Get the Wudi experience card at the beginning of the game

Chapter 2 Awakening Chaos Celestial Body

Chapter 2 Awakening Chaos Celestial Body
"Oh, it's really nothing, you took advantage of me, I have to take it back anyway!"

While speaking, Hou Tian has already used the Emperor Wu experience card, and his strength has been raised to the peak of Emperor Wu.

Well, at this time, it is in the same state as Han Ruoshuang.

I was raped just after passing through, if I didn't do something, I would be too sorry for myself.

I have kept things for 20 years, and if I say no, they will be gone, and I don’t feel anything at all.

No matter how you think about it, it's a loss.


When Han Ruoshuang heard the words, shock flashed in his eyes again, why did this guy suddenly become so bold?

Also, his aura?
However, at this moment, the system's notification sounded again in Shi Tian's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing a normal shock and gaining bloodline awakening: awakening the host's chaotic celestial body and improving the host's physique. 】

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Hou Tian was ecstatic!
I didn't expect that such a simple sentence can gain such great benefits. If I finish training with the empress in a while, will it be...

I dare not think about it!

"In that case, wake up!"

Hou Tian silently shouted in his heart.

At the same time, he had turned over from the bed and got up, walked slowly to Han Ruoshuang's side, put his hands on her shoulders, and released Emperor Wu's peak breath.

It actually directly suppressed Han Ruoshuang!
At this time, she no longer had any power to resist, and the shock in her heart could not be added.

The corner of Hou Tian's mouth curled up slightly, looked at Han Ruoshuang and said with a wicked smile: "Don't worry, Brother Hou will be very gentle!"

Although Han Ruoshuang didn't change anything on the surface, she was secretly mobilizing the energy in her body, trying to break Hou Tian's suppression.

Obviously, it was a failure in the end!
Although she also has a special physique, Hou Tianke not only has a special physique, but also a Wudi experience card produced by the system.

As the saying goes: System products must be high-quality products!
No matter how cold and frosty he is outside, no matter how powerful he is, at this moment, he can't break the suppression of Houtian's breath.

[Congratulations to the host for completing an intermediate shock, which speeds up the awakening speed of the chaotic celestial body and increases the cultivation speed of the celestial body ten times. 】

[The original cultivation speed of Chaos Celestial Body is a thousand times faster than that of ordinary people. After increasing ten times, it can reach the speed of absorbing aura ten thousand times faster than ordinary people. 】

[The comprehension level of Taoism is a hundred times that of ordinary people! 】

[The speed of martial arts cultivation is a hundred times that of ordinary people! 】

After hearing the sound of the system, Hou Tian, ​​who already felt full of strength, raised his momentum again.

Excited, Hou Tian immediately picked up Han Ruoshuang and came to the bedside.

The suppressed Han Ruoshuang looked at Hou Tian with complicated eyes at this moment, a bit chilly, a bit angry, a bit shocked, and there was also a hint of anticipation hidden.

Wasn't the reason why she and others snatched Houtian back from Tianlong Temple back then...

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you afterwards?" Han Ruoshuang's eyes were a little cold, but his tone obviously changed.

As a powerhouse at the peak of Emperor Wudi, she must have some trump cards, but she doesn't want to use them.

Hearing this, Hou Tian was slightly taken aback!
To put it bluntly, it would be romantic to die under a peony flower and be a ghost!

Having made up his mind, Hou Tian pressed Han Ruoshuang on the bed, felt the softness under his body, gritted his teeth, and showed a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

"As a person, I never do things that make me lose money. You may make a small profit, but Brother Monkey, I never lose money!"

"Anyway, I did it yesterday, so it's okay to do it again!"

After three hours.

The bed was a bit messy, but Hou Tian was not happy at all.


I seem to have misunderstood something!
Han Ruoshuang is still a perfect body.

More importantly, it seems that some strange changes have taken place in my body!

Moreover, at this moment, Han Ruoshuang sitting next to her was sitting cross-legged with a red face and a white aura lingering around her body, as if she was cultivating.

[Host, hurry up and practice, you're out of luck! 】

Just when Hou Tian was a little dazed, the sound of the system sounded inappropriately!
"Fuck, system, tell me the truth, what did you see just now?"

Hou Tian immediately reacted and scolded in his heart.

[Ahem, this system is very serious, okay, you should hurry up and practice! 】

The system was obviously a little guilty, so he quickly changed the topic.

So short and weak, never watch it again!

"I believe you a ghost!"

Waiting for the day to spit.

He began to think about it in his heart. As for whether the system peeked just now, he was not sure, but this kind of thing must be prevented.

But without thinking too much, he began to practice.

If you don't practice, you don't know. Once you practice, you will be shocked.

In his spiritual sea, there is actually a huge and pure spiritual energy.

As he began to practice, the system's notification sound kept ringing.

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to a one-star martial artist! 】

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to a two-star martial artist! 】

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to a three-star martial artist! 】


[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to a nine-star martial artist! 】

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to a one-star martial spirit! 】

In just a few breaths of effort, Hou Tian has gone from an eight-star martial artist to a one-star martial spirit.

It took many people decades to achieve this state, but Hou Tian only took a few breaths of time.

In the Nine Heavens Continent, the distribution of force values ​​can be roughly divided into: warriors, warriors, martial spirits, Wuzong, Wuwang, Wuhuang, Wusheng, Wudi, and Great Emperor!

Each realm is divided into one star to nine stars from low to high!

The state of Han Ruoshuang is the peak of Emperor Wu, who is about to become the existence of the Great Emperor.

At the Great Emperor Realm, it is divided into 1 calamity to 9 calamities, and each calamity needs to experience a thunder calamity. Of course, there are evildoers who can survive multiple thunder calamities at once.

However, from the realm of Emperor Wu, it is very, very difficult to break through the realm of Great Emperor.

Not only does it need enough accumulation, but most importantly, it needs a certain chance, that is, the rarer the Yang Yuan or Yuan Yin produced by the special constitution, the greater the chance of success.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you must practice together. After all, there are many methods in the Martial Emperor realm. It is very easy to obtain a person's Yang Yuan or Yuan Yin.

Han Ruoshuang didn't attack before, that's because Shi Tian's injury was too serious at that time!
"Huh? This kid!"

Han Ruoshuang felt that the aura around her had been robbed by someone, she woke up from her practice, and looked at Hou Tian who was meditating.

A complex look appeared on his face.

"Forget it, it's more important to break through first!" Han Ruoshuang put down her jade hand, feeling the signs of the barrier in her body breaking through, and this is not the place to cross the catastrophe.

Then disappeared in place, and then left this secret realm that only she can open.

However, Hou Tian, ​​who was practicing at this time, had no idea that Han Ruoshuang had left, and he was still immersed in his own cultivation.

According to previous memory, after reaching the realm of Wuling, each warrior will activate his own Wuling.

The pure qi in his body has only been refined to one-tenth of it!
(End of this chapter)

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