Need for bragging system

Chapter 115 - The Bridge of Rebirth

Chapter 115 - The Bridge of Rebirth


Seeing this, Wang Kai frowned, playing with the seven-color token, his expression was full of curiosity, and he said in surprise: "Emperor Mo Feifei is also very good outside of Fanzhou?"

"Of course, if it weren't for that, would Master Cat suffer in the hands of Emperor Fan? Moreover, if you don't want that colorful token, you can give it to Master Cat, and Master Cat will also take out a not-so-weak imperial weapon It was exchanged with you." Master Cat stroked his long beard, squinted his eyes and said with a smile, that smile looked quite unbearable.

If Wang Kai could see his treacherous smile at this moment, he would definitely give him a heavy beating.

"Big stupid cat, now that I have Tongtian Tower, I don't care much about other treasures, but since I can get them, I won't refuse. Tell me, where is the treasure hidden?" Wang Kai looked playful. laughed.

The mighty Illusory Emperor of the Demon State, the Great Cat Demon Emperor, has no treasures hidden. If he said this, no one would believe it.

But Wang Kai is also very clear that it is impossible for Cat Master to mix into Fanzhou and bring other treasures beyond the clan level.

However, outside of Fanzhou, that's not sure!
"Bastard! Tongtian Tower belongs to Master Cat, what does it have to do with you? As long as you give the token to Master Cat, other treasures can still give you one or two. If you want to empty-handed White Wolf, hehe, you Is it for nothing to be a cat master for thousands of years?" The cat master snorted disdainfully.

Thousands of years!
Wang Kai immediately rolled his eyes when he heard the words, waved his hands contemptuously, and said with a sarcasm: "Forget it, big stupid cat, I don't want to listen to your bragging anymore, the grade is really too low, have you forgotten, how many lives will you live?" Are all the supreme beings of hundreds of millions of years the disciples of this young master?"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

Aww!Ho Ho!
Suddenly, the sound of roaring and roaring could not stop, causing Wang Kai to frown, his eyes scanned the surroundings, but he suddenly found that a group of huge monsters were entrenched in all directions, staring at him covetously.

Although those monsters seemed to suppress their aura deliberately, Wang Kai still felt their monster realm after careful inspection.

The weakest are all at the Martial King level!

Wang Kai suddenly had a feeling of darkness. He never imagined that there were so many demon kings in the Nanling of Fanzhou, and each one was stronger than the other. If he walked out of Nanling, the land of Fanzhou, Isn't it bound to be destroyed?

"My benevolent heart cares about the safety of the people of Fanzhou, and I don't want to see disasters happen in the future, so I will all of you..."


"Human boy, get out of Nanling quickly. I am waiting for Lord Fandi to sit down as a demon soldier. If there is a disaster in Fanzhou, I will definitely come forward to solve it. As for don't even have full hair, you should go back Practice for a few more years!" A demon wolf king with silver hair uttered words, baring his teeth and sarcastically expelling him.

Fandi's demon soldiers?
Wang Kai's face turned black when he heard the words, squinted his eyes and stared at it unkindly, gritted his teeth and smiled angrily: "Do you know how many mistakes you made? And knowing the mistakes you made, what would it be like?" Is it the end?"

I saw a terrifying coercion sweeping and releasing from Wang Kai's body, and the silver moon demon wolf king who was directly shocked was vomiting blood and flew up.

Shift and transpose!

Wang Kai's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he suddenly came in front of the Silver Moon Demon Wolf King, pressed down on its wolf head with one hand, and immediately pressed down, only to hear a bang , The Silver Moon Demon Wolf King immediately smashed into the ground.

"The first mistake, interrupt me to brag! It's time to fight!"


"Second mistake, you can insult Ben's personality, but you must not insult Ben's age! You should fight!"


"The third mistake, caused Ben Shaoshao to brag about it, it should be hit!"


"The fourth mistake... In short, you made a huge mistake, you should be hit!"


I saw Wang Kai riding on the monster wolf king, pressing its head with one hand, and waving his fist with the other. Every time he punched, the ground was shaken. Looking at the wolf king again, At this moment, half of his body was already stuffed into the ground, his legs were twitching non-stop, and even the screams he made were as weak as mosquitoes and flies.

"What a scary human boy! It's too scary!"

"Does the human world scare monsters like this? You can't even bother bragging?"

"It's better for Master Fandi to be more gentle! Just hit once every time!"

Many monster kings were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders split, their bodies trembled, and they immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

"Human, I was wrong... wrong!"

When Wang Kai stopped, he saw that the Silver Moon Wolf King pulled out his body with great effort, and almost exhausted his last strength to say a word, then his head tilted, and he passed out on the spot.

"Hmph, if I knew it now, why bother? I just want to brag! With Emperor Fan here, even if you want to go out and pretend to be arrogant, it is impossible! Besides, this young master has a fighting spirit. You were beaten up like this before you even used it, tsk tsk, I don't know where you got the confidence to pretend to be aggressive with me!"

Wang Kai snorted contemptuously, and immediately felt relieved. With his hands behind his back, he walked leisurely and left the misty land of Nanling.

After Wang Kai disappeared, a figure descended beside the demon wolf, with a strange look on his beautiful face, he shook his head and sighed softly: "Are you doing this for the emperor? Who is stingy?"


The bridge of death.

It is located on the edge of Nanling, erected on the azure sea, and the bridge deck is engraved with Buddhist scriptures, countless densely packed, endlessly long, but only one meter wide, covered by golden lights in front of it.

On both sides of the bridge, there are two bronze statues of Buddha, one holds a vajra and stares angrily, and the other twists bodhi beads with a big smile.

The blue sea under the bridge has no ripples, just like a mirror, and the ancient well has no waves.

"Is this the Star Luo Sea?"

Wang Kai was amazed, he saw that the azure sea stretched as far as the eye could see, but there were no waves, even if there was a wind, it would not leave the slightest trace on the sea.

"This is just a corner of Xingluohai, between Fanzhou and Fozhou, separating the two states. If you are not good at heart, you can't pass it. On the edge of Beishan, it is the bridge of the underworld, leading to the land of the underworld. If you don't die, you can't live!" Master Cat said lightly.

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard the words, curled his lips in a rather speechless manner, shrugged his shoulders and hummed: "This young master is benevolent and cares about all people in the world. Although he is not a great kind person, he is not a great evil person either. This bridge, after thinking about it, is simply not worth it. too easy!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the first-rank Martial Emperor realm."

The recommended tickets have passed 400, and I will add more. If it exceeds 500, I will still add more. I hope that all fellow Taoists can leave tomorrow's tickets to this book. I am very grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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