Need for bragging system

Chapter 114 - The Emperor

Chapter 114 - The Emperor
On the top of the solitary peak, there are clouds and mist. When you look down, you can’t see anything. The clouds and mists seem to cover your face with light veils, and they are like the clothes of the solitary peak. It is slightly white, wide and empty, which makes people feel shocked.

"The clouds in the sky are like white clothes, and the silk must change like a gray dog. From ancient times to the present, there is a time, and everything in life is always there."

Wang Kai walked through 99 stone steps, and came to the top of the tower. He looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back, and whispered softly with a complicated expression.

"Hehe, it's a good sentence that everything in life is perfect! Wang Kai, I want to ask you, the test of coercion on the stone steps is beneficial to the future of martial arts, why do you want to break it with a strange method? I don't know where the strange method comes from?"

A chuckle resounded throughout, although the sound was extremely light, it could reverberate among the mountain peaks and linger for a long time.

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and looked at the pavilion in front of him, surrounded by white gauze, within which a figure sitting cross-legged was looming, frowning and looking carefully, he suddenly found that the figure from the back was sitting in front of the qin platform, with his hands resting on the xylophone On top, the ten fingers are slender and the skin is white, and the outline of the body looks like a woman.

If it weren't for the fact that his voice was owned by a man, Wang Kai would have mistakenly believed that the majestic Lord of Fanzhou would be a woman!

"Senior Fandi didn't know something, but the younger generation thought that it would be too boring if there were no waves in the ancient well in life, so he used a secret method to break it. As for the secret method, the younger generation couldn't explain it clearly for a while. Please don't blame me, senior." Wang Kai smiled indifferently, standing outside the white gauze of the pavilion, never daring to enter it.

The person sitting cross-legged inside is the master of Fanzhou, and his martial arts realm is mysterious and unpredictable. Even the emperors such as Fu Bo and Zhentian Wang are still suppressed by him. It can be seen that his power is strong.

"Well, all warriors in the world have secrets that cannot be told, and this emperor is also not immune to the vulgarity. However, since you failed to pass the stone steps with your true talents and knowledge, this emperor cannot pass on the inheritance to you. However, I can temporarily list you as a registered disciple." , if you can observe through this emperor in the future, then you can talk about inheritance." Emperor Fan nodded lightly and said with a faint smile.

The corner of Wang Kai's mouth twitched fiercely when he heard this, black lines appeared on his forehead, he was really speechless by what Emperor Fan said, it took him a long time to climb to the top of the peak, but in the end, it was just a registered disciple?
You don't take Ben Shao seriously, do you?
"Senior Fandi, the younger generation did not come here for the inheritance, but just as I said before, for nothing more than wanting to see the grandeur of the senior. Now that I have seen it, the younger generation will leave for the time being!" Wang Kai clasped his fists and bowed, and immediately gave Waving his sleeves, he stepped down the stone steps without hesitation.

The figure from the back in the pavilion slowly shook his head, and sighed softly: "Sure enough, he is only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child, and his mind is still not calm enough. I hope he can be transformed outside of Fanzhou."

"Senior Fandi, did you just let this junior go away like this?"

Suddenly, Wang Kai walked back quickly again, cupped his fists and bowed to the back in the pavilion, and asked with a strange expression on his eyebrows.

Since he can't get the inheritance of Fandi and become the master of Fanzhou, what's the matter if he doesn't match the power of that state?

However, since you have come, how can you come in vain?

I saw that the Emperor Fan in the pavilion suddenly froze like a woman, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, and asked in a slightly surprised tone: "I don't know what you mean?"

Wang Kai cleared his throat when he heard this, and with admiration on his face, he said with a smile: "Senior Fandi, since he is willing to accept this junior as a registered disciple, should he bestow some treasures? That's even better."

As soon as these words came out, Fan Di's slender fingers resting on the xylophone visibly trembled a few times, and the space immediately became a little silent and oppressive.

"It's over! You bastard, Master Cat is really going to fall here this time! Master Cat is really unwilling!" Master Cat in Tongtian Tower suddenly became distorted when he heard it.

"Hehe, you have obtained the Supreme Treasure Tongtian Pagoda, and there is even a demon emperor who acts as a weapon spirit in it. Even if his current strength is not in its heyday, it is enough to save you from suffering outside of Fanzhou. What's more, this emperor I have already given you a very good treasure!" Fan Di laughed lightly.

Already gifted a treasure?

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard this, and quickly looked around, even searched up and down himself, but still couldn't find a foreign object, his face darkened immediately, and he muttered speechlessly: "Stingy ghost, return to Emperor Fan. "

"Senior, junior farewell!"

Since others were unwilling to give it, Wang Kai naturally didn't move, he cupped his fists reluctantly and saluted, then turned around and stepped down the stone steps.

"This emperor... has actually been said to be a cheapskate, haha." Emperor Fan shook his head and chuckled, his voice was no longer thick, but pleasant like a bell, and he slowly stood up and turned around, revealing a picture that was enough to make people feel angry. The stunning beauty of the sky and the earth.

It was an extremely beautiful face, a bit stronger than Liu Yao and Li Lingxian, especially the extraordinary and refined temperament, which was even better!

I'm afraid that Wang Kai can't guess that the dignified Fandi is actually a woman!
And it is also a peerless face that makes people fall into the abyss at a glance.


At the foot of the Gufeng Mountain, Wang Kai looked quite contemptuous, and kept cursing in a low voice: "Return to the Lord of Fanzhou, what about Fandi, tsk tsk, he is so stingy, obviously Mao didn't give it to Ben Shao, and he just swayed Acting like a big gift, it's really annoying!"

"Bastard boy, your Fandi Token has not been confiscated, and you have left the land of Fanzhou. That token alone is enough to allow you to obtain countless benefits! Back then, Master Cat just wanted to keep that token, He would trespass into the isolated peak of Nanling without authorization, but in the end it was all for naught, and he couldn't even keep the token." Master Mao shouted angrily.

However, after Master Mao finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he was already in the Tongtian Tower, his face was already stiff, and there was shame and anger in his eyes.

"Bastard! How dare you play with Master Cat's words?" Master Cat shouted.

Wang Kai immediately rolled his eyes when he heard this, and cursed with a dark face: "Big stupid cat, if you dare to pretend to be tough with this young master, believe it or not, you will be stripped of cat hair all over your body? Just like the golden-winged roc king! It must be very handsome, right?"

"You..." Master Cat suddenly lost his temper. Even though he returned to the ranks of the emperor, but because of the blood contract, there was absolutely no way to take Wang Kai.

Wang Kai flipped his hand to take out the Emperor Token from the interspatial ring, but suddenly found that the golden token that was originally found in the palace treasury turned into seven colors at this moment.

The handwriting engraved on the front and back has also been changed!
The handwriting on the front is no longer Fan, but Di, and the handwriting on the back is no longer Di, but the word "Jubao".

Tickets have passed 300, and more will be added. If I go to bed at eight o'clock, if it passes 400, I will add another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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