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Chapter 234 All Killed, Chaos Demon City Disappeared

Chapter 234 All Killed, Chaos Demon City Disappeared

In fact, God knows that Zhao Yun and others have come to the sky above the square. With them, these demons must not be able to escape.

Before, he planned to let his own people do it, but after getting the sky-defying function of Chaos Eye, Hou Tian naturally wouldn't let his people take risks.

Following Hou Tian's order, all the members of the Demon Race under his control suddenly became renounced by their relatives, and began to take out their weapons one after another, and began to kill everyone they saw.

"Puff puff!"

"Bang Bang Bang~~~"

All of a sudden, in the square outside the city lord's mansion, the stumps of all kinds of demons flew across, black and red blood gushed out, and mutilated corpses fell into a pool of blood.

"Xiao Qi, these are all for you, I will devour them all!"

Hou Tian's indifferent expression was a little scary, and he gave instructions to the ancient blood unicorn cub beside him.

Immediately, Xiaoqi turned into a streamer and began to float above the square, releasing terrifying devouring energy, turning into circles of blood-red vortex fluctuations.

Those members of the demon clan who were massacred to death by their own clan had all their blood and demon energy swallowed up by Xiaoqi, turning them into piles of bones.

Even the demonic souls of those demonic people were swallowed up by Xiao Qi.

There were too many hesitant people, so it was naturally impossible for Xiao Qi to kill alone, or those controlled demons, so Zhao Yun and others also joined the killing team one after another.

The sky above the entire Demon City is filled with a pungent bloody smell, and the corpses and bones of the Demon Race are everywhere.

Many people from the demon clan killed by Zhao Yun and others, before Xiaoqi could devour them, fell in disorder in the streets and alleys of Mo City.

This killing lasted for a full hour before it came to silence.

In the huge square, blood flowed into rivers and bones piled up into mountains, and the pungent smell of blood made people sick.

Looking at the piles of bones in front of him, there was no pity in Hou Tian's eyes.

The demons are inherently cruel and bloodthirsty, they are monsters in human skin.

It's not that he ignores life, but in his heart, these demons are the natural enemies of the human race. If he wants to quickly end this battle of gods and demons, if he cultivates with peace of mind, he can only kill all the demons. Kill all the people of the clan.

Only in this way can I have a stable cultivation environment.

As for those human races who want to make trouble?

Hou Tian had already made up his mind, if they didn't take the initiative to provoke trouble, he would not take the initiative to make a move, but if they dared to provoke, then he would not show mercy either.


After the other battles were over, Hou Tian waved his hand, and a long sword made of condensed spiritual power pierced Qi Wushuang's head, then cut off his head, held it in his hand, and flew out of Mocheng.

When he came outside the city gate, Hou Tian threw the head in his hand into the void, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

"call out!"

The long sword pierced through the head in the air and nailed it firmly to the city gate.

Immediately, Hou Tian soared into the sky, with his hands behind his back, standing in the sky above Mo City, looked at Zhao Yun and others, and said loudly: "The enemy here has been dealt with, everyone leaves immediately."

"We are going to the next demon castle. On the way, you can digest this battle experience by yourself."

After finishing speaking, he came to Han Ruoshuang's side, took her jade hand, and the two of them entered the Nine Dragon God's Throne together.

Two hours later, the night was dark and windy.

Hou Tian led the crowd all the way to the southwest, and arrived at the core castle of the Demon Clan's base camp. Outside the Chaos Demon City, he waved his right arm, and a sound-proof barrier suddenly appeared.

It enveloped tens of thousands of demon soldiers with a height of several tens of feet below the city gate.

Then he sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yun and others behind him: "Old rules, Li Chunfeng leads everyone to hide in the clouds first, Yuhuatian, Zhao Yun, you bring Ling Tian and others together, and kill me."

Then, Hou Tian rushed down towards the city below like a male lion, and started the massacre.

Because I didn't want Han Ruoshuang to commit too many murders, so this time Houtian didn't let Han Ruoshuang follow her. Of course, after seeing Houtian's means and strength in Mocheng, Han Ruoshuang was not worried. Weather will appear outside.

It is worth mentioning that there are nearly a million demons in Mo City, and most of the demon energy and demon blood were swallowed by Xiao Qi. Originally, Hou Tian thought it would fall into a deep sleep.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqi came out again as if the things he devoured before were only enough to fit between his teeth.

Three strong men in the Great Emperor Realm, plus seven Martial Emperor Realm fighters, with this lineup, in just a moment, tens of thousands of demon soldiers were slaughtered.

Hou Tian ordered Zhao Yun and others to let Li Chunfeng bring other people to guard the city gate, mainly to serve as glasses to see if there were other demons coming.

And Hou Tian himself plundered towards the City Lord's Mansion of Chaos Demon City.

A quarter of an hour later, a full moon appeared in the dark night sky.

Under the bright moonlight, Hou Tian, ​​who was ten feet high, appeared outside the city lord's mansion. Using his pupil of chaos, he easily controlled the two guards at the gate of the mansion.

"Is the city lord in the mansion?" Hou Tian asked.

The two guards replied in unison: "Yes!"

"Where does he live, and how many people are there in the City Lord's Mansion?" Hou Tian asked again.

"The city lord lives in the main hall of the city lord's mansion. There are 3000 people in the whole city lord's mansion."

at this time.


The chief manager of the city lord's mansion heard someone talking outside the door, so he opened the mansion door, looked at Hou Tian, ​​and asked, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"


Hou Tian cast a glance at the manager, raised his foot and kicked towards his head, and then two strands of spiritual power shot into the eyebrows of the two guards respectively.


After killing the manager and the two guards, Hou Tian waved his right arm, and in an instant, the sky above the huge city lord's mansion was filled with space, surrounded by a sound-proof barrier.

at the same time.

In the city lord's mansion, an 80-year-old demon who was sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now when he noticed something strange in the sky above, he learned that his mansion had been set up with a sound-proof enchantment.

This member of the Demon Race is the Lord of Chaos Demon City, without a trace, and he is the nephew of the strongest Demon Emperor Yingsha in this battle of gods and demons.

Ying Wujing released his magic consciousness, and was about to check who had set up the sound-proof barrier.


With a loud noise, the palace gate, which was tens of feet high, exploded in pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a ten-foot-tall young man wearing a silver-white robe stepped into the hall.

Ying Wuzong stood up suddenly, and looked down at the silver-robed youth condescendingly. When he realized that he couldn't see through the young man's cultivation, his face was full of seriousness.

However, as the nephew of the Shadow Demon Emperor, he has a strong background, and no one among the demon clan in the battlefield of gods and demons would dare to do anything to him.

Thinking of this, Ying Wuzong regained some confidence in his heart, and shouted sharply: "Who are you? Who gave you the courage to dare to break into my mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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