The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 888 Xue Yunduo Helps

Chapter 888 Xue Yunduo Helps

"Do you think I dare not?"

Ji Ruxin's long hair was loose, and her breath seemed very cold under the expansion of her mental power.

The five people lying on the ground are all in the realm of high-ranking masters.

Although he was poisoned, he did not die, and was even very conscious.

Seeing that Ji Ruxin really seemed to have the intention of killing herself, they began to feel timid.

However, their self-esteem and their family background prevented them from begging Ji Ruxin for mercy.

One of the women was the sweeping woman who first provoked this conflict.

At this time, he started to threaten with sternness: "Ji Ruxin, if you dare to kill us, our family will definitely destroy your nine clans, and kill all of you human beings in the Eastern Desolation."

"Hehe... We Donghuang people have never been afraid of threats. If you have the ability, you can go there."

Ji Ruxin was really angry.

While speaking, she also stepped out, hitting the chest of the speaker.

The woman's chest was sunken, her bones were broken, and her internal organs were shattered.

The body trembled for a moment, and then died of fear and disbelief.

Until her death, Ji Ruxin didn't even know the other party's name.

No one would have thought that the gentle and refined Ji Ruxin would really dare to kill someone.

Time and space seemed to stand still at this moment.

for a long time!

Leng Hanshuang gradually let out a cold laugh: "Hehehe... Okay, Ji Ruxin, I swear, you will never get out of my dimensional space today."

After speaking, she shook her hand and typed out a rune.

With a flash of light, the rune disappeared.

Obviously, she was sending a message to the outside world, and she was going to rescue the soldiers.

As for Xue Yunduo and Yue Tongtong, she, Leng Hanshuang, is not qualified to order others, so she may not be willing to help her kill Ji Ruxin.

It would be better to inform Ye Changgong directly.

However, Ji Ruxin wasn't afraid at all.

She said, "Pearl, catch Lenghanshuang for me."

Pearl had been waiting for a long time, and after receiving the order, she stepped up into the air and walked towards Leng Hanshuang step by step.

Leng Hanshuang showed a look of fear.

As for the pearl, she couldn't see it clearly. Although the pearl was only a middle-rank Xuanhuang, only a small level higher than her, she found that the combat power of the pearl was not inferior to some high-rank Xuanhuang.

In Pearl's hands, she didn't even have the ability to resist.

Moreover, the breath of the pearl seems to be improving rapidly all the time. According to this speed, it is estimated that it will not take long to reach the high level of Xuanhuang.

Since Ye Changgong didn't know when it would arrive, she could only pin her hopes on Xue Yunduo and Yue Tongtong.

He asked for help: "Sister Yunduo, please hurry up and stop her. This matter is also a matter of your Xue family, and Miss Tongtong. As long as you can help me, I will definitely repay you in the future."

Xue Yunduo said indifferently: "You wanted to kill, but you were killed by others. This is your fault, and I will not help you."

"Duodo?" Leng Hanshuang was about to cry.

Although Xue Yunduo said so, she couldn't complain. In her opinion, no matter how high Xue Yunduo was, he was still just a child after all.

The way children distinguish between good and evil is different from that of adults, it is too simple.

In desperation, she could only look at Yue Tongtong.

Yue Tongtong said with great interest: "What do you want to use Ji Ruxin for? Tell me the truth."

"I've said it just now, and it's all true. Her husband is Chu Tianshu. As long as we catch her, Chu Tianshu will obediently obey our mercy."

"Chu Tianshu!"

Yue Tongtong actually let out a sigh, as if recalling the past, and said slowly: "This person really deserves to be killed."

Leng Hanshuang immediately showed joy: "Could it be that Miss Tongtong also has an enmity with Chu Tianshu? That's great."

"Forget it, let me help you once!"

Yue Tongtong looked up at Pearl who was getting closer, and said: "You monster, get out of here, otherwise, this place will be your burial place."

Pearl stared at Yue Tongtong solemnly.

The reason why she didn't attack Leng Hanshuang quickly was because she was worried that Yue Tongtong and Xue Yunduo would attack, and she felt an extremely dangerous aura from these two girls.

It was as if, under their delicate and beautiful appearance, there was still a demon hidden.

But she didn't have the slightest chance of victory.

