Need for bragging system

Chapter 86 - Kong Rou

Chapter 86 - Kong Rou
"Little girl, I didn't expect you to look pretty good!"

Wang Kaihei grinned grimly with a sullen face, and stood up with his feet floating in the air. He flipped his hands to attract the golden binding rope, and stared at her with a smile.

She looks to be about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a petite and lovely figure, her chest is slightly puffed out, and she is wearing a red dress, revealing two delicate white legs, which are really glaring. She looks a little green, but she is definitely a beauty, quite lovable.

"Hmph, of course, I am the number one beauty in Yaozhou with her slim profile!" Kong Rou snorted proudly.

"I'll give you some color, you've started a dyeing workshop!" Wang Kai grinned, stepped a little, and his figure disappeared instantly.


"Aura of Myriad Monsters!"

Kong Rou's pretty face was full of disdain. She didn't panic when she saw Wang Kai disappear. Instead, she waved her little hand and released streaks of cyan battle aura, which was mixed with a huge monster aura. It has already filled all the space around him.

Wang Kai was horrified when he saw this, he quickly stopped his figure and turned back, and several flashes appeared tens of meters away, looking at the permeating blue air current with a serious expression, squinting his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Demon Sect Ninth Grade, I didn’t expect to see you for a few days, and your realm broke through so quickly!”

"Hmph, you little bastard is not bad. Back then you were only at the level of a military general. Since you can tear up the Qiankun bag, the Zong-level magic weapon, you have at least reached the sixth-rank level of Wu Zong, right? But compared with this lady , you are still far behind!" Kong Rou snorted proudly.

Qiankun bag?
Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard the words, his eyes could not help flickering slightly, and glanced at the black bag in her hand. Although he was a second-rank Martial Ancestor, he could rely on the power of his blood to fight against a sixth-rank Martial Ancestor. She didn't know that Immediately, I couldn't help but put my hands behind my back in my true realm, and said with a calm smile: "This young master is a peerless arrogance. He has the power to shake the world. It's too whimsical to want to trap this young master with just a broken sack!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Bragging! Miss Ben wants to see if you are really that powerful! Look at the trick!" Kong Rou snorted contemptuously, and slapped the permeating blue air current with her jade hand, and immediately there was a strong wind, spreading around like smoke open.

It really is a monster!
Wang Kai's complexion changed slightly, and he hastily moved his feet to perform body art and martial skills to shift shape and change positions. The flashes and disappearances continued one after another. With her demon sect's ninth-rank realm, the monster aura she exuded could definitely stun herself on the spot.

"Hmph, it really is bragging, and the might of the peerless arrogance shakes the world, and you don't blush! What a shame!" Kong Rou's pretty face was full of contempt, her feet stepped on the air and followed behind, making the demon Qi is like a maggot on the tarsus bone, chasing after Wang Kai.

If Kong Rou wanted to, she could definitely instantly spread the demonic aura around Wang Kai's body, but she didn't do that, she was just playing with Wang Kai.

"How much bragging points does it take to break the evil spirit?"

Wang Kai's face was livid, and he was extremely annoyed to let a little girl play like this.

However, she was at the ninth rank of the Demon Sect, even if Wang Kai tried his best, he would definitely not be able to defeat her.

Even if you use the Eight Gates Dunjia, you will definitely not be able to open the Eight Gates together!

Level [-] bloodline power allows Wang Kai to fight against the sixth rank of Wu Zong. Opening all eight gates together can surpass one rank. nothing.

"Host, with your current level of martial arts, it takes 1 bragging point to crack this evil spirit."

Only a little bit!
Wang Kaiwen grinned ferociously when he heard the reminder, his body suddenly stopped, and he waved his arms and said, "Break!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully cracking the evil spirit, and consume 1 bragging point."

I saw the pervasive cyan air flow dissipate invisibly in an instant, causing Kong Rou's pretty face to change, her beautiful eyes blinked, and she cried out in amazement: "Bastard! How did you break Miss Ben's evil spirit?"

"Do you really want to know? Then come and be this young master's attendant. Not only will you be popular and delicious, but you will also see very amazing things!" Wang Kai smiled lightly with his hands behind his back, his face full of depth Unpredictable color, no matter how powerful this little girl is, in general, she is still a child at heart, it is too easy to deceive her!
Under Kong Rou's extremely curious eyes, Wang Kai took out a cyan marble and popped it out towards a mountain peak.

In an instant, the mountain peak burst open, the rocks splashed and the trees flew upside down, and a huge pothole suddenly appeared on the mountainside of the mountain, which was pierced by the vitality bomb in an instant!

"How? That blow just now has the power of a ninth-rank Wu Zong powerhouse!" Wang Kai smiled proudly with his hands behind his back.

"What is the bead you just popped out? Quickly show it to Miss Ben!" Kong Rou shouted with joy, her eyes shining brightly, baring her small canine teeth, the threat was self-evident.

Wang Kai curled his lips disdainfully when he heard the words, put his hands behind his back, and smiled calmly: "Even if this young master is not your opponent, but if you want to catch this young master, you have to think about the power of that blow just now! Moreover, if this young master is not your opponent If you are half dissatisfied, you will never see that marble in your life!"

"Hmph! If you don't see it, you won't see it. This lady is already a ninth-rank strongman of the Demon Sect. I can do that blow just now!" Kong Rou hummed nonchalantly, but her beautiful eyes She blinked again and again, and her heart suddenly felt itchy.

For a warrior of the sixth rank of Wu Zong to be able to unleash the power of the ninth rank of Wu Zong, this kind of thing, in Kong Rou's view, was impossible, but it happened right in front of his eyes.

It seems that another dose of strong medicine is needed!

Wang Kaixin thought to himself, and immediately took out another marble, and said with a calm smile: "I don't have the strength of a sixth-rank Wuzong expert, and I can only condense the marbles of the ninth-rank power of Wuzong. If you come to condense, It’s hard to tell how powerful it is!”

Sure enough, Kong Rou was moved when she heard the words, her beautiful eyes blinked, she clenched her silver teeth, and hummed in a low voice: "You teach me the method of condensing marbles, and once I succeed, I will definitely let you go! "

"Hehe, that's not acceptable. This method was learned by me and Martial God in a dream when I was a child. The senior Martial God once warned me that if you are not someone close to me, you must not teach this method, otherwise you will be hit by nine days of thunder." Punishment! At that time, wouldn’t this young man be dead?” Wang Kai shook his head and laughed calmly, with his hands behind his back.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"You die as long as you die, as long as you teach the method to Miss Ben!" Kong Rou blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled innocently.

(End of this chapter)

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