Need for bragging system

Chapter 200 - Dustless Fire is the Best Alchemy

Chapter 200 - Dustless Fire is the Best Alchemy
The moment the three alchemy materials were thrown into the Nine Dragon Cauldron, one after another silver-white brilliance spewed out from the nine-headed silver dragon's mouth, gathering at the center of the Nine Dragon Cauldron.

It condensed into a silver-white light group, and as the nine-headed silver dragon gradually degenerated into the original black, the light group also gradually shrank.

In the end, it suddenly turned into a pill the size of a thumb!

Where is the need for one hour and three quarters?Obviously less than ten breaths is enough!
Wang Kai looked at the pill with a rather excited expression, and immediately took it with his hands, and saw that it exuded bursts of milky white halo, and wisps of danxiang wafted from it.

And on the surface of the pill, there are four golden stripes.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully refining a first-grade heavenly pill and gaining 1 experience point."

"Four golden stripes, must be heaven-level! First-grade heaven-level pill! Wuchen Huo is really powerful, not only the refining speed is extremely fast, but the quality is also among the top ranks!" Wang Kai's expression was filled with admiration.

Inside Tongtian Pagoda, seeing this, Lord Cat stroked his long beard and said with a faint smile: "Of course, Wuchen's fire has become famous thousands of years ago, and only Wuchen is the strongest in refining elixir. The refined medicine does not contain any impurities!"

Immediately, under Wang Kai's refinement as if possessed by a demon, in less than half an hour, all [-] alchemy materials were used up, and what was placed in front of him were [-] first-grade heavenly pills!

Jiulong Ding

Host: Wang Kai
Occupation: Alchemist
Kung Fu: Dan Dian

Boundary: Dantu third grade

Experience: 0/100
Wang Kai quickly glanced at it, then urged his mind to close it, and said with a rather indifferent smile: "It seems that we need to refine [-] copies of first-grade heavenly pills to reach the alchemy realm."

The realm of alchemists is the same as that of warriors, from weak to strong, they are divided into alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, and alchemy gods.

Today's Wang Kai has just started alchemy, and his realm is only the lowest level of alchemy, and the elixir he can refine is only first-grade.

But if you want to reach the level where you can refine the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, you must at least reach the Pill Sage.

After all, the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill is a holy pill, eighth-rank level!
Wang Kai opened the stone gate with a wave of his hand. He wanted to summon Hao Ren, but he found him standing beside the stone gate with a solemn expression.

"My lord, do you have any orders?" Hao Ren turned around, bending over and clasping his fists respectfully.

I have to say that Hao Ren is indeed too shrewd, especially how to serve the superiors!
"Bring another six hundred copies of alchemy materials." Wang Kai said with a faint smile.

"Your Majesty, I have already prepared the small ones for emergencies. I specially prepared a thousand more copies before, and now there are [-] more copies." Hao Ren said with a bright smile on his face.

Wang Kai raised his brows immediately when he heard this. It is really not many of his subordinates to be able to reach Hao Ren's level. It is no wonder that he is a mere emperor, but he can be the steward of Jubao Building.

"Well, you did a good job, keep all the [-] copies, and then go find me the second-grade, third-grade to eighth-grade alchemy materials, [-] copies each!" Wang Kai smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Now that the elixir has been successfully refined, and it is possible to refine it so quickly by using the dust-free fire, it is natural to quickly raise the level of the alchemist.

However, Hao Ren still nodded repeatedly, but in the end he was full of embarrassment.

"My lord, it's not difficult to find the alchemy materials of the second to sixth ranks. The seventh ranks can also be found with a lot of money, but the eighth ranks of alchemy materials..." Hao Ren said awkwardly.

Wang Kai frowned slightly when he heard this, and said with a puzzled smile: "There are countless alchemists on Sun Moon Island, and there should be quite a few alchemists who can refine eighth-grade pills, right? In this case, eighth-grade alchemy materials Will there still be a shortage?"

"It's not a shortage...but the price is too high. I'm afraid one hundred thousand and eighth-grade spirit stones are needed for a single serving. The small ones are only the stewards of the Jubao Building. The spirit stones that can be used are limited, so..." Hao Ren stiffened apologetically. laughed.

Although I really want to show it in front of Wang Kai, but my pockets are not full, what can I do?
With Hao Ren's own financial resources, it is already not easy to find materials of the second to seventh ranks.

But the refining materials of the eighth grade need at least [-] spirit stones for one piece, and one thousand pieces, that is [-] million eighth grade spirit stones!

After thinking about it, Wang Kai's face darkened, and he secretly thought that he only got 8000 million eighth-grade spirit stones in this auction of Miaoyin, which is not enough to buy eighth-grade alchemy materials now!

"Ahem, as the emperor of Jubaolou, can't I use some spirit stones?" Wang Kai said with a slightly unnatural smile. The dignified emperor was stumped by the spirit stones. shameful.

If you want to pretend, you can't pretend!
"Of course you can, but only 5000 million eighth-grade spirit stones can be used, and you must obtain the permission of the Empress of Fanzhou." Hao Ren said.

Only 5000 million?

Wang Kai's face suddenly darkened like ink, thinking that the emperors of the four major families in Wuzhou and the emperors of each state can use up to 5000 million, but he has only [-] million!
The strength of Jubao Building is definitely not inferior to other forces, and in terms of spirit stones, it is definitely better than other forces!

But there are so few spirit stones that can be used!
The shrewd Hao Ren naturally saw Wang Kai's intentions, and said respectfully, "Your Excellency doesn't know, there are four emperors in total, and each of them can use the 5000 million eighth-grade spirit stones in Jubaolou. The emperor's son can use [-] million eighth-grade spirit stones, and if he can reach the son...the number of spirit stones is too small to imagine."

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, he didn't know what the Empress of Fanzhou was thinking, the emperor could get four of them.

However, this made Wang Kai clearly understand that the emperor of Jubaolou is indeed rich enough, and the spirit stones used alone are twice that of the emperors of other states!
But the premise is to stand out in the battle between emperors and sons and be the only emperor of Jubaolou!
"You said before that the third emperor would come here tomorrow, right?" Wang Kai smiled playfully.

Hao Ren was stunned when he heard the words. Although he didn't understand what Wang Kai meant, he nodded and said, "That's right, we will arrive before noon tomorrow."

"Well, that's very good. You can use my son's 3000 million eighth-rank spirit stones to find the eighth-rank alchemy materials. For the rest of the alchemy materials, I will give you another [-] million eighth-rank spirit stones. Is it enough?" Use?" Wang Kai smiled lightly.

"My lord, it's not only enough, but also more than enough!" Hao Ren laughed.

Wang Kai nodded slightly, and then asked Hao Ren to write down the ingredients needed to refine the elixirs from the second to the eighth rank, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled curiously: "Don't you want to ask this young master, Why use [-] million eighth-grade spirit stones?"

"My lord, the three emperors will come here tomorrow, and they will either die or be slaves!" Hao Ren replied with a bright smile on his face, and he became more and more sure that it was absolutely right to seek refuge with Wang Kai.

Like those three emperors, over the years, although there have been small frictions, there has never been a real big friction.

However, Wang Kai dared to think of depriving the three emperors of their rights!
The two dared to compare, and the verdict will be judged!

When Wang Kai heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, his forehead was covered with black lines and he waved his hands and said: "Hurry up and get back the alchemy ingredients!"

Oh shit!With someone so smart by his side, there's no chance of bragging!
(End of this chapter)

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