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Chapter 18 The Wedding Ceremony, All the Talents

Chapter 18 The Wedding Ceremony, All the Talents

"Okay, no problem, you really should improve your skills, there is still half a year left!"

Han Ruoshuang did not refuse Hou Tian's request.

Although it is said that the battlefield of gods and demons will not open for half a year, and this opening will take three years.

Hou Tian can improve his cultivation a little more, and when he enters the battlefield of gods and demons, his chances of surviving will be higher.

The main reason is that there are restrictions on the battlefield of gods and demons, and people above the realm of martial saints cannot enter.

Time flies, three days have passed.

The imperial palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire was decorated with lights and festoons.

Rows of small tables were placed neatly on the floor, and people in fine attire were sitting around each delicate wooden table.

They are elders, sons of gods, and saintesses of all forces.

All of them are extraordinary in appearance, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and have a strong aura.

They exchanged glasses with each other, and one of them, a young man who was a bit of a dragon and phoenix, drank his drink and raised his eyes to see the fiery red lanterns around him, feeling a little bit bitter.

That lost soul looks like a lovelorn.

"Brother, what's the matter? Is this wine bad?"

A woman in white beside him frowned and asked.

"Be careful!"

The young man showed a helpless wry smile, and reminded the little junior sister beside him.

"We are here to attend the empress's wedding. How can you say that the palace wine is not good?"

The woman in white next to her stuck out her tongue half-understood, and said, "Brother, you see how many people are here this time!"

The young man nodded, but did not answer.

The young man is the current holy son of the Misty Sect, named Ling Tian, ​​who is a strong Martial Emperor who possesses the divine body of Tianlei.

Because of his special physique, he is very popular among the empresses of all parties, but the person he likes is...

And the woman in white who followed him was named Lu Yao. Although she didn't have a special physique, she was very talented in cultivation. In [-], she was already an eight-star Martial King.

In Misty Sect, he is the direct disciple of the suzerain Ling Feng.

This time the suzerain of Misty Sect didn't come, so the great elder of Emperor Wudi came with the holy son and first disciple.

"Hey, Shengzi Lingtian didn't expect you to come too?"

At this time, a crisp voice sounded, and a woman with a fair almond face and a long purple dress came over with fine wine.

"So it's Jianzong's Junior Sister Qingya!"

When Ling Tian looked back, a smile appeared on his handsome face.

The person who came was the same first-class force in the small Buddhist domain, the young suzerain of the sword sect, with elegant poetry.

With the Silver Moon Saint Body in his body, he had already reached the five-star Martial Emperor realm at the age of 25, only three stars behind Ling Tian.

But she is six or seven years younger than Ling Tian.

"I didn't expect to meet Junior Sister Qingya here!"

Ling Tian picked up the wine glass in his hand and lifted it up to Shi Qingya.

Although he is in a bad mood, the etiquette for the young suzerain of Jianzong is still indispensable.

Shi Qingya gave a light smile: "I'm not surprised. I can meet Holy Son Ling Tian here. After all, when the empress of the Divine Phoenix Empire gets married and throws wine, which side dares not give face?"

"I heard that even Longfo Temple has people coming."

Ling Tian nodded upon hearing this.

Now that the empress has successfully crossed the catastrophe and reached the realm of the great emperor, in this small Buddhist realm, even a power like the Dragon Buddha Temple will give some face.

As for the other forces, definitely dare not neglect!

After drinking a glass of wine, Shi Qingya said intentionally or unintentionally: "It is said that the person who married the empress today is actually a young monk. Although he has a special physique, he probably didn't make it into the top [-]!"

"It's a pity..."

Ling Tian's Tianlei divine body ranks among the top [-] existences. Hearing this, he couldn't help pinching the wine glass in his hand, and smiled awkwardly.

However, the speaker has already returned to his position.

As for Ling Tian's secret admiration for the Divine Phoenix Empress, everyone in the circle of first-class forces knew about it.

The corners of Shi Qingya's mouth rose slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

The seeds are planted!
There are more and more guests in the hall, and after the younger generation in front arrives, it will be the older generation.

The suzerains and sect masters of all major forces also entered the arena one after another.

Everyone is here to participate in the Queen's celebration.

At the beginning, it was only rumored that the empress had successfully survived the five thunder tribulations and had a banquet for the world, but within a day, it was rumored that the empress was married.

Many forces heard the news, and consciously increased their congratulatory gifts a lot.

Good day and auspicious day together.

An old woman in a red palace uniform slowly walked up to the hall.

She is the host of today's wedding ceremony and the most senior nun in the palace.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

The old woman's voice is not loud, but it is accompanied by spiritual power, and the sound waves can be accurately transmitted to the ears of everyone present.


The originally noisy hall became quiet.

"On behalf of the imperial family of the Divine Phoenix Empire, welcome everyone."

"Today is the wedding ceremony of our Empress Han Ruoshuang, everyone present please keep quiet!"

"I invite the empress to come in person!"

The voice fell.

A great emperor's aura suddenly came down in the hall, causing the expressions of all the people present to change drastically and it was difficult to breathe.

Some people with weaker cultivation even lay down directly on the dining table in front of them.

This is the coercion of the Great Emperor Realm, even the powerhouses of various forces in the Martial Emperor Realm feel that they are insignificant under this coercion at this moment.

It is said that Emperor Wu and the Great Emperor are an insurmountable gap.

If it is said that among hundreds of millions of people, there can be ten people who have reached the Emperor Martial Realm, then it is difficult for one person to reach the Great Emperor Realm, even among tens of billions of living beings.


The main door of the main hall was opened.

Han Ruoshuang was wearing a red dragon robe, a phoenix crown and a xiapei, a light veil covering her face, and her steps were light.

With every step she took, everyone's hearts trembled.

Everyone looked at the legendary empress in awe. Even though she covered her face with a light veil, she couldn't hide her stunning beauty and proud figure.

Even many holy sons and emperors who claimed to be geniuses quietly had a wave of fanaticism in their hearts.

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting next to him, felt like a cat scratching his head.

That feeling is like the woman you have a crush on becoming someone else's bride, and you have to witness it with your own eyes.

However, when thinking of Han Ruoshuang's unrivaled strength, everyone can only feel restless in their hearts.

At the same time, I also wondered, how could this empress find a monk?

Don't they all say that monks are pure-hearted and ascetic?
Even if he succeeded in helping the empress cross the catastrophe, it is impossible for the empress to look up to a little monk!
Especially when Shi Qingya said that the little monk's special physique was not ranked among the top [-], Ling Tian wanted to ask.

Little monk, is he worthy?
Of course, Ling Tian was not the only one who was told by Shi Qingya that the young monk's special physique was not strong.

So for a while, those holy sons who knew the 'truth', the wicked Tianjiao, and the princes and princes of neighboring countries all felt unwilling.

In particular, there were a few Tianjiao who possessed special physiques but did not let the world know about them, and stomped their feet in anger.

Thinking that he looks good, he is actually not as good as a monk?
What kind of world is this?
The monk can be favored by the empress, so why don't I have such a good life?

(End of this chapter)

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