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Chapter 231 Entering the Castle of the Family of the Demon General

Chapter 231 Entering the Castle of the Family of the Demon General

After ordering these things, Hou Tian asked Ling Tian and others to be on standby at any time.

Now everyone in this team has reached the realm of Emperor Wu, and even if they meet a four-star devil emperor in a joint battle formation, they will still have the strength to fight.

Zhao Yun, Yuhuatian, Li Chunfeng, Ling Tian and others all followed Hou Tian to hunt and kill the demons.

As for the army of El Castle, all of them were handed over to Gao Ying, a man with both civil and military skills.

Regarding this point, neither Zhao Yun nor Yu Huatian had any objection. Gao Ying was not only stronger than them in strength, but also better than them in management.

After three days.

Hou Tian took his party and left El Castle quietly.

At this time, the fighting strength on his side is as cold as frost, Zhao Yun and Yuhuatian are both emperors of the Seven Tribulations, and Li Chunfeng is the master of the Six Tribulations Emperor.

The members of Ling Tian, ​​Shangguan Ya and other teams are all one-star Martial Emperors, and the two thousand Jinyiwei are all Martial Saints.

Of course, among the 2000 people, not only Jin Yiwei, but also the iron cavalry under Zhao Yun's command.

After all, Jin Yiwei was in charge of intelligence, so he didn't grow too fast in terms of cultivation, while the soldiers in the army had greatly improved their cultivation because of the battle.

Hou Tian led the crowd to shuttle quickly over the dead and silent battlefield of gods and demons, and at the same time released his spiritual consciousness to search for those demons who had escaped from the main force.

That's right, Hou Tian's idea is very simple, that is to use his limited power to fight guerrilla warfare to kill as many demons as possible.

As for the other forces of the human race, Hou Tian's thinking is very simple, if people do not attack me, I will not attack others, if people attack me, I will kill them.

When Hou Tian released his spiritual consciousness, he could have a panoramic view of everything within a radius of ten thousand miles in a moment.

You know, the ordinary Nine Tribulations Emperors only have a spiritual consciousness covering a radius of eight thousand miles, but Hou Tian can cover a radius of a thousand miles.

In other words, Houtian's spiritual power has surpassed that of ordinary Nine Tribulations Emperors.

After recovering the spiritual consciousness, Hou Tian led the crowd for another hour, then fell from the sky and arrived outside a demon castle.


Hou Tian released his spiritual consciousness, and in an instant, it enveloped the entire city.

It was discovered that in this demon castle, there are millions of demon people living in the group, but Houtian was very curious, because the cultivation base of the people here is not very high.

It's just the army guarding the castle, wearing black and red armor, and their astonishing cultivation has reached the level of the eight-star emperor of the human race.

The cultivation bases of those soldiers are also equivalent to the realm of martial saints.

"Could it be that some important people from the Demon Race live in this castle?"

Hou Tian secretly calculated in his heart.

Since they left El Castle, they have been flying in a southeast direction, and they did not directly fly from the Demon Castle opposite El Castle. Of course, it is now called Divine Phoenix Castle.

After bypassing the Divine Phoenix Castle, they searched for the people of the Demon Race to hunt and kill them. The reason for doing this was because Hou Tian didn't know how many people were left in the Demon Race. If the Demon Race found out that they had left El Castle Yes, there must be precautions.

What Hou Tian wants is to be caught by surprise, and kill all the demons in the battlefield of gods and demons with the fastest speed.

"Others wait in place, hide yourself, don't expose yourself, and you will follow my orders later."

Hou Tian sent a voice transmission to the crowd: "Ling Tian, ​​the seven members of the team are going to follow me. Zhao Yun and Yu Huatian are also with us. Li Chunfeng protects these soldiers."

"Husband, what about me?" At this moment, Han Ruoshuang asked via voice transmission.

Hou Tian smiled, held Han Ruoshuang's hand, and said, "You can choose to stay here, or you can choose to follow me down to kill the enemy."

"Then you still have to choose, I will naturally fight the enemy with you!" Han Ruoshuang replied.

Everyone began to descend towards the Mozu Castle.

The demon castle in front of them is called Mocheng, and all the people living in it are the family members of the generals of the demon clan. There is no question, because these are the locations of the family members of the generals, so they are kept very strict.

Without the permission of the Shadow Demon Emperor, no one is allowed to enter or leave without permission.

Of course, not many people from the Demon Race know formations, so there is no large formation to protect the castle.

"Who is coming? Is there an order from Lord Yingsha?"

The two demon soldiers guarding the city gate looked at Hou Tian who had already disguised himself and was full of demonic energy. Although his tone was questioning, it contained a sense of domineering.

As for why Houtian has demonic energy in his body, it is because the chaotic energy in his body can evolve into spiritual energy, demonic energy, and demonic energy, that is to say, he can pretend to be a member of the demon and demon races.

Hou Tian replied lightly: "No."

"There is no handbook, what are you doing here?" Two people from the demon race, who are equivalent to the three stars of the emperor of the human race, said angrily one after another:
"You don't even look where this is, get out of here."


When Hou Tian heard the words, bloodthirsty luster flashed in his eyes, and he said, "I'm going to get lost, my second uncle."


With a slight wave of Hou Tian's hand, a wave of the power of the Great Emperor swept towards the two of them. Before the two of them could utter a scream, they had already turned into two clouds of blood mist.

Afterwards, Hou Tian swaggered into the city gate.

After the demons who will guard Mo City one by one are resolved, three rays of light flashed outside the city gate.

After receiving the signal from Houtian, Zhao Yun and others outside flew directly towards Mocheng.

As for why Hou Tian didn't directly bring people to kill him, but adopted such a method, it was because there were nearly a million demons in this castle.

If you can't get rid of these city guards first, and then let your own people occupy it, it is very likely that the people in the city will escape.

He didn't want any of the demons in the castle to escape.

After a while.

Zhao Yun and others have already arrived at the city gate.


After Hou Tian gave an order, Zhao Yun, Yu Huatian, Han Ruoshuang, Ling Tian and others all started to act.

Those demon generals who were equivalent to the Martial Emperor realm of the human race were naturally wiped out by Hou Tian and Zhao Yun, while the other demon generals with low cultivation bases were handed over to Ling Tian and the others.

A strong man in the Great Emperor Realm kills Emperor Wu, and a strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm kills ants who are equivalent to the Martial Saint Realm. This is not called a battle, but a massacre.

After only one stick of incense passed, the demon soldiers standing on the gate of the city were silently wiped out by Hou Tian and others.

At this time, Tian took Han Ruoshuang and the others and flew towards the City Lord's Mansion, while Zhao Yun and the others stayed behind to meet Li Chunfeng and others.

Both Hou Tian and Han Ruoshuang were extremely fast, when they passed over Mo City, the shoppers in the street below could only feel a gust of wind whizzing past their heads.

When they looked up, where was the figure of waiting for the sky?
(End of this chapter)

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