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Chapter 241 The Dark Abyss, Reaching the Ancient Well of Inheritance

Chapter 241 The Dark Abyss, Reaching the Ancient Well of Inheritance (seeking subscription for monthly ticket)
In the crimson waters, the visibility of Houtian is only a hundred meters away, but scientific research has not had much impact through spiritual perception.

Although the two found that there was no life in the lifeless waters, they did not have any fear.

"Husband, why are there no living things in this water?" Han Ruoshuang asked curiously through sound transmission.

"My wife, don't panic!" Hou Tian said with certainty, "Because the lake water is mixed with the blood of the gods, the usual ferocious beasts would subconsciously stay away from the lake, which resulted in no living things in the lake. thing."

Han Ruoshuang felt relieved when he heard the words.

Another half an hour passed, and the two finally reached the bottom of the lake.

At this time, Tian frowned slightly, released his mental power, and began to perceive carefully.

After a while, he frowned and said, "In the southeast direction, there is actually an abyss a thousand meters away."

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Han Ruoshuang nodded, and tightly grasped Hou Tian's hand.

The two walked quickly in the water for a quarter of an hour before they came to the top of an abyss.

Hou Tian looked down and saw a natural moat about several hundred meters wide and unknown how deep it was.

The abyss of Tianchao is horribly dark inside, and it can't feel any fluctuations of life.

Hou Tian took out the map jade slip that he had brought from Ying Wu Ting, the nephew of the Demon Emperor Yingsha, and determined that the ancient well of inheritance was under the abyss, so he directly took Han Ruoshuang's hand and slowly moved towards the abyss. down.

Fortunately, both of them are strong in the Great Emperor Realm, and the Chaos Qi in Hou Tian's body is extremely strong, so they entered the abyss without fear.

Houtian also wanted Han Ruoshuang to enter the Demon Suppressing Tower to practice in the middle, but Han Ruoshuang said that she must accompany Houtian to do such an exciting thing.

Even though he said so, God knows, it was Han Ruoshuang who was worrying about something unexpected happening to him.

The two seemed to be walking towards hell, and the place below became more and more eerie.

"This..." Han Ruoshuang looked at the darkness below, and couldn't help holding Houtian's arm tightly, her body trembling slightly.

Hou Tian said again: "Honey, why don't you go to the Demon Town Tower to practice, I can go here alone."

"No, I want to take an adventure with you!" Although Han Ruoshuang was terrified in his heart, he had a firm expression on his face.

Even if she is a strong person in the Great Emperor Realm, she is still a woman, facing the unknown, she is instinctively afraid.



A muffled sound came.

Immediately, both Hou Tian and Han Ruoshuang's hearts skipped a beat.

Looking down, Hou Tian's pupils shrank sharply, and saw a pair of giant red pupils looking up at him in the waters below the pitch-black abyss, and let out a roar.

"What the hell is this?"

Han Ruoshuang trembled all over, tightly holding Hou Tian's arm, and asked worriedly.

Hou Tian stretched out his left hand, held Han Ruoshuang's jade hand, and said, "Don't worry, I'm here for everything."

The fear in Han Ruoshuang's heart was instantly replaced by sweetness.


Suddenly, a torrent gushed out from the existing room in the abyss, and Hou Tian found that the owner of the blood-red eyes was swinging a black body hundreds of meters long, rushing towards Hou Tian and the other two.

"Honey, hurry up and enter the Demon Town Tower!"

Hou Tian hurriedly yelled and sacrificed the Tower of Demon God.

Han Ruoshuang was in a tangle, she didn't want Houtian to face danger alone.

"Hurry up, I have a small target by myself, but it's easier to deal with it." Hou Tian urged again angrily.

It was only then that Han Ruoshuang turned into a stream of light and entered the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Putting away the Demon God Tower, Hou Tian's body immediately began to rise, and instantly turned into a giant more than ten feet tall, and took out the Human Emperor Sword that radiated golden light.

Immediately, the Human Emperor Sword, which was more than 40 meters long, was lifted high by Hou Tian, ​​and then he slashed down towards the huge monster that came back vertically.


When the huge Human Emperor Sword slashed on the top of the behemoth, the behemoth let out a tragic cry: "Ah~~~ Spare me, spare my life!"

The screaming colossus was rolling hundreds of meters in the water, when Hou Tian saw the appearance of the colossus clearly, he couldn't help being taken aback.

It was a giant centipede, and it could be concluded from his mouth that it was at least a Tier [-] monster.

"Begging for mercy after the sword is shot, don't you think it's too late?" After Hou Tian sneered, he raised the huge Human Emperor Sword again, and slashed at the centipede's waist.

"Oh no!"

Amid the screams of the centipede, its body was cut into two ends by Hou Tian.


Hou Tian immediately smashed the centipede's head with another punch, and a centipede beast soul more than one meter long flew out of his mind when Hou Tian caught it in his palm.

"Ah, spare your life, spare your life!" The centipede's beast soul begged for mercy in horror.

Hou Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said, "If you want me to let you go, then I'll ask you a few questions, and I'm satisfied with your answers, I can let your beast soul go."

"Say it, tell it!" the beast soul replied hastily.

Hou Tian calmed down and said, "How long have you been here?"

"ten years!"

"Then has anyone entered the abyss recently?"


"you sure?"

"I'm sure!"

Hearing the words of the beast soul, Hou Tian nodded, and then asked: "Then do you know where the ancient well of inheritance is?"

The reason why he asked if anyone had been here recently was because Houtian felt that this ancient well of inheritance was strange. If someone got the inheritance here, whether it was the demon race or the human race, it would give the entire gods and demons The battlefield brings uncertainties.

"I know!" Centipede Beast Soul nodded quickly and said, "Go deeper into the abyss for 3000 meters, then turn left for 2000 meters, turn right for [-] meters, and then..."

"Stop!" Hou Tian directly interrupted it, and said, "You take me there now, and when I get there, I will let you go and give you a chance to seize other monsters."

"Okay, okay, thank you sir for not killing me." Centipede Beast Soul said gratefully.

Hou Tian warned coldly: "Don't think about playing tricks with me, I can destroy your real body, and I can destroy your beast soul with just one finger."

After speaking, he let go of the centipede beast soul.

The centipede beast soul naturally knew that Hou Tian was not bragging, so he could only lead the way honestly, and Hou Tian followed in the dark abyss...
After reaching the bottom of the abyss, the abyss became narrower and narrower, and it happened that only one person could fly with a sword.

After traveling for a quarter of an hour, Hou Tian's eyes suddenly opened up.

"My lord, the Ancient Well of Inheritance has arrived." The centipede beast soul was floating in the water, looking at Hou Tian and said respectfully.

Waiting for the sky to look down, only to see an entrance with a diameter of tens of meters protruding.

A curtain of light shrouded the huge entrance, preventing the flowing water from approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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