Need for bragging system

Chapter 21 - Spiritual Pivot Academy

Chapter 21 - Spiritual Pivot Academy


Shenwu Academy, Lingshu Academy.

"The people who came from the king's city will temporarily live in the Lingshu courtyard. We will see the elder Lingshu later..." The mountain guard disciple hesitated to speak.

Wang Kai couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, he patted him on the shoulder, and said calmly: "Don't worry, this young master has always been open-minded and never cares about small things. I won't say anything about you trying to blackmail me. of."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Hearing this, the mountain guard disciple twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, with a face that was almost green, pointed to the scarlet palm print on his chest, and said, "Master Kai, what I'm talking about is not this matter, but..."

"Oh, you and I met each other from the mountain gate, and we became very interested because of the similar atmosphere. We exchanged martial arts. It's only because I am too high in martial arts. I accidentally hurt you. I hope that senior brother will not bear any grudges." Wang said. Kai smiled lightly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Who smells like you!Who competed with you in martial arts!

"Uh..." The Shoushan disciple was speechless for a moment, feeling that the dullness in his chest was getting worse, and he really didn't want to talk to Wang Kai anymore, so he said extremely aggrieved: "Since Young Master Kai already has some words, then I I'm relieved."

Wang Kai was taken aback when he heard the words, and seeing that he was about to step into the Spiritual Shuyuan, he grabbed his shoulder and said quickly: "Are you relieved now? Don't you want to say anything else?"

"What else do I need to say? Mr. Kai, please spare the little one. I haven't healed my injury yet, so let the little one take you to the Spiritual Shuyuan as soon as possible, so that the little one can go back to heal!" Shou Shan The disciple wanted to cry but said without tears.

Wang Kai's face froze, he let go of him with a bit of embarrassment, and he wanted to take the opportunity to brag a little more, but who would have thought that with only two bragging, people would not want to talk to him.

"Young master, how will he survive in the Shenwu Academy in the future? I'm afraid that the whole Shenwu Academy will be disturbed?" Wang Yuan and Wang Lie looked at each other, and they couldn't help worrying about the Shenwu Academy.

Lingshuyuan is located on the mountainside of Shenwu Mountain. It is mostly used as a place to entertain guests. There are dozens of houses, large and small, and the owner of the courtyard, Elder Lingshu, lives in the first house.

"Elder Lingshu, Young Master Wang Kai and two family generals have arrived at the Wangcheng Marshal's Mansion." The disciple guarding the mountain said softly.


The candlelight in the house was lit up, and an old man in a gray robe pushed the door and walked out, holding a candle lamp in his hand, he glanced at Kai and the others, his eyes fixed on the disciple guarding the mountain's chest, looked at the Scarlet five-finger palm print, his brows were slightly frowned, and he said coldly: "Who hurt you?"

The mountain guard disciple trembled when he heard the words, lowered his head and said nothing, his heart was already terrified. Although he was just an ordinary student of the Shenwu Academy, once the task of guarding the mountain started, getting injured would mean damage to the Shenwu Academy face.

"Elder Lingshu, just now in front of the mountain gate, this senior brother and I were on good terms with each other. I just thought it was too late to meet each other, so we exchanged martial arts with each other. It's just that the younger generation is not good at learning skills and can't control the strength well, so we did it together." ... I hope the elder will not blame you." Wang Kai took a step forward with a solemn expression, bent over and clasped his fists and said.

As soon as this remark came out, the disciple who guarded the mountain was immediately surprised. He thought he would say it according to what he just said, but who would have thought that he would say it so politely and modestly?I couldn't help feeling weird in my heart, secretly wondering who this guy is?

"Hehe, yes, I know that I am not good at learning, so I came to the Shenwu Academy to practice. I hope you can pass the ceremony smoothly, and grow up under the influence of the academy's superb martial arts." Elder Lingshu smiled faintly. , not without some arrogance.

Wang Kai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, his heart felt cold, but his face was full of admiration, he clasped his fists and said with a smile: "According to the elder's auspicious words, if this junior can become a disciple of Shenwu Academy, I would like to worship senior."

"Hahaha, the little doll is not bad, I will go and have a look at the grand ceremony, come with me." Elder Lingshu laughed loudly.

When Wang Kai and the others followed the Lingshu elder and left, the mountain guard disciple's face twitched non-stop, looked at Wang Kai's back, shook his head and sighed: "This guy must not be provoked! It's too damn dangerous!"

"Elder Lingshu, I don't know which room we want to live in?" Wang asked with a smile.

I saw that the houses were tightly packed together, forming a large rectangle, and there were dozens of them.

"Hey, you can choose any of these dozens of houses. As for whether you can live in them, it depends on your ability." Elder Lingshu paused and stood in the center of the courtyard, with a playful smile on his back.

random pick?Check in according to your ability?
Wang Kai was stunned when he heard the words, and asked a little puzzled: "I don't know what Elder Lingshu said?"

"Hehe, there are 55 rooms in the Lingshu Academy. There are 27 young people who came from Wangcheng today. They each brought two guards. Since you came the latest, the rooms are already full. "The Elder Lingshu smiled lightly.

Does that mean to steal it?
Wang Kai raised his brows, and immediately understood the meaning of Elder Lingshu's words, he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, "Damn it, I just flattered you in vain, and now I want to let me grab the room!"

"Master, do we want to grab it?" Wang Yuan asked in a low voice.

"Do we need to grab it? As long as Ben Shao opens his mouth to drink, will they dare not let them out of the room?" Wang Kai curled his lips and snorted disdainfully.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Elder Lingshu suddenly became interested when he heard the words, looked at Wang Kai curiously, couldn't help but smiled in surprise: "It seems that your prestige in the Wangcheng is not low."

"Hmph, that's natural. You don't need to know who the king is when you are in the king's city, but you must know who this young master is!" Wang Kai snorted proudly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

As soon as this remark came out, Elder Lingshu's eyelids twitched violently, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he thought to himself, "Could it be that the current Marshal's Mansion is already so powerful?"

If Wang Yuan and Wang Lie knew what he was thinking, they would definitely explain it immediately. It wasn't that the Marshal's Mansion was strong enough to ignore the King, but that his young master's bragging skills were too high!
"Hey! Listen up everyone inside, you are already surrounded, I will give you three breaths of time, if you take the initiative to give up the room obediently, you can be punished lightly! If you dare to resist... all of you will be beaten up!" Kai shouted suddenly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Ah! Young Master Kai! Is that you?"

"Damn it! Didn't he stop coming? Why did he come at this hour?"

In an instant, all the rooms were lit up by candlelight, and it could be seen from the reflection that the people inside were getting dressed in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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