Need for bragging system

Chapter 18 - Carrying Out Evil to the End

Chapter 18 - Carrying Out Evil to the End

"Do you know who he is? You let him go so easily?" Murong Wanqing's expression was full of disbelief.

Wang Kai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, curled his lips in disdain and snorted: "Isn't it Beitang Zhantian, such a name, I will never forget it in my life, damn it, the bragging is all about the name, If Ben Shao hadn't appeared today and taught him a lesson, I would have thought he was bragging."

"Sure enough, it was because of the name..." The two guards sighed while holding their foreheads.

Murong Wanqing was stunned for a few seconds, looking at him like an idiot, it took a long time to come back to her senses, and said with a sneer: "You will regret it, he is one of the core disciples of the Shenwu Academy, and he lives in Beijing The Tang family is also one of the five great families that dominate the Shenwu Academy, just because you have humiliated him like this today, no matter whether it is the Shenwu Academy or the Beitang Academy, they will never let you go!"

"Presumptuous! My young master kindly rescued you, not only are you ungrateful, but you dare to scare me here?" Wang Yuan's face was livid, and he sternly reprimanded.


Wang Lie kept his face sullen and said nothing, he directly pulled out the saber from his waist, and put it on her neck involuntarily.

"Okay, okay, why bother to be serious with a woman?" Wang Kai waved his hand, stepped forward and put the knife aside, looked at her lightly, and asked with a smile: "Then according to your words, I should kill him even more." Right?"

Murong Wanqing's pretty face was cold, and she sneered, "That's right, this is the best way for you!"

"Hehe, if I choose to kill him, then you...will die too!" Wang Kai's face turned cold, he stretched out his fingers to lift her chin, and stared at her with cold eyes.

Looking at Wang Kai's gloomy face and eyes without a trace of emotion, Murong Wanqing felt as if she had fallen into a cold hell. She couldn't imagine how the smiling young man could change so quickly?
Sometimes cynical, sometimes murderous... Which one is the real him?
"Why?" Murong Wanqing's head was lifted slightly, she didn't choose to resist, but looked directly at Wang Kai, she didn't understand, the method she said was definitely beneficial to Wang Kai, but why? He also said that he would kill himself?
Wang Kai shook his head when he heard the words, looked at her pretty face, couldn't help but pouted, and sighed: "A woman is a woman, since his status is so powerful, even if he is not afraid, he doesn't want to get involved in trouble, so I If you kill him, you, a bystander, still need to live?"

"It's not that I don't want to kill you, but I don't want to kill you. If you kill me, you'll die too. So didn't I save you in vain? And you made a fuss?"

"Young master is wise!" The two guards were startled when they heard the words, and then quickly cupped their hands in praise.

Indeed, killing and not killing are completely different situations. If he really kills, he will not only face the hatred of Beitang Zhantian alone, but the punishment of the entire Beitang family and even the Shenwu Academy.

As long as they don't kill, with the prestige of the Marshal's Mansion, whether it is the Beitang family or the Shenwu Academy, will they tear their faces?

Obviously impossible!
But Murong Wanqing didn't know Wang Kai's identity, and when she heard the words, nothing but disdain, she sneered contemptuously and said, "Are you so sure that he won't use the power of the Beitang family to deal with you? Since you believe so much that he won't, why can't you believe that I won't expose you?"

"Hey, if you can take off your clothes and run naked in front of me, I will also believe you." Wang Kai grinned, his eyes could not help but look at her, like a pig brother.

Murong Wanqing took a breath and looked at him with her beautiful eyes wide open. It was only now that she realized that this was what he had planned. Indeed, if he really told the insult that Beitang Zhantian received today, it wouldn't be a big deal. But Beitang Zhantian will be ruined, and even the Beitang family will be ashamed.

If this kind of thing is for me, I'm afraid of death!
"Murong beauty, there is no need for us to argue about whether to kill or not. Anyway, the others have already let go, so let's talk about how you want to repay me?" Wang Kai shrugged and looked at him with a bright smile on his face. looking at her.

Murong Wanqing gritted her silver teeth when she heard the words, took off a space ring on her finger with a pretty face, and immediately stretched out her arm and spread her palm, a blue space ring lay quietly in the palm , only to hear her say contemptuously: "It's shameless to ask for a reward for saving someone. Here it is!"

"No shame? Can shame be eaten? Can shame save you from the crisis of being insulted?" Wang Kai curled his lips in disdain, raised his hand and patted her arm aside, and said with a light smile: " You already have the interspatial ring!"

"Then what do you want?" Murong Wanqing gritted her teeth and said angrily.

Hearing this, Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, walked around her twice, pouting and praising her from time to time: "Well, what a good figure, tsk tsk, this figure should be enough for a year, right?"

"Bastard!" Murong Wanqing scolded angrily, her pretty face flushed and she took a few steps back.

"I don't have any bastards, but I have two golden eggs under my crotch. Do you want them?" Wang Kaidang said with a smile.

Murong Wanqing almost held back her breath in anger, her chest heaved violently, it took a long time to catch her breath, and said coldly: "I didn't realize that you are so shameless at such a young age, I really don't know which aristocratic family taught you of!"


The two guards were furious when they heard the words. Although they secretly felt that their young master was a bit ashamed, but if they thought of his reputation in Wangcheng, all of these seemed too childish.

"Okay, since you say I'm shameless, then it's okay, you can leave safely now with one bite of your own!" Wang Kai smiled faintly, walked in front of her again, raised his finger and pointed at his face.

"Impossible! I would rather die..."

"Death? Is it so easy to say death? You should also belong to the Shenwu Academy? If your body is stripped and hung on the mountain gate of the Shenwu Academy, I am afraid that many of your friends will go to see you." Collect the corpse for you?" Wang said with a smile.

Murong Wanqing's pretty face suddenly changed color when she heard the words, she looked at him with fear in her eyes, trembling body, said tremblingly: " can't do this!"

"What nonsense? Hurry up and give me a kiss, I'll treat it as a handle you left me, lest you go back to the Shenwu Academy to spread the word, and then make that Beitang Zhantian angry, wouldn't the young master want to kill you?" Are you done?" Wang Kai said impatiently.

Anyway, I still have to stay in the Shenwu Academy in the future. If I don't pass through the nine-story Tongtian Pagoda for a day, I can't activate the power of the blood. Wang Kai feels uncomfortable all over, how could he leave hidden dangers?

(End of this chapter)

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