Need for bragging system

Chapter 647 - The goddess is bathing?

Chapter 647 - The goddess is bathing?
World War I?
Hearing this, the young man with the scar fixed his eyes, stepped back a few steps lightly, and said lightly: "Your realm, I can't see it, if you are weaker than me, you can tell the real realm, and I will be fine." Suppress your own cultivation at the same level as yours, if you are better than me..."

"Better than you, how about it?" Wang Kai asked with a rather surprised expression, squinting his eyes.

"Naturally, it must be suppressed at the same level as me."

The scarred youth said confidently.

"Uh...Since this young master is stronger than you, why do you want to suppress the realm and fight with you? Wouldn't it be better to just kill you?" Wang Kai frowned and said quite speechlessly.

This young man with a scar is actually interesting, a wonderful one.

"You probably won't. I'm more accurate. Well, maybe, you're not as strong as I am. Otherwise, with the words you started, you'd have done it long ago." The young man with the scar couldn't help grinning.

Are people more accurate?
The corners of Wang Kai's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he couldn't help squinting his eyes. Looking at the young man with the scar, he shook his head and sighed: "It seems that I need to let you have a better memory."

"What do you mean?" the scarred youth asked in a daze.

Suddenly, Wang Kai waved his folding fan lightly, and the coercion that belonged to the Heavenly King level swept out immediately.

It's just that the realm is only revealed in the first rank of Heavenly King.

"You really don't have as high a cultivation level as mine! Hehe, it seems that my guess is right." The scarred youth grinned.

Immediately, the aura of the young man with the scar was also suppressed to the level of the first-rank Heavenly King. He also looked at Wang Kai full of fighting intent, turned his hand and took out a big knife, and said in a deep voice: "Let's fight!"

"Wait, before the battle, I want to explain one thing first. In fact, my real cultivation is not only at the Heavenly King Realm, um, it is hundreds of realms stronger than the Heavenly King Realm. You have to be careful." .” Wang Kai shrugged and said with a rather indifferent smile.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the third-rank Heavenly King realm."

"Haha, I just like braggarts like you!"

In an instant, the young man with the scar laughed loudly, and immediately swung the big knife, leaned forward, and slashed his head with the knife.

"This young master also admires a single-minded guy like you very much!"

I saw Wang Kai's body remained motionless, and when the big knife fell, he raised his palm lightly, and said with a faint smile: "Cut all things!"

Suddenly, the big knife held by the scarred youth was directly shattered into several pieces by Wang Kai's palm. Such a scene also caused the scarred youth to be stunned.

"All sentient beings cut!"

Just when the young man with the scar came back to his senses and withdrew, he saw Wang Kai chasing him dozens of times faster than him.

"Your realm..."



However, before the young man with the scar finished speaking, his body had already been cut into seven or eight sections by Wang Kai, scattered on the ground, wriggling.

" are the third rank of Heavenly King! Not the first rank of Heavenly King!" The scarred youth's head was dangling on the ground, staring at Wang Kai with grief and indignation.

No matter what, he didn't expect that he would cheat.

"Just now, this young master said before the fight that this young master's real realm is not just as simple as a heavenly king. If you don't believe me, blame me? Also, in the future, don't think that you are very accurate in judging people. This young master appreciates you, so I let you Eat a little bit of trouble and have a long memory!" Wang Kai shrugged and smiled casually.

As soon as the words fell, Wang Kai stepped forward and integrated the scarred youth's body together.

"Keep in this posture, and you can recover in an hour. Don't move, otherwise, you will have to live as a corpse for the rest of your life." Wang Kai warned with a serious expression.

Hearing this, the young man with the scar was even more angry, and couldn't help but cursed: "Fart, you were obviously bragging before! If you had said that you were a third-rank heavenly king, how could I be the first-rank heavenly king with you?" Start fighting?"

However, Wang Kai waved his hand, didn't pay much attention to it, and climbed up to Goddess Peak leisurely.

"My name is Chu Yunkuang! After an hour, we will fight again! Of course, I hope you will not die in the hands of Goddess Xia!"

Behind, came the shout of the scarred youth, and Wang Kai frowned when he heard it.

Died at the hands of Goddess Xia?

Can she still kill?
Goddess Peak, the peak.

Same as the Virgin Peak, there is an attic located on the top of the mountain.

Surrounded by clouds and clouds, it really feels like a fairyland.

Of course, if you look into the distance, you will have another thought.

It is true that the place where the Tongtian Sect is located is too barren and dilapidated.

In the wild mountains.

"He'er, is the water hot? Come and add it."

After Wang Kai stepped into the attic, he heard a fairy voice coming into his ears.

Looking along the source of the sound, it was a room with the door not closed, and there were still bursts of hot air coming out of it from time to time.

The sound of running water is also endless.

"Can't you take a bath?"

Wang frowned suddenly, his heart started beating loudly, he quickly glanced around, and when he saw no one, he swallowed dryly, and tiptoed towards the room with the open door.

"He'er, hurry up and add water, why are you so slow?"

Hearing that intoxicating fairy sound sounded again, Wang Kai's breathing suddenly became heavy, and his footsteps also accelerated and became heavier.

"He'er? Why are you breathing irregularly? Your steps are not steady. Have you forgotten all the cultivation methods I taught you?"


When Wang Kai heard this, his breath suddenly became suffocated, and his heart almost stopped beating, but soon, it recovered to be stable.

Since the goddess didn't find herself, it proved that she didn't perform soul spying.

Just rely on hearing.

This shows how confident this goddess is.

So confident that she couldn't believe that someone would dare to log into her attic so easily.

As everyone knows, in fact it is true.

Even if it is a son of God, or even an elder, when they come to Goddess Peak, they must first announce it.

The entire Tongtian Sect dared to directly enter the Goddess Peak, and even entered the attic.

I am afraid that there is only Wang Kai alone.

"He'er, after adding the water, let's come down together. Nine-turn blood lotus is of great use to both you and my cultivation."

When Wang Kai entered the room, he saw a large wooden barrel in the center.

Inside the barrel was the back of a woman with black hair and wet hair.

On that smooth and white back, the water drops dripped, and as she raised her slender hand to stir the water, she could see the outline of her side chest.

It's pretty scary!Also big and scary!Whiter and scary!
"The skin is better than snow, the figure is peerless, but I don't know how it looks? Hehe." Wang Kai licked his lips, feeling his throat dry and thought to himself.

While thinking about it, Wang Kai had already walked behind the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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