Chapter 867 Bet
"I've seen your sister, this is a Zerg, do you know what a Zerg is? Oh my god, I actually saw the No. 20 and [-] Zerg in history, can't I be dazzled?"

The two gatekeepers hurried forward, staring closely at the powerful Vajra Ant in Chu Tianshu's palm, their eyes gleaming.

However, they also seemed to know the horror of the Zerg, and they didn't dare to reach out to touch it, but just watched it from a close distance.

for a long time!

One of them sighed: "Every one of these vajra ants has actually reached level five. Let me go. Your hands are equivalent to holding dozens of Xuanhuang. My brother, you are awesome, take care of me in the future!"

"Brother, you are being polite, why are you standing at the door?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Ahem... this... we are being punished by the instructor, you go in first!"

Chu Tianshu was immediately happy, and hurriedly clasped his fists: "The two senior brothers continue, and the juniors will go in and report first!"

"Go to the backyard, the instructor is teaching in the backyard!"

"Hmm! Thanks a lot."

The two watched Chu Tianshu step into the hospital.

Until Chu Tianshu disappeared, one of them said: "The teacher didn't mean to let us meet this little brother here on purpose, did he?"

"It's not impossible, otherwise, why did this student come here shortly after we came out for punishment?"

"Is this... the treatment too high?"

"However, Zerg, hehe... Our first class finally has a junior who owns a fifth-level Zerg. How can we be so arrogant when we look at Classes [-] and [-] in the future?"

"How about... shall we follow in? This little junior has already arrived, why are we still standing here?"

"Will the instructor be angry?"

"Probably not, if this little junior brother can come, no matter how angry he is, he will lose his temper!"

"That's right, let's go and take a sneak peek behind me!"

The two quickly ran to the backyard.

This courtyard is not too big. After Chu Tianshu passed through the Moon Gate and stepped into the backyard, he immediately felt that the environment in front of him had suddenly changed dramatically.

It seems to have entered an endless grassland, only in the extremely far area, there are some vague black mountain shadows.

"Dimensional space?" Chu Tianshu somewhat understood the situation here.

However, he didn't see the so-called mentor, but directly in front of him, there was a small dirt mountain about [-] meters high, blocking his sight.

Looking up to the dirt hill, he realized that there were five people standing on the top of the hill, looking down at him.

But before Chu Tianshu asked anything, he heard rustling sounds from the grass on both sides.

A series of poisonous snakes are crawling over quickly.

They are not big in size, the longest one is estimated to be only one or two meters, and the short one is only half a foot.

But their realm is not low at all, even the smallest ones are comparable to second-level monsters, and the older ones have reached third-level or even fourth-level.

In the depths of the grass, there is a fifth-level golden snake comparable to Xuanhuang, with its head raised high, looking down at Chu Tianshu.

"I'll go, is this a meeting gift?" Chu Tianshu was slightly surprised.

But when King Kong ants crawled out of his trouser legs, the surrounding snakes stopped immediately.

They felt the terror of the King Kong ants, and turned around and ran away.

The golden snake that was holding its head high just now, like looking down at its prey, also hurriedly retracted its body back into the grass, and quickly shrunk, its body shot up like a small golden sword, and landed on a young yellow snake on the top of the hill. In the sleeve of the woman in the dress.

Now, the rest of the people laughed loudly: "Hahaha...Junior Sister Huang Yu, you demon pet, you are too timid, aren't you? You didn't even say hello, just ran back?"

"Hey... this is an opponent. Junior Sister Huang Yu's Snake Swarm Art will be regarded as a nemesis in the future. However, our little junior brother is indeed extraordinary. All these vajra ants on him are unexpectedly Level five monsters, how much resources would it take to cultivate them?"

The woman in yellow was not angry, but said with interest: "Why don't you try it too?"

"Let's forget it, it's not a good thing if I hurt my junior brother or get hurt by my junior brother!"

"Hmph, what are you guys doing? Didn't you say just now that you want to show off your junior brother? It's good now, and everyone backs down?" Another woman in black said with resentful eyes.

" about, Yoyo, go up and try?"

"Just try it!"

The woman in black with long hair and shoulders is also a beauty. She looked down at Chu Tianshu and said, "Your name is Chu Tianshu, right? Very good, we have heard about you before you joined Phoenix Academy. It is said that you Not only is the fiance of the sage Hu Yingwu, but he also swept the entire Tianhu Academy by himself, even Ye Xingchen was willing to bow down. However, Ye Xingchen is also just a weak person in our eyes. Today, the senior sister wants to fight with you! It's a bet, I don't know if you dare or not?"

"Oh? Senior sister actually has the same hobbies as me? I also like to bet with others, and I haven't lost yet!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

Everyone on the hill also laughed.

"Yuyou, did you hear that? Does he have the same hobbies as you? Come on, what do you want to bet with this little junior brother?" A man laughed.

The corners of Yoyo's mouth also turned up, still staring at Chu Tianshu: "What a coincidence, I have never lost a bet with anyone, so today we are going to compete whose monster is bigger, how about it?"

"..." A black line appeared on Chu Tianshu's forehead.

It feels like a grass mud horse is galloping past.

No wonder the other party dared to say that they had never lost a bet.

Isn't this obviously playing tricks on yourself?

The Vigorous King Kong Ant is a reverse evolution, compared to it?

Laughter suddenly came from behind, and the two who were guarding the door just now couldn't help it and burst out laughing.

Immediately afterwards, several people on the top of the mountain also raised their heads and laughed.

Two of them even laughed to tears.

"Yuyou, you are really hurtful. Do you ever bully a junior like this? Tell me, what if you scare him away?" One person laughed.

Yoyo still stared at Chu Tianshu: "Little brother, do you dare to bet?"

Chu Tianshu calmed down: "My monsters are not only the powerful King Kong ants, are you sure you can win?"

"I know that you still have that big Nine-Headed Insect. It is said that you can summon fire wolves, but no matter what kind of beast you can summon, I'm willing to gamble and lose!" said Youyou.

"What's the stake then?"

"The bet is in your hands. If I win, you will give me a powerful King Kong ant. If I lose, I will also give you a monster of the same level. How about it?"

"Only one?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"I really want to take all of your Vigorous King Kong ants, but unfortunately, I really can't find an equal bet, and I guess you won't be willing either!"

Chu Tianshu also nodded in approval.

After the Dali King Kong ants evolved through taking the divine blood, the number has been greatly reduced. Now the total number of King Kong ants in the whole body is estimated to be about 200. Compared with the previous group of [-] million, it is indeed a lot less.

However, losing one or two is nothing.

"Junior Brother is willing to agree?" Youyou was delighted.

"I can promise you, and ask my senior sister to call your monster!" Chu Tianshu replied.

" you see what's there?"

Yoyo pointed to the black mountain shadow in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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