However, when she thought that there was still the entire God of Wealth Realm standing behind her, she felt confident and said, "My master, I have no grievances or enmities with you, right? Why do you need to go into this muddy water?"

"I really fell into this muddy water."

Yue Tongtong came to the front of Leng Hanshuang step by step, facing the pearl.

Xue Yunduo on the side laughed: "Miss, do you also want to bully others?"

Yue Tongtong frowned at Xue Yunduo again, her feeling for Xue Yunduo was the same as Pearl's feeling for her, a little unclear.

But she was not afraid, she just said indifferently: "Little girl, you seem to have forgotten which side you belong to? Didn't you just meet your eldest nephew?"

"He is him, and I am me. I, Xue Yunduo, have never been used to bullying the few with the more and relying on the strong to bully the weak. This matter was caused by Leng Hanshuang, and she must solve it by herself. If you dare to make a move, I will definitely do it." stop you."

"Oh? Little girl, let me see what you are capable of."

Yue Tongtong's body suddenly released a white light, and his body became as hazy as the moon, and countless afterimages were transformed into an instant.

The corners of Xue Yunduo's mouth turned up, with a slight smile on his face, he raised his arm, and gently pushed out towards the glowing moon's afterimage.

The palm print left his hand and expanded rapidly, like a mountain, pushing everything in front of him.

With a loud noise, Yue Tongtong's figure was hit by the palm print, flew backward a little, and then disappeared suddenly.

The next moment, he actually appeared behind Xue Yunduo, with five fingers like hooks, he grabbed the back of Xue Yunduo's neck.

But Xue Yunduo didn't dodge, and let Yue Tongtong's five fingers approach.

But Yue Tongtong realized that she had missed out.

The Xue Yunduo in front of her was like an illusion, making her hand easily pass through Xue Yunduo's neck.

"No, I fell for it." Yue Tongtong's complexion changed, and she hurriedly retreated.

But at this moment, Xue Yunduo pointed out, and a black light flashed, hitting Yue Tongtong's abdomen.

Yue Tongtong flew backwards, the clothes on her lower abdomen were smashed, and her skin seemed to have turned black.


After Yue Tongtong felt this special energy, her expression showed horror.

She didn't dare to approach Yue Tongtong anymore, her body continued to fly upside down, and she moved thousands of meters before stopping.

"Miss, why are you running? Let's continue playing."

With a flash of black smoke, Xue Yunduo's body disappeared. Seeing this, Yue Tongtong also hurried away.

The two are chasing after each other, and they continue to chase each other in this secret realm.

at the same time!

The Pearl Queen is also launching a fierce attack on Leng Hanshuang.

However, Leng Hanshuang didn't dare to fight against the Queen of Pearl, but used the snow and glaciers here to constantly block her.

She was stalling for time, as long as Ye Changgong and the others arrived, her goal would be achieved.

Ji Ruxin on the glacier was not idle either, but used the communication device to inform Chu Tianshu of the news here.

Chu Tianshu, who had just entered his dormitory, was furious after learning of this situation.

"court death."

Ji Ruxin is his reverse scale.

Fortunately, these dimensional spaces of the college are far less powerful than the secret realm, and cannot stop the positioning of the God of Wealth Realm.

The technique of coming from the dream world can also be used.

In an instant, he descended from his own dimensional space to Ji Ruxin's side.


Ji Ruxin grabbed Chu Tianshu's arm, and finally let go of her holding heart.

She was really worried that she would be caught by Leng Hanshuang and others, and then used to threaten Chu Tianshu.

The sudden appearance of Chu Tianshu also surprised Leng Hanshuang, who was avoiding the pearl attack.

This is her space, the key is on her body, no outsider can enter without her permission.

But why did Chu Tianshu suddenly appear?
This had to worry her.

What if Chu Tianshu suddenly came in to kill him while he was meditating or sleeping in the future, how should he stop him?
However, she was so distracted, but Pearl seized the opportunity.

With a flash of sunlight, a huge colorful clam appeared around Pearl's body.

He also swallowed the cold frost in one gulp.

Leng Hanshuang was shocked, and a layer of ice barrier immediately appeared around his body, like a huge ice ball.

Afterwards, the ice puck also began to change drastically, with the demon spirit bone rapidly extending inside, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a white ice frog.

Like an ice sculpture, it supported the oppression of the energy clam, and also protected the cold frost inside.

(End of this chapter)

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