The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 857 Infinite Changes

Chapter 857 Infinite Changes
Chu Tianshu's true and false rhetorical questions made Xue Yinglong a little confused.

However, in an instant, he calmed down, grasped the long knife behind his back, and said from embarrassment, "Pretending to be a ghost, show your holy weapon!"

"I don't need my sacred weapon to deal with you!" Chu Tianshu said calmly.

After saying that, the Nine-Headed Insect turned into a little giant rushed towards Xue Yinglong first.

Its body was divided into nine, followed by each clone, unexpectedly split again, turning into 81 little giants in total.

"Good come!"

With Xue Yinglong's long knife in his hand, profound energy was poured in, and the light of the knife spread ten meters away, aiming at the front and slashing down.

The Nine-Headed Insect clone who was the first to encounter Daomang was split in two without even a drop of blood flowing out.

Followed by the second, third...

With this knife, nine Nine-Headed Insect clones were eliminated.

However, the strange thing is that none of these nine clones are real.

All are condensed energy.

This also surprised Xue Yinglong, he couldn't figure out what was going on at all, and he didn't even know that he had been affected by Chu Tianshu's dream world descending and dream world clone technique.

Almost at the same time, more than 70 nine-headed worm clones all turned into giant beasts, and their bodies began to petrify, hitting and biting Xue Yinglong in the most primitive way.

Xue Yinglong's Xuanhuang enchantment had already been opened, and after being hit continuously, his body trembled violently.

Boom boom boom...

As if two majestic mountains were meeting, the ground sank into a deep pit, and the energy shock wave swept around.

Those xuanzun and grand masters could no longer gain a foothold, and retreated quickly one after another.

At this time, an old woman appeared in the sky. As soon as she raised her hand, she cast out an energy shield, covering an area with a radius of hundreds of meters.

Emperor Xuan of Tianhu Academy finally made a move. Obviously, he was worried about the two sides at war and demolished the academy.

Using the space sealing technique, the battle area is limited within the energy shield.

But this does not affect both sides in the battle.

With the continuous impact of the nine-headed worm, Xue Yinglong couldn't hold it anymore.

After all, he is a human being, and his strength cannot be compared with monsters.

As soon as he gritted his steel teeth, Xue Yinglong soared into the sky, suspended in the [-]-meter void, his body whirled around, and he shouted angrily: "Splitting the sky!"

He poured almost all of his profound energy into the long knife, and the light of the knife extended tens of meters. Instead of attacking the Nine-Headed Insect, he aimed at Chu Tianshu and slashed down.

When this blow was issued, the space trembled violently, causing people's spirits to fall into fear, making them unable to control their bodies.

The sword light seemed to be able to teleport, and everyone felt that the light had already passed through Chu Tianshu's body in a flash.

Not only did it tear Chu Tianshu's body apart, but he also cut a crack in the ground that was [-] meters long and bottomless.

However, Xue Yinglong was puzzled, because Chu Tianshu, who had been split in two, suddenly merged together again.

Even the people watching the battle all around felt like they had seen a ghost, they couldn't believe it was real.

The corner of Chu Tianshu's mouth turned up, and he said with a light smile, "Surprised? After you finish the fight, then it's my turn!"

After speaking, Chu Tianshu's body suddenly fissioned infinitely, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into thousands of Chu Tianshu.

Almost every Chu Tianshu was holding a long sword in his hand, and as they soared into the sky one after another, floating high in the sky, they quickly merged into one.

In the end, it turned into a Chu Tianshu and a sword.

"Wan Jian Gui Zong?" The old woman in Gaokong actually saw the shadow of Wan Jian Gui Zong on Chu Tianshu's body.

This is the most powerful kind of mysterious art under the holy art.


Chu Tianshu handed out his sword, and the sword light spread out for more than ten meters in an instant, hitting Xue Yinglong's Xuanhuang enchantment.

clack clack...

There was a piercing sound like shattering glass.

The space barrier condensed by the high-level Xuanhuang was actually shattered.

Xue Yinglong looked extremely serious.

You know, there are also nine-headed worms watching.

As many nine-headed worms roared, they merged together and turned into nine-headed behemoths again, still maintaining a petrified state. The giant claws waved and slapped on the Xuanhuang barrier.

This even accelerated the trend of Xuanhuang's enchantment bursting.


