Need for bragging system

Chapter 96 - The Last Card

Chapter 96 - The Last Card

Wang Kai's face was as pale as paper, and he felt a sweetness in his throat, a stream of blood sprayed out, his eyesight became blurred, his body wobbled, and finally he lost his ability to step into the air, and fell from a high altitude.

The eight gates of Dunjia were opened together, together with the use of Yuan Yijian, the load on the body exceeded the limit!

"Hmph, I'm in a cocoon, the old man said that in such a barren land in Fanzhou, warriors don't know what cultivation is, and they will use some self-destructive moves to win a short-term victory! Ignorant and stupid!" Nine Dragon Granny snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Baiyu, the main building of the Baiyu Building, squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Kai who had fallen from a high altitude. His gaze flickered slightly, and he said calmly, "Lingxian! Bring Master Kai back to heal him!"

Li Lingxian frowned slightly, and glanced at Lou Baiyu in amazement, and moved her feet to meet Wang Kai, but at the same time she was thinking with great doubts, very strange, why did Master help Wang Kai like this?

Isn't it because Prince Wankong agreed to come here to check and balance Granny Nine Dragons in exchange for Emperor Fan's order?
"Step aside!"

Liu Yao's face was livid and angry, and she scolded coldly, she passed Li Lingxian and rushed towards the fallen Wang Kai.

"Hehe, since the master has a life, how can Lingxian not respect it? Let Lingxian do it!" Li Lingxian blinked her beautiful eyes, and gave a rather teasing smile, and then the fighting spirit was fully activated, and the speed accelerated swooped down.

"Host, check that there is not much left to burn your blood and soul, your body is in critical condition, and you need to recover as soon as possible!"

Wang Kai's mind was a little fuzzy, he heard the prompts intermittently, but he still understood the meaning of the system, his voice was hoarse, and he opened his mouth with great effort: "Recover! All recovered!"

"Host, to recover the power of the burned blood, with your current martial arts realm, you need 10 bragging points."

"Host, to recover the burned soul power, based on your current martial arts realm, you need 10 bragging points."

"Host, it takes 10 bragging points to recover from the injury caused by burning the bloodline soul."

Before Wang Kai opened his mouth and agreed to recover, Liu Yao and Li Lingxian grabbed half of his body one after another, one grabbed his shoulders, the other grabbed his legs, and the two immediately started fighting in mid-air.


Muscles all over Wang Kai's body twitched in pain, and he gasped in pain. Although it was a very happy thing to be scrambled by two beauties, now is definitely the time to do it!

If this continues, Ben's life will be over!

"Quick...recover!" Wang Kai yelled with all his strength.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully restoring the power of blood and soul, consuming 20 bragging points."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully recovering from his injuries, consuming 10 bragging points."

After recovering from his injuries, Wang Kai's body shook immediately, he broke free from the struggle between the two women, flew into the void far away, stared at them quite speechlessly, and shouted angrily: "What are you doing? I haven't seen a man before. Is there such a robbing? I wonder if this young master was injured? If you continue to rob, this young master will really be a corpse! Besides, with such an astonishing talent like this young master, is it so easy to die? It was just doing this on purpose just now, just to show the old witch to have fun."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"It's all right!"

However, Liu Yao and Li Lingxian were stunned, and the Jiulong mother-in-law and Lou Baiyu in the distance also raised their eyes at this moment, as if they saw a completely impossible miracle!
Burning blood and soul, both can be safe and sound!

What else in the world could hurt him?

The foundation for human warriors to survive is their blood and soul!

"Hehe, this young master has a celestial appearance, an unworldly genius, not to mention mere blood and soul, even the internal organs have thousands of eight hundred, as long as you want, this young master can grab two of them at any time!" Wang Kai He smiled indifferently, with his hands behind his back, and his face was full of arrogance.

The previous state of weakness has completely disappeared, replaced by a full-blown aura!

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"You bastard! You're a bastard! How can you let an ordinary person like you destroy it?" Nine Dragon Granny was furious, and disappeared suddenly.

Seeing this, Lou Baiyu frowned slightly, her figure also disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, she came to Wang Kai's side.

"Hehe, it turns out that her goal is Tongtian Tower, is this the last card?" Lou Baiyu smiled lightly, thinking that Granny Nine Dragons was taking the opportunity to deal with Wang Kai, but unexpectedly, it was not the case at all.

Even though the overall situation is in chaos, Granny Jiulong still has no intention of attacking Wang Kai.

At this moment, the original golden tower had completely changed into a blood-colored tower. Seeing this scene, Wang Kai's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly lowered his head to look at the battlefield below.

"Is that the Grand Marshal of the Tianwu Dynasty? He can actually compete with the old man!" Wang Kai squinted his eyes and murmured.

I saw the 20 Wang Shuai army led by the old man confronting the hundreds of thousands of troops led by an old man. There were more than [-] martial kings on both sides. Together with the seven generals of Wang Shuai's army, they were all trapped In a flat fight.

And the 20 Wang Shuai's army was actually stopped by the Marshal's army of the Tianwu Dynasty, and the two sides fought regardless of you and me!

In this way, if the armies of both sides want to tell the winner, they can only compete with time and patience!
"The last battle with the Zhanwu Dynasty was also experienced in such a way of fighting. Being able to belong to the three major dynasties of Fanzhou naturally has a strong background, but you can rest assured. In terms of patience, Wang Shuai's army is definitely the strongest !” Liu Yao said coldly.

Wang Kai nodded lightly when he heard the words, he was not clear about the battle of gods more than 50 years ago, and Liu Yao, as the daughter of the National Teacher's Mansion, has both civil and military skills since childhood, so it is reasonable to know this.

"The blood absorbed by the Tongtian Pagoda has reached saturation, and it will soon return to the ranks of the magic weapon of the imperial realm. If Granny Nine Dragons takes this pagoda for her own use, even if it is me, it will be difficult for me to deal with her!" Lou Baiyu said softly .

"Since you know this, why don't you stop it? Don't worry about this young master. People say cats have nine lives, but this young master has a thousand or eight hundred lives. An old witch can't do anything about this young master!" Wang Kai spoke very quickly. He quickly bragged about being awesome, and he was afraid that Master Mao would really be demoted by Granny Jiulong.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Lou Baiyu shook her head lightly when she heard the words, and said with a calm smile: "It's too late, Granny Nine Dragons has already entered the Tongtian Tower, and once I enter now, I will definitely be hit by her full strength, and the possibility of defeat is extremely high!"

(End of this chapter)

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