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Chapter 230 It's time for us to take the initiative

Chapter 230 It's time for us to take the initiative (please subscribe and ask for a monthly pass)
"Old husband and wife, what's so strange?" Hou Tian said pretending to be calm, and then walked towards Han Ruoshuang.

Originally, the chaotic bloodline had just been condensed, and the blood in his body was boiling. Coupled with Han Ruoshuang's graceful figure, and the shyness rising from his red face, the beast fire in Houtian's heart was greatly increased.

"Ah, husband, what are you doing?"

Han Ruoshuang felt the touch from the skin behind her, and shouted shyly.

However, the more she behaved like this, the more the beast fire in Houtian's body could not be suppressed.

Xiao Biesheng was newly married, but Han Ruoshuang finally sank under Hou Tian's strong chest.

Until the third day.

Han Ruoshuang left the training room with Hou Tian with weak legs, even though she was already a strong person in the Great Emperor Realm, her body was already very strong.

However, when encountering a bull like Houtian, no matter how strong his body is, he can't stand his continuous toss.

El Castle Council Hall.

"Congratulations to the emperor, you have been promoted to a strong emperor."

"Congratulations, my lord, you have been promoted to a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm."

Several members of the Houtian team, as well as Zhao Yun and others stood neatly in the meeting hall, stood up and shouted.

Hou Tian hugged Han Ruoshuang and the two sat on the chairs on the high platform, waved his hands and said, "Excuse me!"

When he swept towards the people below with his spiritual sense, he found that Ling Tian and others had already advanced to the realm of one-star Martial Emperor.

Even the fat man Yuan Bao has now reached the level of a one-star Martial Emperor.

In the past six months, Hou Tian was recuperating from his injuries and stabilizing his realm, while Ling Tian and others, under Zhao Yun's arrangement, often went out of El Castle and entered the small secret realm to find their own opportunities.

Obviously, they are all lucky, otherwise they wouldn't have been promoted so quickly.

"Zhao Yun, has there been any movement between the human race and the demon race in the past six months?"

Hou Tian thought about it and asked.

At the beginning, the human race and the demon race already knew about the matter of becoming the great emperor. Even if they wanted to attack El Castle, they had to weigh it.

Zhao Yun stepped out from the crowd, clasped his fists, and said, "My lord, in the past six months, the human race and the demon race were peaceful at the beginning, but three months ago, they were all at war."

"Did it affect our El Castle?" Hou Tian frowned and asked.

Logically speaking, the human race would be more afraid of the Divine Phoenix Empire after they knew that they would be promoted to emperor the day after tomorrow. How could it be possible that they didn't come to attack El Castle?

The reason why he thinks this way is that Zhao Yun and others did not come to him during the six months of his retreat, and the current El Castle is still standing in the battlefield of gods and demons.

"Reporting to my lord, in fact, in the first three months of your retreat, both the human race and the demon race launched attacks on our El Castle, but they were all blocked back."

"At that time, after the Shadow Demon Emperor descended as a clone, his clone had already been destroyed by Lord Gao Ying."

"Since Lord Gao Ying destroyed the clone of the Shadow Demon Emperor, the two forces of the human race and the demon race have never attacked our Castle El."

Zhao Yun reported truthfully.

Hou Tian nodded and said, "Well, you have all worked hard during my absence, and it's time for us to take action."

When everyone heard this, they were extremely excited. In the past six months, they were like tortoises under siege, and could only hide in El Castle.

Now when Hou Tian said that he would take the initiative to make a move, everyone was naturally very excited.

At this time, Han Ruoshuang, who was sitting next to Houtian, looked at Houtian very curiously, and asked, "Husband, how many kalpas are you now?"

Although Han Ruoshuang herself is already the Great Emperor of the Six Tribulations, she still can't see Houtian's cultivation level, so she really wants to know Houtian's current cultivation level.

Zhao Yun, Yuhuatian, Li Chunfeng, Ling Tian and others also raised their ears curiously.

Originally, as a martial artist, he would not easily tell others about this kind of thing, but the people present, Hou Tian believed it very much, so he said with a smile: "My current cultivation level is the Great Emperor of the Five Tribulations."


Hearing this, Ling Tian and the others gasped.

One must know that Ling Tian followed Hou Tian all the time. When he was in the Divine Phoenix Empire, it took Hou Tian just over a year to break through from a weak martial artist to a Martial Emperor.

It is said that after the Emperor Wu's realm, if you want to break through, every small realm will be more difficult, but when it comes to Houtian, it seems to be similar to eating and drinking water.

Originally, they all thought that Han Ruoshuang was already an evil genius if he could survive five catastrophes at once, but Hou Tian was also such an evil genius.

At this time, Han Ruoshuang looked at Hou Tian with doubts in his eyes, and said in disbelief: "Husband, I am the Emperor of the Six Tribulations, why can't I see your cultivation?"

Not only Han Ruoshuang, except for Gao Ying, no one present could see Hou Tian's true cultivation.

Hou Tian smiled and explained: "Because my spiritual power is stronger than yours, if you want to spy on my cultivation, you must have stronger mental power than me, so that your spiritual sense can see through it."

"If your spiritual power is not as strong as mine, then you will naturally not be able to see through my cultivation."

Of course, the reason why Houtian is only the Great Emperor of the Five Tribulations, but with his current strength, he is not afraid even if he faces the ordinary Emperor of the Nine Tribulations.

Originally, when he crossed the catastrophe, he survived a total of nine heavenly thunder catastrophes, but the first five heavenly thunder catastrophes made him the Great Emperor of the Five Tribulations, and the last four sky thunder catastrophes were tempered by him. .

Now Houtian's body is strong enough to shred a top-grade imperial weapon with his bare hands. Ordinary high-grade imperial weapons are no threat to Houtian.

"I see!"

It was only then that Han Ruoshuang, Zhao Yun, Li Chunfeng, Yu Huatian and others came to a sudden realization.

At this time, Hou Tian looked at Gao Ying who was at the side again, and said, "Next, you will continue to sit in El Castle, and I will take the others to kill the demons."

"Your subordinates obey!" Gao Ying stepped forward and respectfully agreed.

The reason why Hou Tian made such an arrangement is naturally because El Castle is the current nest of the Divine Phoenix Empire, and he took people out to hunt the demons, so he couldn't leave the rear unattended.

And what he is most worried about is that the strongest of the demon race and the human race will attack the rear when the time comes.

With Gao Ying in charge, Gao Ying should be able to deal with both Qin Chuan from the human race and the Shadow Demon Emperor from the demon race, even if they came to El Castle in person, as long as they didn't come together.

"Yuhuatian, now go and select two thousand elite Jinyi guards, preferably those who are in the realm of martial saints, and be on standby at any time." Houtian looked at Yuhuatian again and ordered.

Yu Huatian stood up and respectfully agreed: "Okay, my lord, is only 2000 people enough?"

Through contact with the people of the Demon Race, Yu Huatian also knew that the Demon Race is not only huge in stature, but also powerful in combat, especially after being demonized, it will instantly improve its own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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