Need for bragging system

Chapter 87 - The Peerless Little Beauty

Chapter 87 - The Peerless Little Beauty

"Hehe, this young master was born in response to the destiny. It is my responsibility to benefit the world. It is my responsibility to help the weak and save the common people. If the mission is not completed, I will die first. Wouldn't it disappoint all living beings?" Wang Kai said indifferently. With a smile.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Is there a way to use this bundle of king cables?" Hearing the reminder, Wang Kai quickly urged his thoughts to communicate secretly, and it was really helpless to make such a bad plan. Even though Kong Rou was a child at heart, she was extremely smart and clever, and wanted to hurry up. It's extremely difficult to deceive her, and I don't have the time to waste here.

The strength of the opponent beyond the four ranks, coupled with the opening of the eight gates, can only fight against the seventh rank of the Zongjing, and it is definitely not the opponent of the ninth rank of the Kongrou Demon Sect. Solve the immediate difficulties.

"Host, the Immortal Binding Cable contains the breath of the blood of a strong Martial King. Every time you use it forcibly, you need to consume [-] bragging points."

The bloodline breath of the Martial King powerhouse?
Wang Kai's expression changed when he heard the words, and then he gave a rather bitter smile. He thought that even if he was not as good as Liu Yao when he stepped into the realm of Wu Zong, the difference would not be too big. Now it seems that he is too whimsical.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yao turned out to be a strong King Wu!
"Hee hee, little bastard, what does all living beings have to do with this beautiful lady? Even if more humans die, this lady won't care. If you can obediently hand over the secret method of condensing marbles, this lady will be fine. I can accept you as a follower tolerantly." Kong Rou squinted her eyes and smiled, her two little tiger teeth bared, and her beautiful eyes were full of narrow-mindedness.

Wang Kai had a playful expression when he heard the words, and lightly threw the golden rope in his hand into the sky, and said with a teasing smile: "Tie up this little girl!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully forcibly using the Martial King's magic weapon, consuming thirty bragging points!"


In an instant, I saw the golden binding rope encircling Kong Rou like a swimming dragon. Surrounded by the binding rope, even though she was a strong person of the ninth rank of the Demon Sect, she had no resistance at all.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Kong Rou was bound from head to toe by the binding king rope, and her exquisite and petite body fell from the sky immediately.

"Ah! Bastard! Little bastard! Come and save Miss Ben, do you want to watch a peerless beauty fall to her death? Do you have the heart?"

Kong Rou's pretty face was pale and she kept shouting loudly, her body was bound by the king rope, she wanted to break free, but found that she couldn't use any fighting energy, not even half of her strength.

Without the ability to step into the air, let alone use the battle energy to protect the body, falling at such a height, it is difficult to survive even if he indulges the King Wu.

"Peerless beauty? Tsk tsk, little sister, can we stop being so narcissistic? She wants to have no breasts or butt or butt." Wang Kai stepped forward, carried Kong Rou on his shoulders, and pouted. He smiled disdainfully.

"Asshole! This lady is the current peerless little beauty, and the future peerless great beauty." Kong Rou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hummed with her mouth pouting.

Wang Kai smiled playfully when he heard the words, raised his hand and slapped her little buttocks, the crisp sound immediately echoed among the mountains, causing Kong Rou's delicate body to tremble, her pretty face flushed and she clenched her teeth, suddenly Became honest, not a word for a long time.

Before the battle of the gods.

Liu Yao was standing in the air in fluttering white clothes. Opposite him, Bei Tang Qianjun was covered in tattered clothes, with disheveled hair and scars all over his body, his left arm disappeared, and bright red blood kept dripping down.

"You actually activated the power of the blood!" Beitang Qianjun's face was gloomy, the pain in the severed arm, and the strong anger of the severed arm immediately caused the blue veins on his forehead to burst out of anger.

Even if it is a strong martial artist, after losing an arm, his combat power will definitely drop a lot. Even if he confronts an opponent of the same level, he will definitely end in defeat!

Today's Beitang Qianjun, although the realm of martial arts is at the middle rank of the Martial King, his real strength is no longer at the level of the middle rank Martial King!
However, it was Liu Yao's terrifying strength that really made Beitang extremely unwilling.

He was clearly only a low-rank Martial King, yet he was able to easily defeat him. As the master of the Shenwu Academy, who had been proud of Fanzhou for more than a hundred years, it was the first time that he was overwhelmed by younger generations!
"The frog at the bottom of the well never knows that the Milky Way is big! If you leave the land of Fanzhou, you will know how ridiculous your so-called pride is!" Liu Yaoqing snorted coldly.

Beitang Qianjun was stunned when he heard the words, and smiled miserably: "So, so! No wonder you have such strength at such a young age, and you have already followed Granny Jiulong to go outside Fanzhou!"

As soon as the words fell, Beitang Qianjun no longer had any intention of fighting again, turned around and ran away with his fighting spirit, almost using all his strength, the speed was like a meteor passing by.

"Sword of Qingfeng!"

call out!
I saw Liu Yao gently waving her hand, a long sword appeared in her hand, and with a very simple movement of stabbing through the air, a gust of wind blade rushed away.

Beitang Qianjun's figure suddenly stopped, he looked down at the pierced heart, the bright red blood flowed out like running water, turned around slowly with a pale complexion, stared at Liu Yao, and said intermittently: " You... Master... will not... make you wish..."

As Beitang Qianjun's body fell down in the air, Liu Yao put away the long sword with a wave of her hand, turned to look at the direction where Wang Kai was robbed, and said lightly: "No one can shake my mind. !"

"Miss Liu, Young Master Wang Kai...he deserves death!"


The general guarding the gate and many soldiers knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads deeply, and their faces were full of guilt. If the city gate had been opened earlier, such things would not have happened!

"It's the duty of guarding the gate. This matter has nothing to do with you, everyone please get up!" Liu Yao shook her head lightly.

"Little girl, do you know how powerful I am now? Hehe, I was just teasing you before, do you really think you are invincible in the world?" Wang Kai said with a rather playful smile.

At this moment, Kong Rou's pretty face was blushing, she pursed her lips tightly, gritted her silver teeth and finally said, "Bastard, you got it...can you take some away?"

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard this, only to realize that his palm had been pinching her soft butt all the time, he smiled awkwardly at that moment, and said dryly: "I can't help it, I can't help it, don't worry, I'm sorry for Luo Li isn't interested."

"Bastard! You obviously touched... touched so... Damn it! You have defiled the beautiful Miss Ben, you need to be responsible!" Kong Rou cried with her teeth clenched.

(End of this chapter)

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