The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 899 Terrifying Spiritual Talent

Chapter 899 Terrifying Spiritual Talent
What Chu Tianshu did not only shocked Yu Chen, Mu Yuncheng, Huang Yu and other seniors and sisters.

Even Bai Yunfei, the mentor, was dumbfounded.

You must know that for ordinary Xuanxiu, even if he uses the technique of mental attack, it will only take a few hits at most, and his mental power will be seriously depleted.

But Chu Tianshu was lucky. From the beginning to the end, he maintained a high-frequency and equally powerful mental attack, and he didn't stop until the lion-horned demon emperor was hammered down.

Look at Chu Tianshu again, his face is neither red nor out of breath, nothing has happened.

You can say how strong his mental power is, but it's not necessarily true, because the power of each attack is not too great.

But if you say that his mental strength is not strong, it is unlikely, otherwise, how can he keep attacking?
Looking at Chu Tianshu's posture, it seems that if the Demon Emperor does not fall, he can hammer for a day.

How monstrous is this?
Who doesn't know that physical strength is easy to recover, but mental strength is extremely difficult?

half an hour.

Bai Yunfei asked: "Chu Tianshu, are you alright?"

Chu Tianshu shrugged: "It's all right!"

"What level is your spiritual realm?" Bai Yunfei asked again.

"Probably, it is possible to compete with the junior Xuanhuang." Chu Tianshu replied.

"With the mental strength of the junior Xuanhuang, you can beat the middle-level Demon Emperor to the ground. Do you think I'm stupid or you?" Bai Yunfei asked.

The high-ranking Xuanhuang Yu Chen also nodded and said: "Yes, little junior, I am already a high-ranking man, and I can use my full power to attack, and at most it will only be a few hits, and then the mental power will be severely depleted, and the attack power will be greatly reduced. If I force it again Attack, but may be backlashed by the Demon Emperor."

Huang Yu, who had a golden snake wrapped around her hand, also said: "Yes, the demon emperor's soul is protected in the body, which can enhance the soul power, but if we want to attack its soul, we need to separate the spiritual power from the body, and the soul power will inevitably decay. , If the opposite is positive, it is probably evened out, but what about you? You can always maintain the mental strength of the junior Xuanhuang level, and attack dozens or hundreds of times continuously, how did you do it?"

"My mental strength doesn't seem to decay. Even if I attack [-] times, I can always maintain the peak state."

"You... sister!" Everyone, including the mentor Buy Yunfei, cursed.

What kind of evildoer is this, to have such a talent?

Reason told them that this was absolutely impossible.

It's like someone said that he can run at high speed all the time without losing his physical strength.

Buyunfei shook his head one after another: "It's not normal, it's absolutely not normal, Chu Tianshu, are you sure you're not lying?"

"Why don't you give it a try, Teacher? I'll keep hammering you with the hammer of spirit. Don't resist. I think I can knock you down." Chu Tianshu smiled.

"Stinky boy, do you dare to make fun of your mentor? Well, come on, come on, the mentor is standing here today and asking you to hammer hard. Let me see how capable you are."

Bai Yunfei was furious, and jumped off Baihe's back, standing in front of Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu scratched his head in embarrassment: "Teacher, I'm joking, don't take it seriously."

"Where is so much nonsense coming from? If you tell you to hammer it, you can hammer it, and let the instructor see what is special about your mental attack technique."

"Uh... well then, thank you, mentor." Chu Tianshu smiled with the corners of his mouth raised.

The Hundred Alchemy Divine Hammer is no ordinary divine art.

After taking a short breath, he condensed the hammer of spirit again and smashed it to Bai Yunfei's head.

As expected, Bai Yunfei did not fight back, his soul was hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he quietly felt Chu Tianshu's blow.

Bai Yunfei suddenly felt his brain tremble slightly, but he didn't feel much.

But as Chu Tianshu's attack frequency increased, he found that after being hit by the hammer, the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness was intact, but there were still some aftershocks coming in.

Dozens, hundreds of times...

Chu Tianshu's attack did not show signs of weakening at all, it seemed that it was still slowly increasing.

It seemed that Chu Tianshu still had something to hold back.

However, through careful observation, Bai Yunfei found that his analysis seemed to be wrong, because every time Chu Tianshu attacked, he seemed to go all out.

The reason for the increase seems to be because his soul power is slowly increasing.

