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Chapter 233 Xiao Qi's Horror, Ruthless Killing

Chapter 233 Xiao Qi's Horror, Ruthless Killing (Please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
At this moment in Mo City City Lord's Mansion, many people from the Demon Race rushed over after hearing Qi Wushuang's screams, but when they saw Hou Tian's golden pupils, everyone was stunned.

Hou Tian looked at the hundreds of people from the Demon Race in the City Lord's Mansion, and said indifferently: "Xiaoqi, the dog, kill!"

"Okay!" Following the milky voice of the ancient unicorn cub, a red unicorn flew out of Houtian's body, carrying an extremely violent and terrifying aura.

The two little guys are like a plague, every time they pass by a demon, a bone will fall to the ground.

That's right, it's the bones, whether it's Xiaoqi or Houtian's gluttonous martial arts spirit, they all have a powerful devouring function. Except for the bones, all the blood, demonic energy, etc. of the demons are devoured.

In just a few breaths, the two little fellows had already devoured all the hundreds of demons present, leaving piles of bones, which immediately floated beside Hou Tian.

Hou Tian's gaze was still indifferent: "Xiaoqi, Tugou, you two go and devour all the intelligent creatures in the city lord's mansion."

"Okay!" Xiaoqi replied in a childish voice, then turned into a stream of light, and quickly shuttled through the city lord's mansion in Mo City, reaping the lives of the demons.

But none of the demons who entered the battlefield of gods and demons was innocent, and their hands were all stained with human blood, so Hou Tian asked Xiao Qi and Tugou to devour these demons, with a deep feeling in his heart. No discomfort at all.

On the contrary, the qi, blood and demonic energy of these demons can actually promote the growth of Xiaoqi and the strength of the earth dog.

Hou Tian is not a bloodthirsty person, but he is definitely not the Holy Mother. He will never show mercy to those who should be killed.

After a while, the two little guys turned back, and the earth dog flew into the space between Hou Tian's eyebrows, suspended in the depths of his mind, while Xiao Qi floated beside Hou Tian.

Just now the earth dog has swallowed enough magic energy and blood, now it is time to return to Houtian's mind and start to improve his strength.

As for Xiaoqi, this guy is more capable of devouring than a local dog. The people from the demon race just now seem to be not enough for him to squeeze between his teeth.

It has to be said that there is still a big difference between Wuling and ancient beasts.

"Husband, this little Qi is too terrifying!" At this time, Han Ruoshuang appeared next to Hou Tian, ​​and said with lingering fear.

She was in the sky just now, but she could see clearly that Xiao Qi's hunting speed was simply too terrifying.

It seems that these demons are not life in its eyes, but food.

Hou Tian took Han Ruoshuang's jade hand and said: "My wife, sometimes, being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself. What we have to do now is to end the battlefield of gods and demons as soon as possible."

"If you want to end it, you can only kill all the demons first, so that we have time to practice."

"Now we are all strong in the Great Emperor Realm, but this is just the beginning for the journey of martial arts. There are still more peaks of martial arts waiting for us to overcome."

That's right, the reason why Hou Tian said this was because when he was in Xingyue Lake, he heard the Nine Heavens Sword Master say that there are still powerful people in the God Realm in the Nine Heavens Continent.

Although I don't know why I didn't ascend after reaching the divine realm, but Houtian knows that even though I am strong now, if I meet someone who is strong in the divine realm, I will have to wait for death.

In the battlefield of gods and demons, there are many treasures of heaven and earth in the secret realms. Those who are strong in the Great Emperor Realm want to improve their cultivation, not just relying on closed-door cultivation can be happy, but also need a certain amount of opportunity and external assistance .

After listening to Hou Tian's words, Han Ruoshuang nodded and said nothing.

Afterwards, Hou Tian raised his hand and set up a barrier, covering the entire bloody City Lord's Mansion.

In this way, those members of the demon clan who came towards the city lord's mansion would not be able to find Hou Tian in the city lord's mansion, let alone discover that the city lord's mansion had been bloodbathed at this time.

All the demons turned into piles of bones.

Soon, night fell, and after a short hour, the demonic energy was lingering outside the city lord's mansion, which looked extremely terrifying. On the square outside, there were tens of feet of demons standing in it, and the sea of ​​people seemed a little ominous. people.

Hou Tian released his spiritual consciousness, covering the square, and found that the total number of people from the demon race had reached more than 90. He knew that this was only the majority, and a small number of them had gone out and hadn't returned yet.

"Forget it, those demons who are not in the city, their fate is their fate." Hou Tian muttered something in his mouth, and sneered in his heart: "It's good if they don't die, when they come back, they find that the whole Mocheng has changed." It became a dead city, and it happened to let them tell the news to Demon Emperor Yingsha."

After making up his mind, Hou Tian and Han Ruoshuang stepped out of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion step by step, followed by Xiao Qi, and appeared in front of the square.

At this time, Zhao Yun and others had already cleaned up the demon soldiers in the castle and rushed to the sky above the square.

"Who are you?" In front of the square, an old man from the demon race stared at Hou Tian and Han Ruoshuang, frowned and scolded.

The other demons also looked at Hou Tian with puzzled eyes.

How could this guy be accompanied by a woman of the human race?
They do not understand.

"Hahaha, who am I? That's a good question!" After a wild laugh, Hou Tian's face darkened, and he said with a sinister smile: "I am the one who sent you out of the battlefield of gods and demons, but my method is quite special .”

"That is to send you to die!"

Afterwards, Hou Tian returned to normal size, and a handsome human youth appeared in front of many demons.

Everyone in the Demon Race was stunned when they heard the words, and then an ominous premonition arose spontaneously.

They never thought that Houtian was actually a human race. Judging from the incompatible situation between the human and devil races, they could only fight, otherwise they would be lambs at the mercy of others.

This demon elder is also a strong man equivalent to the Martial Emperor Realm, but he can't perceive the aura of cultivation in Hou Tian, ​​so he judges that since Hou Tian can appear in Mo City, it means that he is very powerful.

maybe it could be...
Not good, the great emperor of the human race.

"Run, the great emperor of the human race is coming, hurry up and tell Lord Shadow Demon Emperor the news."

The old man of the demon clan who was asking the question was sweating profusely at the moment, and shouted hoarsely at the people of the demon clan behind him.

When the other demons heard the words, they all looked at Houtian in horror, and when they wanted to shoot into the sky to escape, Houtian's figure flashed into the sky.

He yelled, "Look at me in the eyes."

Before the demons could react, they subconsciously looked towards Hou Tian.

As a result, they were controlled by Houtian's chaotic pupil, and immediately heard Houtian's order: "From now on, go and kill the people around you."

(End of this chapter)

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