Need for bragging system

Chapter 98 - The King of Heaven

Chapter 98 - The King of Heaven

Wan Batian's expression turned cold when he heard the words, but thinking about Wang Kai's current martial arts realm, he could only snort coldly in his heart, retreated into the distant void with an ugly face, and smiled with a stiff face: "Hehe, since nephew Wang Kai is so If you are interested in one battle and two, this king will naturally want to help you, and you will also happen to witness the battle of the rise of the future generalissimo of the Shenwu Dynasty!"

"The battle of rising? Ben Shao has been rising all the time, okay? This young master is the only one in Fanzhou! Who knows about this matter? Wan Batian, you'd better shut up this young master now , if this young man can’t bear it, the throne of the Shenwu Dynasty will really have to be replaced!” Wang Kai snorted coldly with a look of contempt, but he wanted to see how forbearing this king is.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

As soon as this remark came out, Wan Batian's eyes immediately turned cold. As the king of the dynasty, he was reprimanded face to face by a junior like this. No more words.

Seeing this, Wang Kai narrowed his eyes and sighed regretfully in his heart. He originally wanted to behead Wan Batian, but now it seemed impossible, so he could only secretly hope that Prince Wankong would not provoke him again. Don't let it go, otherwise, next time it won't be so easy to let it go.

After all, Prince Wankong is not in harmony with himself. If Fanzhou is unified, it is inevitable that the Shenwu Dynasty will have a surge in self-confidence, and then do something unfavorable to the Marshal's Mansion!
Even if the Marshal's Mansion is not afraid, Wang Kai doesn't want to see this happen. Any potential threat can be eliminated and must not stay!
"Tuoba Kuang, Heaven Suppressing King, let's go together!" Wang Kai said calmly with his hands behind his back.

However, King Tiantian and Tuoba Kuang didn't hesitate at all, they directly chose to separate from each other and run away, without any intention of fighting Wang Kai at all!

Even the seventh-rank Martial King was beheaded by Wang Kai with a single sword, so how can the third-rank Martial King fight with him?

"Uh, don't all the recent Wu Wang powerhouses like the game of eagles catching chickens?" Wang Kai frowned, rolled his eyes quite speechlessly, and suddenly took out two vitality bombs, which were divided into two directions. bomb.

call out!call out!
I saw that the left legs of Zhen Tianwang and Tuoba Kuang were pierced, and blood sprayed and spurted, which made the two fleeing figures suddenly stop, and one of them wobbled and fell to the sky.

"Hehe, although the two vitality bullets only have the power of the ninth rank of Wu Zong, but with the fighting spirit of this young martial king, it is enough to use them to injure the strong martial king, but if you want to kill... it is still a bit difficult." Wang Kai shook his head and sighed, his footsteps were light, and his figure immediately ran towards the King of Heaven.

Seeing this scene, Wan Batian's eyes twitched wildly, and he was secretly glad that he didn't provoke Wang Kai just now, otherwise, with his current level of martial arts, even a battle would be as difficult as reaching the sky!
"Damn it! Why did this Wang Kai break through the realm so quickly?" Wan Batian's eyes were cold.


In the void in the distance, Wang Kai grasped King Zhentian's neck in his hands, raised it straight up, and waved his fists calmly, hitting his back and waist one by one.

"This young master once said that one day I would hang you up, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. Hey, my talent is too monstrous! In today's world, there are people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with this young master. There are too few, it is better to say that there is none!" Wang Kai shook his head and sighed, punching one after another, the face of the King of Suppressing Heaven was pale and he spit out blood, it was so miserable!
"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Hehe, back then on the fighting platform of the Shenwu Academy, this young master also beat your good son Wan Zhe like this, tsk tsk, how does it feel? It should be good, right?" Wang Kai smiled lightly.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the third-rank Martial King and gaining 2000 experience."

Hearing the reminder, Wang Kai was stunned, looking at the back of King Zhentian who had been punched through, he couldn't help but raised his bloody palm, wiped it on his clothes, curled his lips and snorted coldly: "It's really not good. Fighting against fights is even weaker than your son!"

As everyone knows, with Wang Kai's current martial arts realm, although he is only a first-rank martial king, he has the power to kill enemies beyond fifth-rank. Difficult.

"Suppressing Heavenly King is dead, and now there is still one king of the Tianwu Dynasty!" Wang Kai smiled lightly, threw the Suppressing Heavenly King's body into the sky with his hands, and turned to chase in the direction of Tuoba Kuang.

In the midst of a mountain forest, Wang Kai floated down, frowned and looked at the blood on the ground, and said with a rather playful expression: "Tuoba Kuang, you can't escape, you should come out as soon as possible! I don't need to kill you! But You have to do one less thing for Ben.”

However, there was no response from the mountains and forests.

Seeing this, Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, put his hands behind his back, and said with a smile again: "If this master uses the law of heaven and earth to destroy all the mountains and forests here, Tuoba Kuang, do you have the ability to survive?"

As soon as the words fell, Tuoba Kuang showed his figure, limping and bouncing over, humming fiercely: "Wang Kai, I can't imagine that you have such achievements at such a young age. The king is not as good as you! If you want to kill or cut you, you can do whatever you want!"

Wang Kai glanced at him quite contemptuously when he heard this, and said disdainfully with his hands behind his back: "Okay, there is no need to be brave there, there are no beauties here for you to pretend to be aggressive, if you are really not afraid of death, why bother to be so scared?" Did you take the initiative to come out?"

"Wang Kai, what exactly do you want me to do?" Tuoba Kuang said coldly.

"It's very simple, if you kill the king of the Shenwu Dynasty, the crown prince Wankong will not survive! If you can do it, I will let you live!" Wang Kai said with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Tuoba Kuang was stunned, and immediately grinned grinningly and said: "Hehe, I originally only thought that King Tiantian was ruthless and sinister, but I didn't expect that the real sinister person is actually you!"

"Later, this Young Master will secretly use means to injure Wan Batian, then you will take the opportunity to kill him! If you fail, you will definitely die!" Wang Kai said with a smile on his face.

Tuoba Kuang smiled coldly when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice with flickering eyes: "How can I believe that you will not cross the river and tear down the bridge? With your ability to kill a high-rank Martial King with one move, if you refuse to admit it afterwards, I don't have the confidence to be able to fight against you." The men survive!"

"You have no choice! If you don't agree, you will die now!" Wang Kai smiled coldly, looking at him with a cold look in his eyes.

rub rub!
Tuoba Kuang looked at the killing intent in Wang Kai's eyes, his face turned pale with fright, he couldn't help but backed up a few steps, gritted his teeth and said, "I hope you can keep your word!"

"Hehe, you can rest assured about this, I have no other advantages, but promises are the most important thing!" Wang Kai smiled lightly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Thanks to the friends who voted for recommendation, I rarely ask for votes here, because I am afraid that it will affect your reading mood, but you still took the initiative to vote for me, I am really grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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