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Chapter 17 Bananas are delicious, the empress is intoxicated

Chapter 17 Bananas are delicious, the empress is intoxicated

"Come on, calm down first, let's talk on the bed!"

Hou Tian walked up to Han Ruoshuang's jade hand with a smile on his face as if he had succeeded in his trickery.

Just when the two were about to walk to the bedside.


"What are you doing?"

There was a cold pain in the soft flesh of Hou Tian's waist.

"You pervert, get out!"

After reacting, Han Ruoshuang flicked her sleeves, broke free with her jade hands, and gave Hou Tian a fierce look.

He is obviously a young monk, so why is he so dishonest?
"Empress's wife, I think so, the thing is like this!" Hou Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he opened his penetrating tongue.

"I know you still like my golden cudgel in your heart. Since we are going to get married, some things have been done, and it will be good for you and me to do it a few more times."

"Look, you got what you wanted, and you became the Great Emperor of the Five Tribulations in one fell swoop. As for me, I managed to break through a little realm!"


He spoke earnestly for almost half an hour.

In the end, Han Ruoshuang accepted the 'stick education' after the 'ideological education'.

Fortunately, it is a chaotic celestial body, and it can get a lot of benefits every time!

With a blush on Han Ruoshuang's face, she sat cross-legged on the bed, feeling the changes in her body.

Pure aura flows under the dantian.

With the talent blessing of dragon marrow and phoenix body, refining is also quite fast.

At this time, the way she looked at Hou Tian changed completely.

The indifference in front of outsiders can't be shown in front of this little monk.

After absorbing the aura in his body, he glanced at Hou Tian who was soundly asleep.

"How can this thing contain the aura of the law of the Dao?"

Han Ruoshuang, who woke up from cultivation, held a thick, long and slightly curved banana in his hand, no matter how you looked at it, it looked like...
If she hadn't seen Hou Tian eat it before, she really couldn't believe it.

This hard thing actually contains the aura of the law of the great way.

Peel off the outer layer of skin, learn the posture of waiting for the weather, and start eating.

It's just that the way she eats is a bit weird.

It's just like···


He took a light bite and chewed a few times in his mouth.

Banana flesh slides down the esophagus.

A sense of clarity emerges leisurely.



"So it is!"

"The Ice Phoenix Martial Spirit actually reacted?"

Following the first bite of banana, Han Ruoshuang's face changed several times.

Things that I had never been able to comprehend in my cultivation before, suddenly became clear at this moment.

And her emperor-level ninth-grade ice phoenix martial spirit actually reacted by itself.

At this time, she seemed to be on a white and misty ice field, with the blue and transparent ice phoenix following behind her.

It seems to be looking for something on the ice sheet.

"Is this the Law of the Great Dao?"

Just taking a bite can make him enter a state of comprehension.

Of course, the space she is in at the moment is not the space to comprehend the law of the great way.

Bananas are good, but not so against the sky.


The ecstatic Han Ruoshuang ate two more bites of bananas.

I feel that the fog on the ice sheet has become much less.

Han Ruoshuang seemed to have found a way, and quickly ate all the remaining bananas.

At the end of the meal, I couldn't help sticking out my tender tongue and licking my lips.

Because she was too intoxicated, she didn't notice at all, and her every move at this time fell into Hou Tian's eyes.

"Empress wife, it's just a banana, don't be so intoxicated, it's easy for me to commit a crime!"

Really couldn't hold back waiting for the sky, Fu E said.

There is no way, it's not that Brother Hou's concentration is not strong, but that he is too tempting.

The picture of that pink and tender tongue licking a banana!

Han Ruoshuang who woke up from that special space, saw Hou Tian squinting at him, first screamed.

Then he pulled the quilt over his chest, "You, haven't you fallen asleep?"

She had repeatedly confirmed just now that Hou Tian was indeed so tired that he fell asleep, that's why she started practicing.

It's just that when she was eating bananas later, she was so fascinated by the mysterious feeling.

"Look at the bed, can I still sleep?" Hou Tian couldn't help but give her a blank look, then pouted and said, "If I don't wake up, I can reincarnate tomorrow."

Hearing this, seeing Han Ruoshuang on the bed, which was covered in ice cubes, felt a little embarrassed.

But this kind of thing, how can it be difficult for the dignified empress?

"Cough cough!"

"You are a martial artist in the realm of Wuzong, are you afraid of this?"

While speaking, the spiritual energy in Han Ruoshuang's palms flickered, and the ice cubes on the bed also disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

What the hell!

Such a strange brain circuit!
Sure enough, no matter which world it is a woman.

It is impossible for them to admit their mistakes!
"I was sleeping, but you woke me up, should I make up for it?"

Regarding Han Ruoshuang's words, Hou Tian really couldn't find any words to refute, so he had to reap some benefits first.

"Are you doing business with me?"

When Han Ruoshuang heard this, she almost laughed out of anger.

How shameless is this guy?

Before, I was bullied by him several times in a daze.

Moreover, he also promised him that all the affairs of the Divine Phoenix Empire would be handed over to him in the future.

Although I didn't know what I was thinking at the time, I was conquered by his mouth anyway.

Now there is another benefit, can such a young monk be killed directly?

So shameless.

"Business with you?"

"How is that possible? If it's a business, I'll have to charge you for the battleground of gods and demons you mentioned!"

Hou Tian quickly shook his head and denied it, he just wanted some benefits, how could it be a business?
Brother Monkey, am I that kind of person?

Not like!

"The battlefield of gods and demons is not that simple, you just..."

Han Ruoshuang originally wanted to say that with Hou Tian's cultivation, even if it was half a year later on the battlefield of gods and demons, his chances of winning were not great.

But when she carefully perceived Xia Houtian's cultivation base.

The whole person was taken aback.

This guy is probably a monster!

Is this already a two-star Wuzong?
I didn't see him practice at all!

"Are you a two-star Wuzong?"

"Yo, it's really good, the benefit of sleeping is not bad, it's actually raised by one star!"

Hou Tian felt it after hearing the words, and his realm cultivation had indeed improved.

"Don't be complacent, Gods and Demons Battlefield, as the name suggests, is a world where we humans and demons coexist, where the humans are not only our Divine Phoenix Empire."

Han Ruoshuang was slightly surprised at Hou Tian's cultivation speed in his heart, but he said it earnestly.

"The battlefield of gods and demons has existed for tens of thousands of years. It is the buffer zone of the war between our human race and the demon race. Back then, the human race and the demon race's great powers formed such a special battlefield in order to protect their own race from being destroyed. "

"Back then, I was number one on the battlefield of gods and demons. As my man, don't let me down."

At the beginning, Han Ruoshuang also came here from the battlefield of gods and demons. It can be said that her ability to sit on the position of empress is completely inseparable from her decades of fighting.

In the battlefield of gods and demons, it is a very good place to train warriors. There, leading your own team to fight against the demons can effectively improve your combat strength.

"You are wrong. As my woman, you can take the first place. How can I fall behind?"

After hearing the words, Hou Tian refuted a sentence, and continued: "Before the wedding ceremony, I practiced here."

(End of this chapter)

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