Need for bragging system

Chapter 97 - The Imperial Artifact Babel Tower

Chapter 97 - The Imperial Artifact Babel Tower

"Master probably wants to use the power of the Tongtian Tower to reverse the defeat of the Tianwu Dynasty!" Liu Yao said coldly, frowning.

After devouring the blood of the armies of the two dynasties, the Tongtian Tower has now returned to the ranks of the emperor.

Above the king realm is the emperor, and after the emperor realm, the emperor is honored!
Although Emperor Fan can seal the realm of martial arts of all living beings in Fanzhou with the supreme martial arts, but the weapon itself is the emperor, even if it cannot display its original power, the body of the emperor weapon alone is enough to crush any martial king!

In the same way, the original realm of the outsider is beyond the level of the Martial King, and the physical body is naturally higher than any Martial King in Fanzhou. This is also the place where the native warriors are not as good as the foreign warriors!

But if an outsider holds an imperial weapon and confronts a strong outsider who is also an outsider, the former must have a great winning rate!
"That's right, if Granny Nine Dragons succeeds in controlling Tongtian Tower, even if I join hands with Uncle Fu, I can only compete with her, but if I want to protect will be difficult!" Lou Baiyu said lightly .

The two teamed up and could only draw with the Jiulong mother-in-law holding the Tongtian Tower!

And you can't protect others in battle!

Wang Kai frowned when he heard the words, suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart, he squinted his eyes and said with a sneer: "Does she still want to kill me here?"

"This matter should not be possible. If you die, it will involve the anger of Emperor Fu. Although the Liu family in Wuzhou where she lives is not afraid of Emperor Fu, they are not willing to provoke the anger of an emperor!" Lou Baiyu Shaking his head and laughing.

Wang Kai raised his brows and said with a playful smile: "So, she wants to use the Tongtian Tower to restrain you, and then destroy all the powerhouses of the Shenwu Dynasty?"

"That's right! If she is holding the Tongtian Tower, I am not her opponent, and naturally I can no longer check and balance her. At that time, the powerhouses of the Shenwu Dynasty and the army will all be wiped out by her in just an instant!" Lou Baiyu nodded slightly road.

Tongtian Tower is so awesome!
Wang Kai suddenly had a strange feeling, looked at Lou Baiyu with contempt, and snorted, "Since you are so powerful outside of Fanzhou, why didn't you bring a few things like Tongtian Tower when you came to Fanzhou?" Come over with a powerful magic weapon?"

"Hehe, Fandi is not allowed! Tongtian Tower can enter Fanzhou, because when Tongtian Tower entered, it was not even considered as the ancestor! What's more, Tongtian Tower was originally an imperial artifact, and if you have the courage to make a piece of it intact Destroy the imperial artifact and bring it into's a bit of a waste, and whether it can be restored in Fanzhou is still a question!" Lou Baiyu shook his head amusedly.

Wang Kai was stunned when he heard the words, and he murmured that it was indeed the case. Who would be willing to destroy such an awesome baby and bring it into such a barren place in Fanzhou?From the perspective of the outside world, in the land of Fanzhou, no one wants to come here!
How about entering at the price of destroying an imperial artifact?
"Big stupid cat... are you still alive?" Wang Kai frowned, secretly mobilizing his mind to communicate with the blood contract.

"Boy Wang Kai, you've done a terrible job to Master Cat, and let that old hag barge in!" Master Cat's distraught voice came into Wang Kai's mind.

It caused Wang Kai to be stunned. He didn't expect that the big stupid cat couldn't beat Granny Nine Dragons, so he quickly asked: "Shouldn't the Tongtian Tower be accessible only to the young generation? Don't tell me that Granny Nine Dragons is still a second-year-old." Eight young girls!"

"The Tongtian Pagoda has just been restored to the ranks of imperial weapons. If it is not held by a strong emperor, it will naturally not be able to resist the invasion of a strong emperor! Even though the old witch's martial arts of the emperor is suppressed in the realm of the king of martial arts, her body and soul Even the bloodlines are all powerful in the imperial realm! It must be easy to enter the Tongtian Tower!" Master Mao shouted angrily.

