Need for bragging system

Chapter 646 – Fighting Boiling

Chapter 646 – Fighting Boiling

Goddess Peak.

After Wang Kai stopped in front of the mountain gate, looking at the deserted surroundings, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Unlike Lingnv Peak and Shengnv Peak, there are not so many disciples waiting here.

Wang Kai, who thought he could still pretend to be aggressive, suddenly felt speechless.

"The disciples of the Saintess Peak just now said that there are many disciples guarding the Goddess Peak. Why didn't I see one of them? Could it be that they knew that this young master was coming, and they were so frightened that they scattered like birds and beasts?" Wang Kai twisted. Frowning, he shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, bragging is worth 100 point."

Hearing this, Master Cat was going crazy. He thought there was no one here, and Wang Kai could stop bragging.

But who would have thought that even if no one was there, he would still be able to boast.

"Well, that must be the case. The only thing to blame is that this young master is too powerful and awesome. People say that the sky can't cover his eyes. To this young master, the sky is just the roof of his house. If you don't want it , isn’t it still possible to change at any time?” Wang Kai shrugged and smiled quite indifferently.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Boy, you want to brag, Master Cat doesn't care, but you really want to go to Goddess Peak to die? Since there are no disciples guarding here, don't you think it's strange?" Master Cat said angrily through voice transmission.

Hearing this, Wang Kai curled his lips in disdain, shook his folding fan lightly, walked up the mountain road leisurely, and said with a faint smile: "Didn't I just say that? Those disciples who should have stayed here are now It's not here, it's all because I was frightened by this young master, um, I was terrified after hearing the news, four words can sum it up!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

seek death!


Master Cat was choked when he heard it, and he didn't even have the intention to continue persuading him, and he lost his temper completely after being blown away.

It was blown from Fanzhou to Xianwu Domain, and from Xianwu Domain to Bahuang, and now it has been blown to Tianzhou.

Master Cat really wants to know, how did Wang Kai master his bragging skills?There are so many tricks to play?

"Who are you, I remember, I just said that as long as I am not dead, no one is allowed to set foot on Goddess Peak! Are you here to seek death?"

When Wang Kaixing reached the halfway up the mountain, he was stopped by a cold voice.

Looking up, there was a young man sitting upright on a big rock.

This young man is thin and thin, and he is wearing a black robe that is very loose. Especially on his supposedly handsome face, there is a scar like a centipede, which makes people frown.

"Brother Scar? Are you from the underworld of the Tongtian Sect? Tsk tsk, this is a good dress, who doesn't have a few scars when you come out to hang out? It's just that I can't scare this young man with mere mere ones. I'm not afraid to tell you that in this There are tens of thousands of scars on this young man!" Wang Kai shrugged and smiled proudly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Brother Scar?Underworld?

Tens of thousands of scars?
With such words, the young man with the scar was stunned, and looked at Wang Kai with a slightly dull gaze. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Boy, you are still pretending, didn't you listen to what he said? Those disciples who should have guarded Goddess Peak have already been expelled by this boy! With such strength..."

Before Master Cat finished speaking, Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, interrupted directly, looked at the young man lightly, and said with a rather playful smile: "Young man, you have done a good job, knowing that this young master is coming , deliberately drove away those fly-like disciples, here, this reward is for you."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."


Seeing that Wang Kai raised his hand to call, he held a stone in his palm, and then threw it at the scarred youth.

"I'm stupid, kid, you really want to die..." Master Mao was very annoyed when he saw this.

However, Wang Kai couldn't be stopped.

No matter how strong a strong man meets Wang Kai, he still has no face at all, right?


Suddenly, before the stone flew to the young man, it was directly blown into powder in mid-air.

"You are very interesting. I don't want to kill you. The scar you mentioned is the scar I was hunted down by my enemies in the early years. I was able to save my life because of Goddess Xia's life-saving grace. I don't remove the scar. Vicious, but I want to keep it, to remind me all the time, the revenge has not been avenged!"

"You want to go to Goddess Peak, but without Goddess Xia's permission, I won't let you in."

As soon as the scarred youth finished speaking, his figure appeared in front of Wang Kai in an instant, and he stretched out his hand to signal Wang Kai to go down the mountain.

Another strong man in the Heavenly Monarch Realm!
Seeing this, Wang Kai frowned immediately, but he never expected that the person in front of him was also a disciple of the Heavenly Monarch Realm.

I thought no matter how strong he was, he was only at the peak of the Heavenly King Realm.

After all, Su Jue, the Son of God, is only the Heavenly Monarch!

If there is someone stronger than him, how can he be the Son of God?

"Who are you?" Wang Kai raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.


With such words, the young man with the scar who heard it immediately was puzzled, looked at Wang Kai in puzzlement, shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Lingzi, Shengzi, and Shenzi are all powerful in the realm of Heavenly Kings. I am very surprised. What kind of son are you! Do you need me to tell you such a simple question? You are so talented like me. , A person who is academically influential in ancient and modern times, there are even more difficult problems to think about! Where is the thought, always answering such simple questions?" Wang Kai waved his hands in disgust and said.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"I'm just a core disciple. It's been less than a day since I stepped into the Heavenly Monarch Realm. Although I have surpassed other core disciples, I'm still far behind when compared with the Spirit Son, the Holy Son, and the God Son. Go down the mountain." The scarred youth suddenly came over and said softly replied.

Hearing that he answered so patiently, not to mention that he didn't do anything to himself, Wang Kai didn't know how to continue for a while.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand. Since the other party is so humble, you can't go too far, right?
"What's your name? This young master appreciates that you are such a powerful but humble strong man, how about making friends?" Wang Kai narrowed his eyes and smiled sincerely.

make friends!
The young man with the scar was stunned, looked at Wang Kai with a blank look in his eyes, moved his lips, and finally refused: "No need, you go down the mountain."

"Brother Scar, I will go to the Goddess Peak for everything I say today. If you treat me with courtesy, I will naturally return it with courtesy. But if you insist on blocking, then there is only one battle!" Wang Kai's expression suddenly changed. Yi Su stared at the scarred young man with fighting intent in his eyes.

It can be said that after coming to Tianzhou, this person is the first one who can make Wang Kai want to have a quick fight!

All of a sudden, the fighting spirit boiled!

(End of this chapter)

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