Need for bragging system

Chapter 20 - Love Money Like Destiny, Wang Cheng Blows God

Chapter 20 - Love Money Like Destiny, Wang Cheng Blows God

The two disciples guarding the mountain were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they quickly looked at each other to show that they could get up to ten million taels of silver tickets during the mission of guarding the mountain, which they never thought about.

After a while, they seemed to have reached a consensus, and saw one of the disciples guarding the mountain stretched out his hand, raised two fingers, and said with a grin: "Give each of our brothers 2000 million taels, and you will be allowed to enter." Mountain Gate."

"That's right, don't think that our brothers want a lot. If no one takes you into the mountain gate together, even if you are let in, you will be regarded as infiltrators. It is light to be imprisoned, and you may be executed on the spot!" Another mountain guard disciple sneered.

2000 million taels per person!

Wang Yuan and Wang Lie's expressions suddenly sank when they heard the words, they didn't expect these two mountain guard disciples to speak so loudly, and they were about to pay such a huge amount as soon as they opened their mouths.

"You two, don't go too far!" Wang Lie said in a deep voice.

Wang Yuan also had a cold expression, he couldn't help pressing his palm on the saber, and said coldly: "Is it really easy to bully when you are the Marshal's Mansion?"

"Hey, we don't care how high the Marshal's Mansion is in the Shenwu Dynasty, but don't forget, this is the Shenwu Academy, not your Marshal's Mansion!" Shoushan disciple sneered disdainfully.

"It's really embarrassing for you, you are shameless!" Wang Kai sneered.


The expressions of the two guards immediately changed when they heard the words. They knew that the young master was really angry, but this is the Shenwu Academy after all. open shadow?
"Empty step!"

Hearing a soft drink, Wang Yuan, Wang Lie and the two mountain guards suddenly looked up, only to find that Wang Kai was impressively above midair, and saw his feet keep stepping in the air, every time he took a step, the air would A circle of ripples exploded, and after such a cycle, it actually remained suspended in mid-air.

"It's actually possible to step into the air!" Several people's faces changed drastically, and they were horrified.

"Ten slaps to subdue the dragon!" Wang Kai coldly shouted softly, and his battle qi covered his palms, and the cyan battle qi was extremely glaring in the night sky.

"Master, don't..." Wang Yuan and Wang Lie shouted.

However, Wang Kai didn't pay attention to them at all, he slapped down with two palms in the air, and ten blue palm prints fell from somersaults, pointing directly at the two disciples guarding the mountain.

"This... this is the realm of generals!"

Feeling the terrifying fighting spirit that made people unable to breathe, the two disciples guarding the mountain were already dumbfounded on the spot, and even forgot to resist and dodge. on their chests.

In an instant, the gravel at the mountain gate was splashed, billowing smoke and dust were everywhere, and the two disciples guarding the mountain were thrown into the air by force, and the terrifying force continued unabated, directly pushing their bodies, flowing along the stone like a streamer. The steps shoot upwards.

After shooting for a distance of three to forty meters, the bodies of the two disciples who guarded the mountain fell on the stone steps. The clothes on the chest and back had been pierced and broken by the force, and a scarlet five-finger palm print stood out. floating above the flesh.

"Damn it! You even want to rob me of my banknotes, and don't piss to take care of yourself!" Wang Kai spat in disdain, and slowly landed from mid-air.

Looking at the two disciples guarding the mountain, they were already lying on the stone steps convulsively, their hair was disheveled and their clothes were in tatters, and blood flowed out of their mouths uncontrollably.

"Master, how can you be so impulsive!" Wang Yuan said with a worried expression.

Wang Kai shrugged when he heard the words, and said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? They are mere mountain guard disciples, and they have just stepped into the martial arts realm. They don't have much status in the Shenwu Academy, otherwise how could they be arranged here to watch?" Door?"

"The root of the matter is not here. Even though they are just ordinary disciples, what they are looking at is the gate of the Shenwu Academy, which represents the face of the Shenwu Academy!" Wang Lie shook his head and sighed.

If it wasn't for the Shenwu Academy, Wang Yuan and Wang Lie could easily defeat or behead them with two disciples who were only martial masters.

"So what? It's obvious that they want to extort 4000 million taels of silver notes from me. I'm just giving him a lesson on behalf of the Shenwu Academy. Besides, if it's true that they can't enter the mountain gate at this hour , their mere martial master disciples, dare to ask me for a silver ticket on their own initiative?" Wang Kai frowned, and stepped up the stone steps leisurely with his hands behind his back.

The two guards were stunned for a while when they heard the words, and then suddenly realized, they couldn't help but look at each other, they were both a little startled by their young master's actions just now, it turned out that the young master didn't intend to bribe with silver bills at all.

If it is really impossible to enter the Shenwu Academy, relying on the two disciples guarding the mountain, no matter how much silver tickets are given to them, they will not dare to let them go.

But just when Wang Kai proposed a bribe with a banknote, the two disciples guarding the mountain were moved and wanted to take the initiative to lead the way!
What does this prove?The two disciples guarding the mountain were nothing more than trying to take the opportunity to extort money!
"Don't pretend to be dead there, hurry up and let me lead the way!"

Wang Kai walked up to one of the disciples guarding the mountain, raised his foot and kicked them mercilessly a few times. He only used [-]% of his strength just now, and it was not enough to kill them.

If it was changed to Fanyunzhang, the result would be different. Although Jianglong Ten Slaps hit ten times in one blow, the force can still be controlled.

However, the strength of this martial skill of Fanyun Zhang cannot be mastered. It is a three-stage attack, and the three stages cannot be distinguished, and each stage is fatal.

For these two Shoushan disciples who have just stepped into the realm of martial arts, Cloud Turning Palm will definitely kill them!

"Ahem! dare to treat me..."

Wang Kai frowned when he heard this, lowered his head and looked down at him, and interrupted calmly: "If you don't want the elders of Shenwu Academy to know that you took the opportunity to blackmail me, then get up and lead the way!"

"!" The mountain guard disciple spewed out a mouthful of blood when he heard this, and stared at Wang Kai with red eyes, feeling extremely tight in his chest.

"What me? Next time the cover is bright, can anyone's banknote be blackmailed?" Wang Kai curled his lips and snorted disdainfully.

The mountain guard disciple's face was ashen, and he got up with great effort. He vaguely remembered that in the daytime, Liu Yao and others who came from the king's city had taken a lot of silver tickets for him, even the son of the King of Heaven.

But no one could have imagined that this Wang Kai from the Marshal's Mansion would be so bold!
He dared to do something without giving the bank note, but he still couldn't do anything to him!
As everyone knows, Wang Kai is fundamentally different from those princes of Wangcheng. If he could inquire about it, such a thing like tonight would definitely not happen.

Love money like life, Wang Cheng is a god!
(End of this chapter)

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