"What about the panacea? You intentionally put him into the Tongtian Tower, have you killed him yet?" Wang Kai asked with a frown.

However, no matter how Wang Kai communicated, there was no reply from Master Mao.

If it weren't for the power of the blood contract to feel that the big stupid cat is still alive, he would definitely think that he has been surrendered by the Jiulong mother-in-law.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, in my opinion, you must not have the heart to kill that panacea? How can you say that he was your most beloved disciple back then, but it's a pity that the spirit pivot, he I am still secretly waiting for the opportunity to give the spirit pill a fatal blow!" Wang Kai said with a sneer.

"Bastard boy! Master Cat just doesn't want to kill him for the time being! You first let the strong outsider enter Tongtian Tower and help Master Cat defeat the old witch! If the old witch really takes control of Tongtian Tower, Fanzhou No one can take her down except Fandi!" Master Cat shouted anxiously.

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and passed the words of Lord Cat to Lou Baiyu who was beside him.

"Hehe, Emperor Huan, is that cat demon emperor from Yaozhou? Since he has a way to defeat Granny Jiulong, I am willing to go in!" Lou Baiyu smiled lightly, and did not reject Wang Kai's suggestion, but turned it directly As a streamer, it merged into the Tongtian Tower.

"Big stupid cat, don't lose the fight. If you really let that old hag succeed, I will definitely spread the news that you were framed by your beloved disciple!" Wang Kai said with a sarcasm through voice transmission.

If he didn't give the big stupid cat some stimulation, he might really let the panacea go!
"Wang Kai, no matter whether my master succeeds or not, we just need to end this battle first!" Liu Yao said coldly.

Wang Kai nodded slightly when he heard the words, and looked at the three battle circles with a playful expression. One was the army of Wang Shuai led by the old man fighting against the army of Marshal of the Tianwu Dynasty, and the other was the army of the Shenwu Dynasty led by the prince and Yu Wenhao , is confronting the prince Tuoba Lie of the Tianwu Dynasty.

And the last place is the king of the Shenwu Dynasty, as well as King Zhentian and Tuoba Kuang, the king of the Tianwu Dynasty!

"You go to help the old man, the old master Liu is also there, as for the king of the town, just leave it to me! I said at the beginning that it is necessary to hang the king of the town, and now I should do it!" Wang Kai said with a look on his face. Smiling calmly, with his hands behind his back, with a light step, he flashed towards the battle circle of King Tianwang.

Seeing this, Liu Yao nodded slightly, and as she waved her jade hand, a long sword appeared in her hand, and her white skirt fluttered down from the sky.

"Suppressing Heavenly King! This Young Master is here to hang and beat you! Quickly show your neck and let this Young Master hold it in your hands!"

I saw Wang Kai stepping into the air with his hands behind his back, and a statue of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth floating above his head, and his voice was like thunder rolling away!

"Wu Wang!"


King Zhentian and Tuoba Kuang both shrank their pupils when they saw this, and quickly worked together to repel the Shenwu Dynasty Wang Shangwan Batian, and looked at Wang Kai with a rather cold expression.

For the scene where Wang Kai beheaded two high-rank Martial Kings with a single sword just now, all three of them saw clearly, and seeing him approaching now, they were immediately on guard in their hearts.

"Haha, good job! Nephew Wang Kaixian, and I will kill these two together with this king!" Wan Batian laughed wildly, his expression full of joy.

King Zhentian and Tuoba Kuang heard the words, their eyes were hardened, and they almost scolded in unison: "Wan Batian! You are still a majestic king, and you want to invite juniors to help!"

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard the words, and immediately turned dark, and said angrily: "Wan Batian, tsk tsk, with such a domineering name, I have wanted to see you for a long time, but now is not the time to talk about it. You should get out of the way for now, this young master will at best not beat you up now!"

(End of this chapter)

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