Need for bragging system

Chapter 88 - No Mercy

Chapter 88 - No Mercy
"court death!"

Shift and transpose!

Wang Kai's expression was icy suddenly, he gritted his teeth and scolded angrily, and when he moved his footsteps, his figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he suddenly came to the front of Wanliu, raised his arm and instantly condensed the blue fighting spirit. The remake went down.

However, a high-rank Martial Ancestor quickly dodged forward, and a green fist that gathered a mighty fighting spirit struck out, directly colliding with Wang Kai's palm.

rub rub!
Wang Kai's face paled in an instant, and the huge strength drove his body back a few steps, his feet kept touching the snow, and after he forcibly stabilized his figure, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of blood, his arms were trembling slightly When I woke up, the pain pierced my heart and lungs.

"Wang Kai!"

It wasn't until this moment that Wanliu realized that he had also seen who the person who attacked him was. Because of this, he secretly broke into a cold sweat. He had already been slapped to death by Wang Kai.

"Wang Kai, you came at the right time, quickly take out the tiger order, and go up the mountain to dispatch the army!" Yu Wenhao said with a frown.

"Cough cough!"

Wang Kai coughed twice with a livid face, stared at him coldly when he heard this, and sneered disdainfully: "Dispatch your uncle! Even if you want to dispatch, the first order is to kill you all here!"

"Presumptuous! Not only did he sneak attack on this prince just now, but now he is ignoring the war of the dynasty, he really deserves to die! Someone, let this prince be executed on the spot! Also let those waste troops of the royal family who ignored the token of His Royal Highness take a look, as an example to others! "Wan Liu sneered, and as he waved his arms, a high-rank Martial Sect rushed towards Wang Kai.

King Xiaopeng's expression changed slightly when he saw this, and he was about to order the generals in the mansion to stop him, but found that it was too late, the generals of the same high-rank Wuzong realm, with the same strength, wanted to chase down the town It's too late for the generals of the Heavenly King's Mansion who have already taken action!
"Bamen...cough cough!"

Seeing this, Wang Kai sneered, and immediately circulated his fighting spirit, and was about to open all eight armors, but halfway through, Liu Yao suddenly stepped forward, directly waving his hand to interrupt the martial arts.

"Attack the commander, and even want to kill the commander, and insult the Wang family's army with words! No matter which one, it is a capital crime!" Liu Yaoqing snorted coldly, gently raised her jade hand, and immediately a battle aura swept through the air.


I saw that the top-rank Wu Zong who suppressed the Heavenly King's Mansion was immediately beaten and flew into the sky, his body was spinning and flying in the air, and with a bang, it exploded directly in the sky, turning into blood, water and meat slag and falling on the snow. Above, the white snow was dyed red, which looked extremely glaring.

When everyone saw this, their faces changed in shock. No one could have imagined that Liu Yao, the daughter of the National Teacher's Mansion, would be so powerful.

Rao knows that Liu Yao's martial arts realm is extremely high, and it is absolutely impossible to kill a high-rank Wu Zong with a wave of his hand!

However, when the facts happened in front of their eyes and they couldn't believe it, everyone was already dumbfounded on the spot.

"Miss Liu, is it too much to kill a high-ranking Wuzong at random?" Yu Wenhao frowned and said.

Wan Liu came back to his senses immediately, nodded quickly when he heard the words, and said with a sneer: "Every strong man here is going to participate in the big event of attacking the Tianwu Dynasty. Now you kill a high-rank Wuzong at will, which has already made the war Losing a powerful martial artist, this crime, you can hardly..."

"It's hard for you, uncle! Let me die!" Wang Kai shouted with a cold expression, and attacked again with his fighting spirit.

Wan Liu was shocked when he saw this, turned his head and ran to the general in his mansion in panic, and shouted in a hurry: "Hurry up and save me! Kill that Wang Kai!"

However, the figures of those family generals could not move at all. They wanted to protect Wan Liu, but they couldn't do anything. They could only watch Wang Kai appear in front of Wan Liu, raised his hand and slashed down.


Wan Liu yelled crazily, with a pale face and a panicked expression, seeing the general in the mansion standing still like a log, a sense of despair immediately clouded his heart.

"Wang Kai! Young Master Kai! Lord Kai! Forgive me..."


In an instant, under Wang Kai's palm, Wan Liu's head was shattered, and the decapitated body fell to the ground with a plop. After a few twitches, the blood flowed like water. It sprayed out, melting the snow into a large area.

"Host, you won't get rewards for killing targets below your Martial Dao realm. Only those within the same Martial Ancestor realm will be rewarded according to their quality!"

Wang Kaiwen pursed his lips in disdain upon hearing the prompt, put his hands behind his back, and sneered in his heart: "It's just a piece of rubbish, even if you don't want rewards!"

"For the sake of being useful to the war, I only killed Wanliu!" Liu Yao said coldly with her hands behind her back.

As soon as the words fell, many generals of the Tianwang Mansion regained control of their bodies. It was only at this moment that they knew that it was Liu Yao who made the move and suppressed them all in place. The decapitated corpse, all the generals bowed their heads deeply.

His expression was unwilling to be angry, but it was useless!
In front of the absolute strong, resistance means death, they don't want to die yet!

"People who insult my Wang family's army like Wanliu! Even if it is the current prince, the current king can't do it!" Wang Kai scolded loudly with a cold face. The head of the corpse was smashed down with a punch.

The decapitated corpse was directly smashed into flesh and bone dregs. It was thick snow, but it exploded at this moment, and a huge deep pit was punched by Wang Kai.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyelids twitched violently, especially Li Chengfeng and Xu Ru, whose faces were pale with fright, and their bodies trembled back a few steps. itself is also implicated.

Until now, they didn't know that Wang Kai's blood was so bloody and fierce that he mercilessly beheaded the second son of King Zhentian, and even his body would be destroyed. Wan Zhe, even more cruel!

Kong Rou, who was crouching on the horse, had her beautiful eyes tightly closed at this moment, her pretty face was sobbing non-stop.

"Damn you bastard! You actually let this lady see such a disgusting scene, bastard! Damn it!" Kong Rou gritted her teeth and cursed again and again.

"Wang Kai, Liu Yao, even if Wan Liu violated the military regulations, he is not guilty of death! What's more, your words just now have disrespected His Highness the Crown Prince and the King! If you are guilty of crimes, you deserve to die even more!" Yu Wenhao Shen He scolded loudly.

Hearing this, Wang Kai narrowed his eyes, put his hands behind his back, walked leisurely to him, stared at him coldly, and said contemptuously: "Even if this young master disrespects the crown prince, so what if he disrespects the king? No matter who it is, as long as you dare to insult me Sergeant of the Wang family, everything will have to pay the price! If you dare to pretend to be aggressive with this young master, believe it or not, you will also be killed together?"

(End of this chapter)

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