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Chapter 24 Anniversary in the bridal chamber, Yanyun 8 riders

Chapter 24 Anniversary in the Bridal Chamber, Eighteen Riders of Yanyun
After some 'negotiations', Houtian still failed after all.

Just when he was about to lie down on the bed and go to sleep alone in frustration.


Han Ruoshuang, who took off her makeup by herself, stood up, and glanced at Hou Tian lightly.

"Your little tricks might work for a young girl, but not for me..."

"A man should do what a man should do, these things are not what you should do."

After finishing speaking, she slowly took off the red dragon robe on her body, leaving only a piece of underwear behind her. The perfect figure was displayed at this moment.

Looking at the weather, it is called a dry mouth!

"My wife is right. I really should do what a man should do."

This isn't a hint at all, it's a straightforward statement!
Is there any reason not to eat the meat that is brought to your mouth?

Brother Hou has never been a monk who keeps his own place.

As the saying goes, if wine and meat pass through the intestines, the Buddha will keep them in his heart!

Thinking of this, he was about to turn over.

Suddenly, I felt my whole body being suppressed.

As for Han Ruoshuang, she pulled back the quilt and got in by herself, covering her graceful body and snow-white skin.

"I'm tired today, you can sleep standing up!"

After speaking, he lifted his finger lightly.

Hou Tian, ​​who was suppressed, directly maintained the posture of turning over, and landed on the side of the bed.


What the hell!

Actually authorized me again!

Four, I must speed up my cultivation, and sooner or later I will break through this woman's authority.

The bridal chamber flowers and candles, dare not let Brother Monkey go to bed.

It's just too nasty.

"Wife, you, you don't talk about Wude!"

"It was agreed that you can't use your cultivation base on the bed, but you actually have permission to me. It's so sad."

Lying on the bed, Han Ruoshuang turned her head and gave Hou Tian a faint look.

"It doesn't matter if you're sad, I'll make it up for you when I rest well."


Waiting for the day to hear the words, I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

The remedy the empress wife said?

Could it be...
Thinking of Houtian here, I feel inexplicably more comfortable again.

"Then, why don't you let me off the ban, you treat me like a horse and sleep standing up!"


"Hey! Tell me, I know you didn't fall asleep so quickly!"

"If you don't untie it again, I, I, I won't next time..."

Facing Hou Tian's impotent fury, before he could finish speaking, Han Ruoshuang slapped him aside.

By the way, the restraint on him was also released.

The moment the restriction was lifted, Hou Tian wanted to rush over to find Han Ruoshuang desperately.


Before reaching the range of three feet in front of the bed, he was bounced back by an invisible energy barrier.

Hou Tian, ​​who tried several times without success, had to give up.

He walked aside to start his own practice.

Han Ruoshuang inside the barrier felt that Hou Tian had already started cultivating cross-legged, so he let out a sigh of relief.

Although she is an empress, her body is very strong.

But she didn't want to waste the pure energy she gained every time she practiced with Houtian.

On the wedding night, she might be the only one who prevented her husband from going to bed.

However, there are also unspeakable sufferings!

Waiting on the other side.

"System, use the guard summon card."

Hou Tian began to communicate with the system directly in his heart.

The reason why he chose to be here, in his opinion, at least Han Ruoshuang would not do anything to hurt him.

Moreover, now that I want to get in touch with the state affairs of the Divine Phoenix Empire, it is normal to have a few personal guards around me!

[The personal guard summoning card is in use...]

[Successful summoning. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained Luo Yi, the personal guard Yanyun Eighteen Riders. 】

[This call comes with eighteen guards, a total of 19 people. 】

"Yanyun Eighteen Riders?"

As a descendant of China who traveled through time, he is quite familiar with this name!

It was once recorded in history that their strongest record was that 19 people chased the [-] Turkic army and killed thousands of enemies.

Although these records are unknown to be true or false.

However, the strength of Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry is beyond doubt.

[The host can view the personal information of the guard through the system data page. 】

The system kindly reminded.

"Check the personal information of Qin Wei Luo Yi!"

Hou Tian hasn't released Luo Yi yet, but when he heard that he could check his information, he decided to check it first.

After all, this is a fantasy world, and it is very different from the earth.

The most important thing is the question of cultivation.

This is what he cares most about.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

Name: Luo Yi

Cultivation level: Eight-star Martial Saint.

Cultivation method: Shadow God's Tome.

Martial Skill: Shadow Destroyer (cooperating with the Shadow God's Tome, you can silently kill enemies that are one level higher than yourself.)
"Eight-star martial saint?"

After reading Luo Yi's data panel, Hou Tian was stunned.

Asked in surprise: "System, why is this summoned eight-star martial saint realm?"

This first call, there is such a big surprise.

He himself is only in the eight-star Martial Ancestry realm, while Luo Yi and even the other 18 people are all in the Martial Saint realm.

It's just that everyone else is in the three-star martial sage, and only Luo Yi is the eight-star martial sage.

[This question is very simple. The higher your realm, the higher the cultivation level of the summoned character. This is related to your own cultivation level. 】

【Isn't it normal for the summoned character to be two realms higher than a rookie like the host? 】

After hearing the system's beating answer, Hou Tian finally understood.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he was about to ask.

Unexpectedly, the sound of the system sounded again.

[There is a limit to summoning characters, so don't think about so many good things. 】

What the hell!

System, do you want to be so 'understanding'?

At this time, does Brother Hou need you to be 'understanding'?
But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

If I have cultivated to the Great Emperor Realm, and then get a Summoning Card, and come out with a group of characters higher than two Great Realms, then it’s okay?

Hou Tian didn't intend to release Luo Yi and the others right now, but wanted to see the method of cultivating clones in the Sanshengjing first.

"System, now that we have the source of wood, can we cultivate a clone?"

[Host, what are you thinking?You don't even have the realm of Emperor Wu, and the Sanshengjing hasn't reached the realm of perfection, so you want to cultivate a clone? 】

The system said without hesitation.

However, at the same time, it can be regarded as telling Hou Tian the minimum requirements for cultivating avatars.

I am used to the urine nature of the dog's system, and I don't care about the weather anymore.

The bridal chamber is full of flowers and candles, the long night, Brother Hou crossed his legs, practicing silently, what a tragedy of life!
early morning.

When Hou Tian opened his eyes, he found that Han Ruoshuang had already left the room, and he actually practiced all night.


A breath of foul breath came out.

I stood up, stretched, and looked around.

"System, summon Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry."

Now that Han Ruoshuang is not here, Hou Tian naturally wants to see his personal guards first.

(End of this chapter)

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