Need for bragging system

Chapter 201 - Pill Sage

Chapter 201 - Pill Sage

For one day and one night, Wang Kai was immersed in the madness of alchemy, until the next morning, the initial excitement and surprise had disappeared.

Suddenly, I felt that alchemy was not difficult, nor was it very interesting.

Jiulong Ding

Host: Wang Kai
Occupation: Alchemist
Kung Fu: Dan Dian

Boundary: Ninth Rank of Holy Alchemy

Experience: 0/100
Wang Kai glanced at it casually, then excitedly urged his thoughts to close it, and said with a faint smile: "Alchemy is one, but it's too easy to do it by hand, if I want to, I can step into the alchemy level at any time! "

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, bragging is worth 10 point."

Inside Tongtian Pagoda, Master Cat has long been numb to seeing it, and now he doesn't care about it when he hears it. It's hard to imagine that there are such alchemy geniuses in the world.

From the initial first-grade elixir, all the way to the eighth-grade holy elixir without hindrance, and all of them are holy-level heavenly products!

If Wang Kai went to that Riyue Island, how many alchemists would die of jealousy.

"It's just that the alchemy formula recorded in the alchemy book is only the Qi Gathering Pill, from the first rank to the eighth rank, it is still the Qi Gathering Pill." Wang Kai sighed quite speechlessly.

I thought that the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill could also exist in the Pill Book, but who knows, I searched all over and found nothing.

Except for the formula of Qi Ju Pill, the rest are the knowledge of various alchemy materials.

Looking at the space ring full of [-] Qi Gathering Pills, there are [-] each from the first rank to the eighth rank, and the ranks are all heavenly ranks.

"The Qi Gathering Pill is useful to any cultivator, but it is useless to oneself, but the taste is still good. It is good enough to be eaten as a sugar ball." Wang Kai looked quite indifferent, flicked his fingers, and He popped a white Qi Gathering Pill into his mouth and chewed it to pieces.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

Such a scene, such words, made Master Mao in Tongtian Tower tremble all over.

When did the Holy Grade Tianpin pill become a sugar ball to eat?

The only person in the world who dares to do this is Wang Kai, right?

"Bastard boy, you are simply reckless! The Qi Gathering Pill can definitely be called an ancient alchemy, no matter the Buddha Yuan of the Buddha, the devil's energy of the demon, or even the demon of the demon, the spiritual power of the talisman. Wait, you can use this Qi Gathering Pill to enhance your realm! You actually... actually eat it like candy! You are so angry!" Master Cat jumped and cursed, really couldn't stand it anymore.

I'm afraid that Wang Kai's actions would be unacceptable in any eyes!
Wang Kai shrugged nonchalantly when he heard the words, flicked his fingers, and sent another Qi Gathering Pill into his mouth. While chewing and enjoying, he said with a faint smile: "Violence? There is no way, who told me How about forcing? It’s mere elixir, my master’s plan from the beginning was to refine it to pretend to be a chick.”

As for breaking through the realm, do you still need Qi Gathering Pill?It's useless at all, you have to rely on bragging!
"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

"You...then you can also give Master Cat something to eat. Temporarily give Master Cat the seventh-rank ones. Master Cat has accumulated for many years, and he can break through to the Holy Realm in one fell swoop!" Master Cat said eagerly.

Rather than watching Wang Kai pretend to be violent, it is better to swallow the refinement in order to break through the realm.

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard this, and said with a playful smile: "Big stupid cat, you are not a beauty, a fairy, or a goddess. Why should I give it to you? Why don't you just use your treasure place?" Shall I change my baby?"

"Bastard boy, didn't you say that we are brothers and sisters? Why do you turn your face and deny people now?" Master Mao trembled angrily.

"That's right, it's true that brothers and sisters are suffering, but now this young master is not in trouble, what this young master said before is not to share the blessings." Wang Kai shrugged and said with a teasing smile.

Inside the Tongtian Tower, Master Cat has already been circling in anger, stroking his long beard hesitantly, the treasures in the place where treasures are stored are extremely precious, but Qi Gathering Pill is an ancient pill, if he can swallow hundreds of seven Pin Ju Qi Pill, it can definitely turn into a saint!

Now that it's in front of my eyes, it's really itchy.

Wang Kai crushed the Qi Gathering Pills one by one with an extremely chic expression, the crisp sound and the sound of smacking his mouth, immediately stimulated the hair of the cat all over his body to burst.

"Master Cat will exchange with you! Give Master Cat [-] seventh-grade Qi Gathering Pills first!" Master Cat bared his teeth and shouted.

"Wouldn't it be better if it was already like this?"

Wang Kai raised his eyebrows when he heard this, squinted his eyes slightly, and poured the seventh-grade Qi Gathering Pill into the Tongtian Tower like throwing garbage, and the number was a thousand!

Facing Wang Kai's generosity, and still looking like he was throwing rubbish, Master Mao's mouth slanted and his eyes slanted, his seven orifices were almost lifeless.

"Alchemy masters are really so hateful!" Master Cat cursed secretly.

"My lord, the third son Huyan Aoting has arrived."

Outside the stone gate, Hao Ren's voice came, and Wang Kai was startled when he heard it.

"Hehe, it just so happens that this young master feels a little boring, so let's use that Huyan to pass the time for the time being." Wang Kai smiled lightly, and put away the Nine Dragon Cauldron with a flip of his hand.

As the stone door opened, Wang Kai's body was filled with the fragrance of dandelion, Hao Ren immediately felt extremely refreshed, squinted his eyes as if intoxicated, and approached Wang Kai involuntarily.

Seeing this, Wang Kai's face darkened immediately, and he moved away a few steps, resisting the tiredness in his heart, and said indifferently: "Hao Ren, because of your meritorious service in the past few days, I will reward you with [-] pills." Sixth-rank Heavenly Pill, when you break through to the Emperor Realm, you will rarely have time to refine a furnace of Seventh-Rank Heavenly Pill."

After the words fell, before Hao Ren could react, he saw Wang Kai throwing a space ring over, and under inspection, there were [-] sixth-grade celestial pills in it!
The four golden stripes on the elixir can't be faked!

Hao Ren immediately knelt down on the ground excitedly, and said excitedly, "Thank you, my lord, for the reward, I will definitely devote myself to death in the future!"

As everyone knows, Hao Ren's talent and aptitude are limited, and he has been staying in the realm of the Martial Emperor. Now with the help of the sixth-rank Tiandan, he will definitely be able to step into the realm of the emperor!

Such rewards made Hao Ren feel more and more that he had followed the wrong person!

Wang Kai nodded lightly, flicked his fingers and swallowed a few eighth-rank Saint-level Heavenly Pills into his mouth, listening to the whistling sound and the breath of the swallowed pill.

Hao Ren was dumbfounded on the spot, opened his mouth wide, and widened his eyes in disbelief.

"My lord, what you took just now...was a holy medicine?" Hao Ren asked tentatively. As the steward of Jubao Tower, he could see the extraordinaryness of the medicine, but he didn't want to believe it.

How can anyone in the world take holy heavenly grade pills in such a way?

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard this, and with his hands behind his back, he spit out the elixir directly on the ground, and said with a faint smile: "Yes, it is indeed a holy elixir, but the taste is too unpalatable. It's also very rubbish, it's not as high-grade as the pills I had when I was a child."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the third-rank saint realm."

(End of this chapter)

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