It seemed that he was not performing a mental attack technique, but tempering his own soul by attacking himself.

"How can there be such an attack technique in the world?" Bai Yunfei was shocked.

After Chu Tianshu knocked thousands of times, Bai Yunfei finally couldn't take it anymore.

Your sister is just a piece of iron. After a long time, it will be deformed by a wooden hammer.

So, he shouted loudly: "Chu Tianshu, stop."

Chu Tianshu was intoxicated in becoming a god through hundreds of exercises, just as Bai Yunfei saw, he was indeed tempering his soul with the help of spiritual rebound.

It is rare to have a master Xuandi to assist him in his soul refining practice, how can Chu Tianshu waste it?
But after Bai Yunfei yelled, he still came to his senses, retreated, and said with a smile, "Teacher, how do you feel?"

Bai Yunfei felt a little top-heavy, and his body began to tremble slightly involuntarily, but he was a high-ranking Xuan Emperor after all, so he quickly regained his composure.

With both hands down, he said very easily: "It's not bad, can you feel the gap? With my teacher's cultivation base, even if you hammer for a whole day, you can't do anything about it."

"The teacher's martial arts skills are world-class, and his cultivation is advanced, so the students are naturally invincible." Chu Tianshu hastily flattered him.

"What's the name of your attacking technique?" Bai Yunfei asked.

"It's called Bailian to become a god." Chu Tianshu didn't hide it.

"Become a god after one hundred refinements? What a domineering name, what level? Where did you learn it?" Bai Yunfei asked again.

"I don't know what level it is. When I was in Donglu, I once practiced in other places and hunted down a snake monster. I saw a painting in the cave where the snake monster was hiding. I followed the situation in the painting and thought about it. Come out." Chu Tianshu replied.

He did not disclose the matter of the scroll of the hundred refinements to become a god.

He had already given the scroll to Liu Feifei, and he didn't plan to bring it back for others to read.

"Oh? The spiritual arts that I have figured out are so powerful. If I can see the real picture scroll, it may be even more amazing. Unfortunately, Dong Lu, although I can pass through with my ability, it is also extremely dangerous..." Bai Yun Fei showed regret.

Chu Tianshu said: "If the instructor wants to see it, I can use my soul power to import the pattern into your brain."

"No, your cultivation base is too low. Even if the pattern is mysterious, after your spiritual rubbing, the effect will be greatly reduced. It is not suitable for people of my level to practice. If you don't mind, you can get along with me." Your seniors and sisters, exchange mental offensive and defensive techniques with each other, and you can also learn from each other." Bai Yunfei said.

Chu Tianshu nodded.

"Your spiritual attack technique is indeed very special. It should be able to refine your soul power during the attack and continuously strengthen your own strength?" Bai Yunfei asked again.


"No wonder you can't be tired all the time."

The rest of the people were shocked: "There is such an attack technique in the world? To temper your soul in the attack?"

Bai Yunfei explained: "The world is so big, there are many wonders, but everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Although your little brother's alchemy is very powerful, it is very easy to be counterattacked by the master's spirit. A strong person can easily injure his soul."

After Chu Tianshu thought about it, that was really the case.

He is not afraid of being slightly higher or at the same level.

If you want to use the power of other people's spiritual counter-shock to temper yourself, it will inevitably be more vulnerable to counter-attack.

Just like when he saw the scroll of Hundred Refinements, he was directly stunned by his spiritual hammer.

On the contrary, other high-level mental attack techniques do not have such a big disadvantage.

Chu Tianshu's solution to this shortcoming is to use distraction to attract the power of the demon, even if he is countered by the other party, at most distraction will faint.

And he can be infinitely distracted, and the power of the inner demon is almost endless.

Therefore, in theory, Chu Tianshu has no shortcomings in the art of becoming a god through hundreds of refinements.

Huang Yu smiled, and said: "Little brother, don't worry about any shortcomings, this method of strengthening one's mental power during an attack is a huge advantage, if two masters of the same level compete mentally, when When both sides are about to run out of mental power, using your technique of refining gods is tantamount to a trump card."

The rest of the people also nodded.

"I also really want to exchange the alchemy with you, junior brother." Yu Chen also said.

Li Enmiao, holding the bamboo flute, also smiled slightly: "Junior brother, I am willing to use my method of destroying souls with sound waves to exchange with you the method of becoming a god through hundreds of refinements. Is it possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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