Need for bragging system

Chapter 665 – The Supreme Elder

Chapter 665 – The Supreme Elder

Gongsun was not afraid to be very annoyed immediately, turned around and slapped him back, and immediately threw Sun Guantian to the ground.

"Fart! You control the world, and you still control the conversation between Lao Tzu and the boss?" Gongsun Biao snorted coldly, quite dissatisfied.

Seeing this, Sun Guantian was speechless immediately, he could only wave his hand, secretly said nothing.

"Okay, I'm all my brothers, why fight if I have nothing to do? With this time, why not..."

"The outer sect listens to the orders, regardless of the elders or disciples, regardless of the inner sect, the core, or the outer sect, all gather under the Goddess Peak!"

I only heard a loud shout, which immediately caused Wang Kai and the other three to be stunned.

Everyone, regardless of elders or disciples, go to the Goddess Peak!

"Boss, shall we go? It seems that Goddess can't wait any longer and wants to call everyone to Goddess Peak for inspection." Gongsun said frowning without fear.

However, these words directly caused Sun Guantian to be unbearable. Gongsun is not afraid that he does not know Wang Kai's true identity, but it does not mean that he does not know.

"Gongsun doesn't move! What are we going to do in that place? Didn't the young master just say that? We don't want to get involved in the matter of Wang's well!" Sun Guantian frowned and said in a rather unfriendly tone.

Hearing this remark, Gongsun Biao was stunned for a moment, he was joking just now, but now, why does it look like he is really angry?

what happened?

"Why are you in a hurry? I'm just talking. Besides, didn't you hear what you said just now? If you don't want to think about it, isn't that looking for a disease? If the goddess shifts her target to us, what should I do?" Gongsun didn't care. Said with great dissatisfaction.


Sun Guantian took a deep breath immediately, rolled his eyes quite speechlessly, and thought to himself, if I don't go now, even if I will be watched by the goddess, it's better than going, it's better to be found out.

At least, there is still a chance to escape.

If you really went to the Goddess Peak, and you were discovered again and wanted to run away, is it still possible?

"Young master, you can't go, I heard that the goddess has a bad temper, and now it's time to get angry again, in case you get into trouble..."

"Wait, where did you hear that the Goddess has a bad temper? She never leaves the Goddess Peak, okay? Besides, there is no one else who can see the Goddess except the maid He'er!" Gongsun twisted without fear. Said with a frown.

Moreover, when talking about He'er, there is actually a similar love in his expression.

Seeing this scene, Wang Kai's mouth twitched, he couldn't help but patted Gongsun Budao's shoulder, and asked very curiously: "You boy, is it possible that you still have an affair with that He'er?"

"Uh, Boss, I also want to have an affair with her, but I don't have the chance." Gongsun confessed frankly without being afraid.

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Kai frowned immediately, unexpectedly, this guy was really interested in Na He'er.

Thinking of this, Wang Kai couldn't help but come up with the idea of ​​spoofing, and immediately nodded and smiled slightly: "This matter is simple, let's go, I will take you to Goddess Peak to pretend to be aggressive, well, you may not know, Goddess I have been secretly in love with Ben Shao for a long time, but I just didn't agree."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."


Sun Guantian and Gongsun were not afraid, they couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words, and finally reached a consensus on this matter.

I totally think that Wang Kai is bragging.

Even Gongsun is not afraid, and has an idea of ​​not wanting to go to Goddess Peak.

If you want him to do this, if you really go to the Goddess Peak, won't you be executed by the Goddess?

Is there still a way out?

"Boss, ahem, this subordinate thinks it's better not to go. After all, Na He'er and I just met once. In fact, I didn't really want her." laughed.

However, such words caused Sun Guantian to roll his eyes, secretly thinking that the young master went to Goddess Peak, was it for you?Obviously you just want to pretend, okay?

He also said that it seemed to be true, and he didn't know how to stop Wang Kai at all.

"Young master, my subordinates think that if you want to go to Goddess Peak, you can do it, but you have to keep a low profile. For a group as powerful as ours, it is king to keep everything low-key." Sun Guantian said with a rather serious expression.

As soon as this remark came out, Gongsun who heard it immediately was stunned, and also persuaded, why is there such a big gap?

All of a sudden, Gongsun Buwei secretly admired Sun Guantian.

"Well, Guantian makes sense. We really need to keep a low profile. If that's the case, let's go to the Goddess Peak. At that time, just keep a low profile. Don't be too arrogant. With this young man who is gentle and gentle , it is natural to emphasize fairness and justice in everything." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled casually.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Uh...that's awesome..."

The corners of Sun Guantian's and Gongsun's mouths twitched, but they didn't express it.

After all, it is already very good for Wang Kai to agree to act in a low-key manner. If he continues to ask for it, he may be betrayed.

"Then let's go now? Boss, remember, you must keep a low profile! Low profile is the best way to pretend to be coercive!" Gongsun Buwei reminded with some doubts.

Sun Guantian also lacked confidence, secretly looked at Wang Kai's complexion, and said in a low voice: "Yes, yes, low-key is the most powerful way to pretend."

Seeing this, Wang Kai didn't know what their plans were?It's nothing more than fear that I will pretend to be too aggressive on Goddess Peak and cause trouble again.

However, what they boasted made Wang Kai happy, thinking of this, he didn't say much, just nodded slightly, and headed for the back mountain.

After passing through the back mountain, you will find Shennv Peak.

At the same time, under the Goddess Peak, tens of thousands of Tongtian Sect disciples, even the elders, had already gathered. All the members were present.

Core disciples, inner disciples, spiritual girls, spiritual sons, holy sons, holy girls, even god sons, core elders, and inner elders were all present!

All of a sudden, it can be said that there are waves everywhere, and the reputation is mighty!

When Wang Kai and the other three came together with the outer disciples and elders, they were a little dazed when they saw such a scene.

No one could have imagined that the goddess Xia Xinyan could have such power.

In a word, no one will not obey!
Even the elders, maintaining a respectful attitude, gathered under the Goddess Peak.

Moreover, the goddess Xia Xinyan hasn't shown up yet!
From this, it can be seen how much trouble Wang Kai has encountered this time.

"I don't know where the Wanggai well is hidden? Alas, we all lost the opportunity to discuss the Tao with the goddess alone."

"You know what a fart, didn't you see that the goddess hasn't shown up now? Besides, two of the Supreme Elders are here, and they are also the mentors of the goddess..."

"Hiss... You mean, the two Supreme Elders jointly issued the order on behalf of the Goddess?"

(End of this chapter)

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