heihu?" Hu Yingwu gritted his teeth.

"He's dead!" Yu Tianji said lightly.

Hu Yingwu frowned, showing surprise, and stared at Yu Tianji, trying to figure out what her purpose was.

"In addition, those people last night were all cleaned up by me using the Great Sacred Technique. No accident, they will not know what happened to you two until they reach the realm of saints!" Yu Tianji said again road.

"Why did you do this?" Hu Yingwu was even more confused.

But Yu Tianji raised her hand and pinched Hu Yingwu's cheek lightly: "From now on, you will be my good daughter. If I don't treat you well, who else can I treat well?"

"Hmph! I don't believe it."

Hu Yingwu took a step back, and said angrily: "You let me go now, and you helped me resolve the stigma. What is the purpose?"

Yu Tianji still had a smile on her face: "Didn't I just say that? From now on, you will be the relatives of me and Chu Feng, and we will be the parents of your husband and wife. If you really don't want to be our foster daughter , then be a daughter-in-law, anyway, you two, as long as one of you calls us father and mother, doesn't the other have to call us too?"

Hu Yingwu frowned, she always felt that things would never be so simple, there must be something hidden in it that she didn't know.

Otherwise, Yu Tianji swore yesterday that she would kill herself to avenge her revenge, but today it seems like nothing happened?

Is it too anticlimactic?
Chu Tianshu was also confused.

Yu Tianji made a big circle and acted for so long, is it just to find a wife for herself?
Is it because she has a good relationship with her biological mother?
Or is everything just a coincidence?

However, instead of going out and getting divorced by Hu Yingwu, the current state of the two is in his best interest.

After all, I am on the human side, and I still need the Hu family as a backing.

With Hu Yingwu, would the Ye family still dare to be so arrogant to themselves?

"She doesn't really want to find a backer for me, does she?" Chu Tianshu secretly said.

"If you are not in a hurry to leave, why don't you just sit down for a while, and our family can chat again?" Yu Tianji said again.

Hu Yingwu still didn't believe Yu Tianji, staring at her: "Are you really going to let us go like this? No conditions?"

"Since you're asking that, I'll tell you one thing." Yu Tianji's face suddenly darkened.

"Say it!" Hu Yingwu felt more normal now.

Otherwise, things would be too weird.

"Your adoptive father is just a clone, and his real body is still being imprisoned in the Phoenix Temple." Yu Tianji said.

Hu Yingwu frowned immediately.

Chu Tianshu's gaze also looked at Chu Feng, and secretly used perspective to look at his abdomen.

Sure enough, it was empty, nothing.

It seems that it is indeed separated.

Moreover, he saw a trace of energy in Chu Feng's body that did not belong to him. This energy was very secretive but extremely tenacious, as if it had been sealed.

But once this energy breaks through the seal, it will definitely cause great harm to Chu Feng's clone.

"What's going on?" Chu Tianshu secretly asked.

But Hu Yingwu gradually showed a sneer, and said: "After all, you still want to humiliate me. Even if I don't kneel to you, you should let us go, right?"

"That's right. In addition, I found a trace of Phoenix Divine Fire's power in your adoptive father's avatar. It should be controlled by Feng Hualian. The Phoenix Divine Fire has the ability to ignore the obstacles of time and space. Even if she is far away in the Phoenix Temple, it may be fine." Invoke this force to let your adoptive father's clone die, if I don't let you go, Feng Hualian won't let it go when the time comes."

After hearing this, Hu Yingwu became a little annoyed.

If I knew this earlier, why should I kneel down to her?Call her foster mother?

However, when she thought that she was about to leave, she could only hold back her anger.

He opened the mouth and said: "Please also separate our hair and lift the seal in my body!"

Yu Tianji smiled lightly, and with a snap of her fingers, the two's long hair parted, and Hu Yingwu's aura also rose rapidly.

He jumped from the half-step Profound Sage to the level of Profound Sage.

This scene also surprised Chu Tianshu.

Even Hu Yingwu felt the change in herself in shock, a little unbelievable, and after she was sure that she had become a Profound Sage, she looked at Yu Tianji in surprise.

Yu Tianji said with a smile: "The wine you drank yesterday was not all poisonous. It was of great benefit to your cultivation base. Now that the shackles on your body are lifted, the power of the medicine will be fully stimulated." Come out, go back!"

After she finished speaking, she lightly waved her hand, and the two of them were engulfed and swallowed by a force of space, and disappeared into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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