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Chapter 1 Shocking the System, Emperor Wu Experience Card

Chapter 1 Shocking the System, Emperor Wu Experience Card
Chapter 1: Shock the system, Emperor Wu experience card
"Where is this?"

"Why am I here?"

In the quaint room, Hou Tian was lying on a soft wooden bed, with a faint scent of sandalwood coming from the tip of his nose.

When you open your eyes, you can see specks of sunlight pouring into the hollow carved tallow window, and the exquisite carved decoration is very extraordinary.

With a slight movement of his fingers, he touched the silky clothes, and there was still a faint fragrance on them, which made Hou Tian puzzled.

This fragrance seems to be...

A woman's body fragrance.

What the hell!

Is this a dream?
Why is it so real?

Hou Tian's eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, and the look of shock on his face couldn't be more shocking.

Just as I was about to sit up, my body felt a pain!
What the hell!

I won't be in broad daylight, have that kind of dream!

I can feel pain, this is not a dream!
Could it be that I have time-traveled?
And looking at the situation, could it be that he was killed after time travelling?
Hou Tian raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead!

As the successor of the earth in the 21st century, he was unexpectedly...
But why don't I have any impression of myself?
Unexpectedly, the barrier that I have not broken through in 20 years on the earth, I actually broke through it directly after crossing over!

Just when he was stunned for a while, a huge memory flooded into his mind accompanied by severe pain.

After half a sound.

Finally figured out some general things.

He traveled to a world called Nine Heavens Continent, where there are thousands of races, and the three races of humans, monsters and demons are respected.

The powerful human race who flies into the sky and moves mountains to fill the sea, the demon race that captures people's hearts and souls and commits all kinds of evil, and the relatively neutral but physically amazing monster race are the three most powerful races in this world.

And he is now in the Small Buddha Realm, one of the five great realms of the human race, in an unnamed valley within the territory of the Divine Phoenix Empire.


When Hou Tian sorted out his previous memories, he suddenly discovered something that shocked him!

"I am a monk?"

This directly made Houtian dumbfounded.

My current identity is actually a floor-sweeping monk in Tianlong Temple, and it is the kind that people will not find out if they die outside.

"I KAO!"

At this moment, Hou Tian had the idea of ​​committing seppuku and remaking himself.

There have been many beauties in the fantasy world since ancient times, if he was just a handsome monk, wouldn't he be finished?

Handsome can't be eaten, the key is that the talent is not strong, although it is not a waste, but it is almost the same.

How does this work?
Just when Hou Tian was about to go back to the furnace and rebuild, suddenly a ray of memory fragments flooded into his mind again.

Let him see a turning point?
"I seem to be quite popular. I was robbed by several women. Is it because I am handsome?"

"Holy Master of Yaochi, Empress of Divine Phoenix, Holy Lady of Ice..."

"But whose clothes are around?"

The most painful thing in the world is to be raped without knowing who the other party is!

Just when Hou Tian was trying to recall, the door was pushed open.

Then, a gust of fragrant wind hit, and the first thing that came into view was a pair of beautiful feet as white as jade, and on the anklet made of delicate red silk thread, two blue phoenix feathers fluttered in the wind.

The light blue long dress, the slim figure, and the three thousand black hair are rolled up casually. Those beautiful eyes are as frosty as snow, and the exquisite facial features make people unforgettable at a glance.

Hou Tian discovered through the memory in his mind that this person was the empress of the Divine Phoenix Empire, Han Ruoshuang!
At this moment, he was ecstatic!
This wave is not bad, buddy!
Such a beautiful woman, like a fairy descending from the earth, is worthy of my handsome...monk!

"woke up?"

Han Ruoshuang clasped her arms around her chest, glanced lightly at Hou Tian who was on the bed, and then sat down in front of the table.

The tone is not indifferent, but it is definitely not enthusiastic.

"Where is this?" Hou Tian asked tentatively.

"In a secret realm that only I can open!"

"Catch me, and...why?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, you just need to know that I have no malice towards you!"

When Hou Tian heard the words, he frowned slightly, feeling very upset.

Obviously you are the victim, okay?
Oh, woman!
At this moment, a voice that made him ecstatic rang out in Hou Tian's mind.

[Ding, welcome the host to the Nine Heavens Continent, I am shocked that the system binding is successful! 】


Hou Tian, ​​who was a little upset at first, immediately showed a look of ecstasy when he heard the words.

As a Houtian who only knows how to read novels in class and has nothing to do with braids, he is very familiar with this stuff.

This is pretending... ahem, no, it is an excellent thing to reach the pinnacle of life!
Drunk lying on the lap of a beauty, and taking power in the world, starts with owning an external system!
"System, what function do you have?" Hou Tian sat on the bed and asked in a low voice.



For Han Ruoshuang of Emperor Wu level, at such a close distance, how could Hou Tian's voice be hidden from her spiritual consciousness?
Seeing his ecstatic expression, Liu Mei frowned slightly, and said, "Who are you talking to with a silly smile?"

"Don't quarrel, it's not with you anyway!" Seeing that the system didn't respond, Hou Tian felt a little annoyed in his heart, so he subconsciously sneered.

The system is something related to one's own destiny, one must understand it!

Facing Hou Tian's cold drink, a trace of horror flashed across Han Ruoshuang's beautiful eyes!
This kid has become fatter?

Do you really think that the emperor can't take that step without him?

At this moment, Han Ruoshuang couldn't help showing a little shock in his heart, could it be that he knew?

However, Hou Tian also regretted it after finishing speaking. As a scum of the lowest level of a warrior, Han Ruoshuang of the Martial Emperor Realm wanted to kill him, but he didn't have to do it. He might just go back to the furnace and remake him with just one look.

Just when he was hesitating whether to apologize, a system notification sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the first shock, rewarding Emperor Wu with an experience card! 】

[Emperor Wu Experience Card: It allows the host to temporarily reach the level of Emperor Wu within three hours, and do things that the host wants to do but can't do. 】

What the hell!

System, you are immoral, actually spying on my heart!
But this shock reward?

Could it be that he just scolded Han Ruoshuang forcefully, so he was rewarded?

Thinking of this, Hou Tian already roughly understood how this system works.

You can get rewards just by shocking others.

It seems that the system is destined to make me a man who shocks the world!
"What did you just say?" Han Ruoshuang stared at Hou Tian closely, as if trying to see through him.

Let Hou Tian have a feeling of falling into an ice abyss.

If you don't know the function of the system, Hou Tian will not shrink back like that, but now...

Waiting for the weather to decide, give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle!

(End of this chapter)

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