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Chapter 23 is too shameless, read by the empress

Chapter 23 is too shameless, read by the empress

Hearing Hou Tian's words, the audience was in an uproar.

Ling Tian, ​​who was supported by junior sister Lu Yao, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

What a weird thing.

It's time, don't forget to ask me for the spirit stone.

There is no comparison behind the key, and you still have to give it?

Thinking about the horror of playing chess, in the end Ling Tian chose to honestly give 3000 million spirit stones.

This is nothing to his Misty Sect.

After Hou Tian accepted the Lingshi, he glanced around with a smile and asked, "Is there anyone else who wants to challenge me?"

"I know that some people may say that in this world, the strong are respected, and cleverness alone is not enough."

"Then are there any holy sons and holy daughters from the same realm who come out to learn from each other?"

Anyway, it has already started, and Hou Tian is not afraid of Han Ruoshuang suddenly getting angry or something, he can make a little money.


This time his plan failed.

Whether it was his playing Flying Daggers just now or the chess game with Ling Tian.

In front of these holy sons and saints, his position has been established.

Even a monstrous person like Ling Tian lost, didn't they go up to give away people... give away spirit stones?
Seeing that no one stood up in the audience, Hou Tian was slightly disappointed.

He said lightly: "Hey, seeing how you can't get used to me and can't get rid of me, I feel sad."

After speaking, he walked directly towards Han Ruoshuang.

Many princes and princes were so angry that their teeth itched when they heard his words.

I can't wait to eat that shameless Houtian who is full of smiles.

If Ling Tian hadn't lost before, they would still have a slight advantage. Although they were not as handsome as the little monk, they were definitely stronger than him.

But now.

Hey, let's not talk about it, the only sense of superiority is gone.

"It's shameless, but I like it!"

Taishang Huang Hancheng was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted immediately, a deep smile flashed in his eyes.

Don't look at this little monk's young age, but he has a thick skin and a city mansion!

The key is to piss people off.

I'm afraid that if these saint child geniuses present want to find Hou Tian to get back their position, they can only save it with meritorious deeds on the battlefield of gods and demons.

Next, no one challenged, and the whole wedding ceremony went relatively smoothly.

After a simple ceremony was held.

Standing on top of the main hall, Han Ruoshuang announced: "From today onwards, the Emperor Houtian will formally take charge of some state affairs of the Divine Phoenix Empire on my behalf."

"Every civil and military official in the dynasty sees the emperor as he sees me, and his words are like mine."

Following Han Ruoshuang's words, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Han Ruoshuang who was covered by a light veil above the main hall.

What she said just now is very obvious.

This is for Hou Tian to slowly take over the Divine Phoenix Empire!

The entire Divine Phoenix Empire is surrounded by many imperial dynasties and sects, and more importantly, it is very close to the Sea Demon Clan.

Always beware of the invasion of sea demons.

It can be said that the geographic location of the Divine Phoenix Empire is very important in the entire Small Buddha Territory.

The empress actually handed over the empire to a young monk who is not yet 20 years old?
More importantly, this little monk is only in the eight-star Wuzong realm, and his strength is too weak.

Except for the Supreme Emperor and the Wudi powerhouses in the worship hall, the audience could understand why Han Ruoshuang did this.

The current Divine Phoenix Empire, and even the entire human race, seem to be peaceful, but in fact, there are already undercurrents surging.

Although the female empress has achieved the position of great emperor, she has not yet reached the strongest point. More importantly, the Little Buddha Realm is not honored by the Divine Phoenix Empire.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

The several priests in the hall of worship glanced at each other, then stood up and bent over.

They all saw Houtian's talent and awakened Wuling with their own eyes.

That is a sword martial spirit above the emperor level.

As long as it can grow up, it is definitely a very terrifying thing.

Of course, one must not just work behind closed doors and bury one's head in painstaking practice during the journey of cultivation, one still needs to go out to practice.

And the empress came out to tell everyone that the little monk is now a member of the Divine Phoenix Empire, and whoever dares to touch him will be an enemy of the entire empire.

It can be said to be very protective of the calf!

The civil and military officials of the empire, and those who saw the worship hall, have all recognized the identity of the emperor.

All of them stood up and bowed in salute.

"Your Majesty Shengming, Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Your Majesty Shengming, Your Majesty Shengming!"

A loud voice resounded in the hall.

All the guests were stunned, but they were relieved when they thought of the strength Hou Tian had shown just now.

If it were them, they would do the same.

Who made that little monk so good, maybe he was a hidden boss.

Never be fooled by his appearance.

Hou Tian, ​​who was the party involved, raised the corners of his mouth after listening to the empress's reading.

This is the result he wants.

Drunk lying on the lap of a beautiful woman, holding the power of the world.

Let's start with the Divine Phoenix Empire!

After accepting everyone's congratulations, the wedding ceremony also came to an end.

It was getting late, Hou Tian and Han Ruoshuang also entered the bridal chamber as a matter of course.

The two walked arm in arm, which made many princes jealous.

And those saintesses of the Holy Land and princesses of the empire all looked out of their wits, looking at the two disappearing figures.

My heart ached.

This made Hou Tian feel a little cold around his waist, so he quickened his pace.

Do not pick wild flowers on the roadside!

After returning to the room.

Han Ruoshuang, like a normal person, was sitting by the dressing table, arranging her appearance.

"Empress wife, how about I help you?"

Looking at Han Ruoshuang's beautiful face and graceful back, Hou Tian walked over with a bit of drunkenness, frustrating his little hands.

Alcohol strengthens the bear's courage, strengthens the physique and increases the duration.

"Huh? You still do this?"

A trace of horror flashed in Han Ruoshuang's eyes, and she turned her head to look at Hou Tian.

She doesn't usually use these rouge powders, so she was a little unfamiliar just now, and deliberately slowed down her movements, not wanting to be embarrassed in front of Hou Tian.

In the end, a little monk in Houtian actually said he would?

"That, that must be, Brother Monkey is a professional in this matter!"

When Hou Tian saw the small cherry mouth with a little powder and daisy, and the looming peaks and peaks under the red dragon robe, he couldn't help swallowing, and shook his head.

He thought it was a handsome pose, but in Han Ruoshuang's eyes.

It really is LSP!

"Are you a professional?"

Han Ruoshuang's eyes turned cold in vain, as cold as frost, and seemed to have a trace of murderous intent.

The voice was extremely cold, which made Hou Tian sober.

What the hell!

Is this woman thinking crooked again?

Labor and management have studied in a beauty salon for more than half a year?

Although I am not very proficient in makeup, as a Chinese youth in the 21st century, is it strange to know makeup?

"Uh, wife, have you misunderstood something again?"

Hou Tian looked at Han Ruoshuang speechlessly, as if to examine him.

(End of this chapter)

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