Need for bragging system

Chapter 17 - Space Ring

Chapter 17 - Space Ring
"Hehe, I don't know where you are from? Do you know who I am?"

The black-robed young man Beitang Zhantian smiled coldly, and looked at Wang Kai and the others arrogantly, but when he realized that the realm of the three of them was beyond his ability to see through, his expression changed slightly.

Fortunately, the two guards looked like they were over forty years old, presumably at worst they should be in the realm of high-rank generals, but what about Wang Kai?It seems that he is only fifteen or sixteen years old, six years younger than himself, but he can't see through his realm either.

"Aren't you Beitang Zhantian? Do you know that because of your name, a murder is going to happen here today?"

Wang Kai opened his mouth and was about to speak, but before he could make a sound, Wang Yuan and Wang Lie on the side both sneered.

"Damn it! Am I the young master, or are you young masters?" Wang Kai gritted his teeth secretly. Such a good opportunity to brag was wasted by them. He glared at them viciously, and then smiled lightly: "Beitang Zhantian, I don't care which corner you jumped out from, it is your misfortune to meet me today!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Host, it has been detected that your experience is full. If you want to break through the realm, you need to practice the Immemorial God King Art - Lower Part."

Hearing the reminder, Wang Kai's eyelids twitched, he glanced at Beitang Zhantian indifferently, then turned to the two guards and said: "You two go and pick him up carefully, remember to leave a sigh of relief, sir Talk to him later."

"Yes! Young master!"

Wang Yuan and Wang Lie accepted the order, and immediately pulled out the sabers around their waists, stared at Beitang Zhantian fiercely, grinned grinningly and said: "Little bastard, it's your bad luck to meet us." Master!"

"Bastard! I am Shenwu..."

However, before Beitang Zhantian finished speaking, he was already caught in the pincer attack of the two guards. Until now, he found that the opponent's realm was astonishingly rank nine as a general, which was eight ranks higher than his own!
"Congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing the Immemorial God King Art - Lower Part, which consumes 10 bragging points."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully cultivating the Immemorial God-King Kungfu - Part [-]."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the realm of first-rank generals."

Host: Wang Kai
Occupation: Warrior

Realm: first rank general

Cultivation Method: Immemorial God King Kung Fu - Complete
Martial arts: Subduing Dragon Ten Slaps, Taiyang Fist, Yuan Qi Bomb, Remnant Image Fist, Kone Step, Cloud Turning Palm

Equipment: none
Bragging Value: 0
Experience: 0/10000
"The status of the technique has changed to complete, and the bragging points have been exhausted. Fortunately, the experience has not increased." Wang Kai nodded in satisfaction, urging his mind to close it.

Suddenly, Beitang Zhantian was spat out repeatedly by the two guards, and was finally captured and thrown in front of Wang Kai.

"Master, I've already caught it." Wang Yuan grinned.

Wang Kai frowned, lowered his head and looked at Beitang Zhantian calmly, raised his arm and pointed to the other side, and said: "Go and get that girl here as well."

"Ah!" Murong Wanqing, who just wanted to leave secretly, screamed, not to mention that she had been poisoned by Huaqi powder, even if she was safe, she would definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the two guards, and she was taken away in just a split second. Arrived in front of Wang Kai.

"Beauty, do you do things like this? This hero drew his sword to help when he saw injustice. Now that the crisis has been resolved, do you want to leave without even saying thank you?" Wang Kai curled his lips and looked at her with some displeasure.

Murong Wanqing blushed when she heard the words, her beautiful eyes stared at him firmly, she clenched her teeth and said nothing, in her opinion, this boy and that Beitang Zhantian are the same kind, and they are definitely not good thing.

"Ahem...hehe, I don't know who is brother? Why don't we just become brothers and enjoy this girl together?" Beitang Zhantian squinted his eyes and said, a ray of coldness flashed through his eyes.

"Bastard! Beitang Zhantian, in vain you are the number one powerhouse of the younger generation of the Beitang family!" Murong Wanqing looked annoyed, and couldn't help but speak angrily.

However, what was waiting for him was a crisp sound. Wang Kai slapped Beitang Zhantian directly on the face, making him dumbfounded on the spot. Get smacked?

This made Beitang Zhantian unbelievable and unacceptable!
"Yes! I didn't expect that you, Beitang Zhantian, would have today!" After Murong Wanqing was briefly absent-minded, she sneered with joy on her pretty face.

Beitang Zhantian came back to his senses, his face twitched a few times, the hot and stinging pain on it made him even more angry, his eyes stared at Wang Kai, and he sneered: "I am..."

"Who is your grandma? It has nothing to do with this young master. The only thing I want to know now is, do you want to live or die?" Wang Kai smiled lightly, shook his numb palm, and stared at him with disdain .

Everyone has been arrested and beaten, so can you care about your awesome status?
In Wang Kai's view, this Beitang Zhantian is a second-rate idiot!
"Bastard! I am Shenwu..."

Beitang Zhantian's eyes were red, the burning pain on both sides of his face, and this shame made him grit his teeth, wishing he could tear Wang Kai apart immediately.

"Before you do evil things, you should be enlightened. Unfortunately, you met Ben today, but I didn't see your enlightenment. What I saw was your high self-esteem and lack of repentance! "Wang Kai said coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, Beitang Zhantian was furious, his chest heaved and heaved for a long time and could not be calmed down, not only was he slapped by a fifteen-year-old kid, but he was actually preached by him?
"What kind of person is this young man?" Murong Wanqing looked at Wang Kai strangely. She was still smiling just now, and she spoke all the cynical words of the second generation ancestor, but now, why did she suddenly become so serious? ?

And that sentence is also very good.

"Uh, is our young master enlightened?" Wang Yuan pursed his lips and looked suspiciously at Wang Lie.

Wang Lie also conveyed it with his eyes, and said helplessly: "Maybe the young master really wants to be a hero in his bones?"

"What do you want?" Beitang Zhantian said calmly.

"Hehe, it's very simple, keep all the valuables on your body, oh, as a punishment for you, leave all your clothes too." Wang Kai grinned brightly and said.

As soon as the words fell, Murong Wanqing and the two guards were petrified on the spot, and all the guesses just now were dispelled!

"Hehe, yes!" Beitang Zhantian's face was livid, he squinted his eyes and grinned grinningly, stood up with great effort, and threw the interspatial ring and clothes on his body to the ground.

Wang Kai's eyes lit up immediately, it was a space ring. As early as in Baiyulou, he was already jealous of Prince Wankong's space ring, and he didn't expect to get one today.

"Okay, okay, you can get out!" Wang Kai waved his hand impatiently, picked up the interspatial ring, and played it back and forth in his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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