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Chapter 22 The origin of wood, vomiting blood with anger

Chapter 22 The origin of wood, vomiting blood with anger
In the main hall, all the priests of the Divine Phoenix Empire stared wide-eyed at Hou Tian who was slowly standing up.

This melodic attainment!

If it is used in army battles?
The army of the entire Divine Phoenix Empire will be invincible, and its combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

In the entire Little Buddha Domain, there is basically no strong person in the rhythm.

As far as they know, there is probably only the Holy Lord of Yaochi among the strong ones in the melody.

Unexpectedly, this little monk's musical attainments have reached this level.

They are all strong in the Martial Emperor Realm, and they can all be affected by the rhythm.

It is conceivable that Hou Tian's musical attainments are very strong.

Empress Han Ruoshuang even gave Hou Tian a faint look, although she really wanted to know how this melody came about.

But at this moment, she could only hold back.

Hou Tian stood up with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

In my mind, the system's notification tone kept ringing.

【You shocked all civil and military officials of the Divine Phoenix Empire! 】

【You shocked all the offerings in the Divine Phoenix Empire's offering hall! 】

【You shocked Lu Yao, the eldest disciple of Misty Sect! 】

【You shocked the monk of Tianlong Temple! 】

[You shocked the master of the Sword Sect, the master of the Beast Sect! 】

【You shocked Empress Han Ruoshuang! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the shock!Successfully wiped out! 】


[The host completed the shocking achievement, shocked the audience, and obtained the origin of wood! 】

Hearing the reward from the system, Hou Tian was slightly taken aback.

"What is the source of wood?"

[Five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth all have their own original power. The host's Sanshengjing, if you want to cultivate a clone, you need the original power. 】

"You mean, if I have the source of wood, I can cultivate a clone, right?"

[Yes host! 】

"Ouch, got it!"

At this moment, the smile on Hou Tian's face became even bigger.

He was still thinking about how to cultivate the avatar mentioned in the Three Lives Sutra, but he didn't expect to get such a treasure after getting married.

Don't mind coming more times.

Heck, just kidding!

Many people around saw Hou Tian who was smiling even more, and they all thought that he was proud of defeating Ling Tian with his melody.

But he was already very handsome, with a bright smile.

Even more handsome.

Many saintesses of the holy land, princesses of the dynasty, and senior sisters of the sect looked at the sky with nympho blooming in their eyes.

It was as if a deer was bumping around in my heart.

It is said that a man's confident smile is the most charming, and it is true.

Feeling the strange eyes of those saintesses and princesses, Hou Tian coughed dryly twice, and asked Ling Tian, ​​"Shall we continue?"

But now in the wedding hall, those women looked at him with ambiguous eyes.

What a bad influence!
You have to change the time and place if you want to see it!


Ling Tian is not the kind of person who can't afford to lose. He lost the first rhythm game, and there are three more rounds to come. As long as he wins all of them, it can be regarded as a success.

"Okay, have courage, first give the previous 1000 million spirit stones!"

Hou Tian was not in a hurry, he spread his hands towards Ling Tian and urged him.

"You..." Ling Tian was left speechless. Is this guy looking for money for himself?

I was so humiliated by you that I still want to give you money?

But how can you go back on what you promised?

In the end, they obediently gave 1000 million spirit stones, and then the two started the next project.

For normal piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, the second time is to play chess.

Ling Tian is holding the white chess piece, this time Houtian still let him make the first move.

As a result, this guy landed in the corner with his first step, occupying the corner directly.

Well, this guy has reached the Go novice level.

Among beginners of Go, there is a saying: "Golden Horns and Silver Edges and Grass Belly", so they generally occupy the vicinity of the four-pointed star positions with high value first.

Seeing this, Hou Tian sneered in his heart.

Fortunately, this guy didn't directly land on Tian Yuan's position in the first step, otherwise, there would be no pressure at all.

After Ling Tian dropped the piece, Hou Tian picked up a black piece and dropped it directly not far from the white piece.

As sunspots fall.

A majestic wave of energy suddenly spread throughout the hall.

Many people with low cultivation bases feel that they are about to be overwhelmed by that energy.

And Ling Tian, ​​who was playing chess on the chessboard, frowned even more.

He was under more pressure than others.

It was as if he was carrying this mountain on his back, making it very difficult for him to make a move. He dangled the white chess on the board for a long time, but he couldn't make a move.

Because what he saw at the moment was not a simple chessboard.

It's more like taking the heaven and the earth as the disk, and the stars as the child. Every time a child falls, he has to bear the law of cause and effect brought about by it.

"what 's wrong?"

"How could that little monk have such terrifying energy fluctuations!"

"No, why can't I see through his cultivation at this moment? He's obviously only an eight-star Martial Ancestor?"

"Ling Tian is about to lose!"

Everyone present at the Martial Emperor Realm had expressions of shock on their faces.

With that powerful energy fluctuation, even they felt a little pressure, or a sense of powerlessness.

Han Ruoshuang frowned slightly, and said lightly, "The Holy Son lost!"

While speaking, he used his great emperor breath to protect some weak people in the audience.

The sound also entered Hou Tian's ears.

Hearing this, Hou Tian stood up and patted the dust that was not on his body.

Looking at Ling Tian who was already dripping with sweat, he asked a little strangely: "Isn't it true that the holy son of the Misty Sect can only take one move in chess?"

"Also, is our palace very hot?"

Hearing Hou Tian's words, Ling Tian, ​​who was relieved, couldn't hold back, and let out a snort.

A mouthful of blood sprayed out. From the looks of it, the internal injury was serious.

The whole person seemed to be just picked up from the water.

His little junior sister, Lu Yao, hurried up to help Ling Tian up.

"You... who the hell are you?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was being supported by Lu Yao, did not dare to look directly at Hou Tian at this moment. The feeling in the chess game just now was too terrifying.

"Me? I am the empress' husband, my name is Dijun!"

Hou Tian smiled lightly, and replied without shame or impatience.

As for what other people think, that's their business. Anyway, Brother Monkey's explanation is impeccable.

"You, you obviously only have an eight-star Martial Ancestor, why?"

Ling Tian clutched his chest and asked with difficulty.

Even Martial Saints and Martial Emperors couldn't give him the feeling just now, but this little eight-star Martial Ancestor was able to give him such a great pressure.

"That's right, I only have the eight-star Martial Ancestor realm!"

Hou Tian shrugged, and looked at Ling Tian like an idiot.

Continued: "Does playing chess have anything to do with realm?"

It's really inexplicable, Brother Monkey, can you tell me, am I cheating?
And even if you don't play it, your go skills, Brother Monkey, can kill you with both hands and feet.


I seem to have forgotten something.

"Hey, I've lost this round, and I'll bring you 1000 million spirit stones."

Just as Ling Tian was being supported by Lu Yao and turned around to return to his position, Hou Tian's voice came from behind.

"By the way, there are two more rounds to come. Should you admit defeat directly, or how should I put it, if you admit defeat, the total will be 3000 million spirit stones."

"Of course, I don't surrender and lose half here, but you can give me half more!"

(End of this chapter)

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