Need for bragging system

Chapter 664 - Blowing is healthier

Chapter 664 - Blowing is healthier


Suddenly, the door of Sun Guantian's room opened wide. Such a sound immediately caused Wang Kai to raise his eyebrows, and quickly turned his head to look over.

I have long been curious about the Transference Swallowing World Art, but now that I have seen the method of using it, I don't know what the effect will be?

When Sun Guantian walked out of the room, Wang Kai was stunned.

I saw that Sun Guantian was surrounded by black evil spirits, and his brows were full of fierceness. Looking at his eyes, they were quite black, which looked quite frightening.

It's like being enchanted!
And in fact, that's exactly what it is!
"Fuck me, who is this? Where is another ruthless person coming out?" Gongsun Biao was so frightened when he saw this that he burst out a rude sentence.

It is really the appearance of that Sun Guantian, it is simply too terrifying.

And cutting breath is also extremely frightening.

He even directly reached the first-rank rank of Heavenly General!

Even Wang Kai was shocked by such a level of cultivation.

I thought that my own cultivation progressed quickly enough, but this belongs to the secret method of the magic way, which is completely against the sky.

"Young master, I... wow..."

That Sun Guantian stepped forward quickly and was about to greet him, but in the middle of the sentence, he vomited blood directly, and the evil spirit around him also became stronger.

"Could it be that he was sent by the 36 sects of magic..."

Gongsun was not afraid of being startled, and couldn't help screaming, but before he finished speaking, Wang Kai stopped him with his eyes.

Regarding the current situation of the Tongtian Sect, Gongsun, who is a core disciple, is not afraid, so he is naturally very clear.

And it is not uncommon for foreign powerhouses to infiltrate the Tongtian Sect.

Now I saw one with my own eyes, but it was related to my boss...

He also called the boss he followed as the young master!
"Are you starting to backlash now?" Wang Kai frowned slightly when he saw this, and with a flick of his fingers, he integrated a drop of blood essence into Sun Guantian's body.

Suddenly, Sun Guantian, who was originally surrounded by evil spirits, instantly became like a normal person.

The jet black of the eyes faded away, and the lingering evil spirit also disappeared.

"Young master...thank you for saving my life, young master!"

The feeling of backlash disappeared, and Sun Guantian knelt down on one knee in gratitude.

This is already the second time, it was saved by Wang Kai.

Seeing this, Wang Kai shook his head slightly, and with a lift of his hands, he helped Sun Guantianxu up.

"That's not necessary. Didn't you say before that only in the middle of each month will you enter the backlash state? Why did it start now?" Wang Kai asked, frowning in confusion.

Sun Guantian sighed when he heard the words, and said with a fierce face: "The power contained in the corpses of the two of them is extremely huge. Together, if you want to swallow them all at once, you have to take a risk..."

That's it!

The commotion for a long time was because Sun Guantian didn't have the ability to withstand the power of flesh and blood that devoured Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian once.

If you want to devour it all at once, you have to take a risk!

However, the price is a bit high.

If it wasn't for his own essence and blood to heal him, Sun Guantian would surely die.

"Well, if you do such dangerous things in the future, you must inform me in advance. Come, let's get to know him. This is your new brother, named Gongsun Buju." Wang Kai shrugged and pointed at the Gongsun. Not afraid to introduce.

Gongsun...don't raise it?
As soon as this remark came out, Sun Guantian, who heard it, was taken aback for a moment, looked at Gongsun Budao in shock, raised his thumbs up and praised: "Brother, what a name, I admire it! Admire!"


Hearing that Sun Guantian had swallowed the corpse, Gongsun Buwei, who felt disgusted and frightened, was immediately dazzled by anger when he heard such ridicule.

So much so that they forgot about swallowing the corpse.

Immediately, he waved his arms violently, and shouted sharply: "Fart! I told Gongsun not to be afraid! It's not that he didn't do it!"

"They all have the same meaning, the same meaning." Wang Kai rubbed his nose and said with a playful smile.

"It doesn't mean the same thing, boss! You can't play around like this!" Gongsun Buwei begged for mercy suddenly rather bitterly.

Gongsun Buwei has always been proud of his name, but unfortunately, the pronunciation of Buju is exactly the same as that of Buju.

"Okay, you two stay here for the time being. As for the search for the so-called king who covered the well, let's put it aside for the time being. With his ability to anger the goddess, he shouldn't appear in the outer door, like him. The awesome characters can only appear in the core hall." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled casually.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Hearing this, Gongsun Buwei didn't think much about it, instead he nodded in agreement.

On the contrary, Sun Guantian twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, and looked at Wang Kai with a slightly dull look, never expecting that he could still brag when he was in such a situation.

And it blows so high!
Obviously he is the person the goddess is looking for, but he also increased his social status.

However, Wang Kai didn't care, shrugged his shoulders with his usual face, and said with a faint smile: "You two must be careful, don't provoke that Wang Gaijing, his strength... well, it's simply It's too powerful, a single sneeze can wipe out Tianzhou!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the seventh-rank heavenly king realm."

"Young master, can you still do it?" Sun Guantian secretly sighed in his heart, and secretly said to himself that he would do it once, but he didn't expect that he would come again after him.

And also maintained a look of nothing.

His face didn't even turn red.

"Boss, why are you praising that Wang Gaijing so much? Is it possible that... you know him?" Gongsun Buwei also realized something was wrong, and immediately looked at Wang Kai expectantly.

If you can find Wang Gaijing and have a private discussion with the goddess, then your future is boundless!

Even if it has nothing to do with Gongsun's fearlessness, as Wang Kai's subordinate, his status will naturally rise.

"I don't know him, I just met him once. I vaguely remember that it was 300 million years ago. Well, at that time, he smashed the sky with one hand, and I repaired it." Wang Kai smiled proudly shaking his head. .

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

300 years ago?
As soon as the words came out, Gongsun who heard it immediately was startled and was about to ask, but before he could say anything, he was caught off guard by a slap from Sun Guantian.

"I said brother, can you talk less?" Sun Guantian said with a dark face, rather speechless.

If you ask this further, maybe Wang Kai can blow something awesome.

And the bragging every time is really unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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