Following Chu Tianshu's sudden shout, the long sword in his hand split suddenly again, as if countless separate sword bodies were transformed, and along the crack that exploded, he pierced forward rapidly.

clack clack...


The barrier was completely shattered, Chu Tianshu's true self moved forward, and the tens of thousands of swords, like raindrops, surrounded and killed Xue Yinglong.

Because Xue Yinglong used the holy sword with all his strength many times, his profound energy was far inferior to the original one, so he could only swing the long sword quickly to resist the attack of the sword body.

ding ding dong...

Sparks scattered.

There was another loud noise, and the sword in Chu Tianshu's hand hit Xue Yinglong's long knife.

The two sides stalemate in the air.

However, Xue Yinglong said angrily: "Chu Tianshu, it's useless, you are a little Xuanzun, even if your mental power is slightly stronger, what's the use? You can't break through the defense of my holy knife!"

Chu Tianshu raised the corner of his mouth: "Really?"

Xue Yinglong's heart trembled, and he secretly said something bad.

Sure enough, a flash of thunder and fire suddenly emerged from Chu Tianshu's long sword. The flame could be stopped, but the thunder was too fast.

Along the holy knife, it was directly injected into Xue Yinglong's body.

Even though Xue Yinglong's cultivation base was relatively high, the particularity of the energy of the thunder attribute still paralyzed him for a short time.

The Nine-Headed Insect, who had been eyeing him for a long time, finally found his chance.

The nine heads opened their mouths at the same time, and spit out several stone balls, like shells, under the blessing of the strong wind, they hit Xue Yinglong's body.

Boom boom boom...

With nine consecutive blows, Xue Yinglong was sent flying, falling hundreds of meters away.

There was no movement of Chu Tianshu himself, but a flash of light and shadow, and another Chu Tianshu teleported directly in front of Xue Yinglong.

Swinging the long sword, he aimed at Xue Yinglong's heart and stabbed it down.


The fine iron intertwined, sparks scattered, Chu Tianshu's long sword pierced Xue Yinglong's clothes, but failed to pierce his body.

A layer of golden armor has covered him from head to toe.

"This is... the golden dragon armor of the heavenly level?" Someone exclaimed.

Following a dragon chant, another powerful aura emanated from Xue Yinglong's body.

Xue Yinglong's body seemed to be guarded by a giant golden energy dragon.

He himself also slowly got up, the long knife still tightly held in his hand.

His expression was particularly ferocious, and he sneered: "What a Chu Tianshu, he has many methods, but unfortunately, you can't kill him. How can you, a little savage from the Eastern Wilderness, have the background of the Xuanxiu family in Middle Earth that you can imagine? "

His long hair flew up, and under the protection of the golden dragon armor and the energy golden dragon, he slowly floated up.

A pair of cold eyes stared at Chu Tianshu.


He moved, and the long knife left his hand, as fast as lightning, it hit Chu Tianshu's body.


This knife finally had some results.

Chu Tianshu's body was split in two, and a drop of blood fell on the ground.

But that's about it.

Chu Tianshu's body disappeared, but turned into a bone sword, which flashed back and fell into the hands of another Chu Tianshu in the distance.

"Demon spirit bone clone? He actually has such abilities? This son really has a lot of tricks!" The old woman Xuandi who was watching the battle from high above showed a look of surprise.

She had already seen it. From the very beginning, Chu Tianshu was using illusion to transform more clones with the nine-headed worm.

This kind of illusion contains powerful space power, even for Xuanhuang, it is difficult to know the truth from the fake.

Afterwards, Ten Thousand Swords Return to One, not really Ten Thousand Swords, but at least nine thousand, nine thousand avatars, but not all of them are illusions, on the contrary, they all give people a feeling of real body.

The strange thing is that nine thousand real bodies can be successfully returned to one.

Moreover, these bodies are sometimes real and sometimes false, and they can also move quickly, change endlessly, and appear like ghosts and ghosts.

Even she, Xuandi, was somewhat confused.

But she can be sure that at this time Chu Tianshu doesn't seem to be the deity.

Where is his deity, Emperor Xuan can't find it.

In other words, from the very beginning, Chu Tianshu was already invincible.

You have been fighting for a long time, but no one's real deity has appeared. Even if you continue to fight, what is the use?

Unfortunately, Xue Yinglong couldn't see this clearly.

Xue Yinglong, who had already fallen into madness, rushed towards Chu Tianshu again under the protection of the golden dragon armor.

(End of this chapter)

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