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Chapter 242 Entering the Ancient Well, Blood Sacrificial Cauldron

Chapter 242 Entering the Ancient Well, Blood Sacrificial Cauldron (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

Hou Tian carefully observed the ancient well below, and the light curtain covering the mouth of the well, sneered in his heart and said:
"This restriction can actually allow any monster to enter, but it does not prevent warriors from entering. It seems that this restriction is not something that ordinary people can arrange."

"If my memory is correct, it should have been arranged by the demons during the Eternal Era!"

"I'd like to see what you demons want to do."

Thinking of this, I originally planned to let Ling Tian and others go down to find their own chance inheritance, but now...

They must not be allowed to accept the inheritance of the power of the demon race. After falling into the demonic way, they will be in trouble.

So, Hou Tian stepped on the flying sword alone and entered the ancient well of inheritance.

The moment he came in, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and a faint smell of blood came into his nostrils. Just when he was about to release his mental power to check, he suddenly found that this inheritance ancient well could not be peeped with mental power.

Stabilize your mind, step on the splash, and slowly fall downwards in the dark wellhead.

After three breaths, Hou Tian suddenly discovered that a huge light curtain burst out from a thousand meters below the mouth of the well.

In an instant, the light curtain illuminated the entrance with a diameter of one thousand meters, and when it shrouded Hou Tian's body, a gloomy voice came to his ears.

"Little guy, this is the divine light to test you. Don't be afraid. Only warriors with strong souls are eligible to enter the ancient well of inheritance. Those with weak souls are not eligible to enter."

After the voice fell, the pure white divine light shone on Houtian, and he instantly felt bound by an invisible force, as if he was detecting something.

After a while, the so-called divine light for the assessment finally came to an end.

There is no doubt that Houtian must have passed the examination of Shenguang.

"Congratulations, little guy, you have passed the assessment, and now you can enter the Ancient Well of Inheritance." The voice sounded again, and Hou Tian could even hear it, with a hint of joy in his tone.

This made Hou Tian even more vigilant. After all, his current strength has not yet reached the point of absolute invincibility, and this is still a secret realm in the battlefield of gods and demons.

Soon, a huge suction force pulled Hou Tian towards the bottomless ancient well of inheritance below the ancient well.

When he came to the bottom of the inheritance ancient well, a strong smell of blood came into his nostrils, which was a bit pungent.

Hou Tian looked around silently, however, after the dark ancient well cut off the spiritual power to investigate, only a distance of tens of meters could be seen only by sight.

"Little guy, don't be afraid!" Dao's old voice sounded again, and in an instant, the entire ancient well of inheritance lit up.

Hou Tian glanced around again, and found that there were nearly ten thousand square meters below the ancient inheritance well. Except for a huge cauldron with a height of hundreds of meters standing in front, there was nothing in the huge ancient inheritance well.

The huge cauldron in front of it is blood red, and its outside is covered with dense black and red lines. If you observe carefully, you will find that inside those black and red lines are all human blood wriggling slowly, which is extremely soul-stirring.

Hou Tianjian frowned, his pupils shrank suddenly, and thought to himself: "This giant cauldron is a good thing, but someone has arranged a blood sacrifice formation outside, could it be..."

At this moment, Houtian seemed to understand something, a trace of Naruya flashed in his eyes, and he sneered in his heart: "If I guessed correctly, the next step is to ask me to donate a wisp of soul and a drop of blood, right?" ?”

That's right, on the giant cauldron in front of you, someone has already set up a blood sacrifice formation. It seems that they want to use the soul and blood of the human race to resurrect someone.

At this time, the old voice sounded again, asking: "Little guy, what's your name?"

Although Hou Tian already guessed what he was going to do next in his heart, he still said calmly, "Hou Tian."

"Well, it is your luck that you can enter the ancient well of inheritance through selection."

"Now, you only need to peel off a strand of soul and a drop of blood essence, and ingest it into this divine cauldron, and the god will bestow upon you inheritance exercises based on your martial spirit."

"Okay, I've made it clear what I should say, now, follow my orders and go to the cauldron."

Hou Tian showed a look of excitement on his face, and said: "Good senior!"

After finishing speaking, he skimmed up the huge cauldron hundreds of meters high, and when he came to the edge and looked down, his face suddenly changed dramatically.

Because, at this time, the huge divine cauldron was almost filled with blood, and in the tumbling of the seeping blood, the perfect white bones were also floating with the blood.

Just on the surface of the blood, there are thousands of human bones.

"Hey boy, the blood essence in your body is so pure, and your soul is also very powerful, it's really delicious food!"


The old voice, which was full of kindness before, became bloodthirsty and crazy, like a spell that cast a hollow heart and soul.

Let Hou Tian stand on the edge of the tripod in a daze, as if he had lost his soul.

"Daiben God refined your blood. As long as you refine it within a thousand years, a thousand-member Great Emperor Realm human race with strong blood in the body like you will be completely reborn!"

"You ignorant humans, do you really think that this god will pass it on to you? Hahaha, what a joke, these stupid humans."

"Before, this god deliberately allowed some human races to inherit and leave, and those so-called exercises were also obtained by this god after slaughtering the strong people in the godland or fairyland of the human race."

"The god knows that the human race is greedy. As long as the bait is released, there will be a steady stream of human races coming. I didn't expect that the human race still has such a strong blood."

"Hahaha, now, feel at ease and become my nourishment!"

"Listen to the god's order, now cut your throat and jump into the blood sacrificial cauldron."

After hearing these words, Hou Tian instantly 'lived', his figure flickered quickly, raised his hand and patted the edge of the tripod a dozen times in a row, and then landed firmly on the ground.

"Damn human, how did you get rid of God's control over you?"

Then, Hou Tian heard the old voice and became very angry.


The blood in the entire blood cauldron turned into a bloody hand more than ten meters long, protruding out from the cauldron, and grabbed Hou Tian with unparalleled coercion.


At the critical moment, Hou Tian quickly dodges, narrowly dodging the attack of the blood palm.

In the next second, he appeared under the giant cauldron, and said with a sneer, "You still want to control Brother Monkey with a wisp of soul? Are you overthinking it?"

Hou Tian has the pupil of chaos, which can prevent any spells that control the mind, even immortal spells and supernatural powers.

"Boy, how on earth did you escape my mind control technique?" That angry and unbelievable voice came from the giant cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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