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Chapter 256 I have gained a lot, and I am ready to go to Dao Zhangfu

Chapter 256 I have gained a lot, and I am ready to go home (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
However, these are not too difficult for Hou Tian. Although the Nine Devils Trapped Formation is very powerful in the eyes of others, it is still a child's play for this former ancestor god powerhouse.

Back then, the Primal God of Chaos had also studied these formations of the Demon Race, and the formations of the Human Race had reached their peak.

"Hey, my husband, what is this? Why is there still a formation?" At this time, Han Ruoshuang came over after looting the treasures in the entire treasure house, and asked curiously.

Today is undoubtedly her happiest day, because according to preliminary estimates, there are more than 8000 million spirit stones in this treasure cave, and more than [-] million magic crystals.

Although the magic crystal is useless to the human race, but to the demon race, its function is the same as that of a spirit stone. You can use the magic crystal to absorb magic energy to improve your cultivation.

At that time, I can use these magic crystals to exchange for some spirit stones, or just hand over these magic crystals to Hou Tian for disposal.

Murong Xue also walked over to the treasure place after looting, and after seeing the Nine Devils trapped in front of her, she didn't know what she was thinking.

But she knew that there was no problem for the owner with this dot formation method, at most it would just take some time.

"There's a wooden box protected by a formation, I want to take it out to have a look, you wait for me to get it down later." Hou Tian turned around and said something to Han Ruoshuang and Murong Xue.

Then began to observe carefully around the formation.

The Nine Devils Trapped Formation, as long as you know the base of the formation, it will be easy to solve.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after a stick of incense, Hou Tian easily cracked the formation, and with a wave of his hand, the Jianmu box fell into his hands.

The square box is engraved with nine dragons and nine phoenixes. On the right side are two ancient fierce beasts Qiong Qi in relief, while on the left side are two unicorns in relief. There is no relief on the bottom. Mystical symbols.

Even Hou Tian couldn't understand the meaning of these symbols for a while.

You must know that he used to be the ancestor god of chaos, any text was not difficult for him, but the text on the bottom of the Jianmu box really made him unable to understand.

Originally, he wanted to put the Sumeru ring in, but Hou Tian found out that it couldn't fit in.

"What's the situation? Could it be that it's grade is too high, so I can't fit my Sumeru ring?" Hou Tian whispered.

At this time Murong Xue stepped forward and said, "Master, can I read the words at the bottom?"

"Well, here it is!" Hou Tian didn't hesitate, and after answering, he handed the Jianmu box to Murong Xue.

She is a member of the Celestial Clan, and the Celestial Clan has been the darlings of heaven and earth since ancient times, and their appearance itself is very strange.

Murong Xue took the Jianmu box, frowned slightly, and after a while, said: "Master, this is indeed a kind of writing, and it is also an ancient writing of our Celestial Clan."

"Although I can't understand all of them, the general meaning above is that if you want to unlock this box, you must use the four blood essences of Qiongqi, Qilin, Dragon, and Phoenix, plus Chaos Essence and blood can untie it."

"What?" Hou Tian was taken aback after hearing this, he now has the Qilin and Chaos essence blood, but Qiongqi, Dragon and Phoenix blood essence are not so easy to find.

Qiongqi is an ancient ferocious beast, even in the Great Thousand World, it is difficult to see it. As for the dragon and phoenix, it can be found in the territory of the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan in the Great Thousand God Realm.

And it also needs blood essence, whether it is human race or other races, a drop of blood essence is quite precious, not to mention there is a beast like Qiongqi, who can't communicate at all, if you want to get its blood essence, you can only kill him .

Think about it, it's so difficult!
"By the way, did you tell me what's inside?" Hou Tian asked curiously again.

It takes so many precious things to open this box, presumably the things inside should be very powerful.

Murong Xue shook her head and said: "No, but seeing that the boxes are all made of wood, the contents inside must not be messed up!"

Hou Tian nodded: "That's right, but the key is that this thing can't be put into the Sumeru ring, it's very troublesome!"

Murong Xue thought for a while and said, "Master, maybe it can be placed in the Demon Suppressing Tower."

Hearing Murong Xue's reminder, Hou Tian patted his forehead and said, "That's right, why did I forget that I still have a magic weapon?"

Hou Tian sacrificed the Demon Suppressing God Tower, and sure enough, the wooden box can be placed in the Demon Suppressing God Tower, and this Demon Suppressing God Tower can be enlarged or reduced at will according to Houtian's will, and it can even become a speck of dust Size, put it in your ear.

The Jianmu box can't be opened for the time being, and I don't know what's inside, so Hou Tian directly threw it on the sixth floor of the Demon-Suppressing God Tower, which is the floor of the elixir field.

"Okay, there is nothing here now, let's go!" Hou Tian said.

Han Ruoshuang and Murong Xue nodded and followed Hou Tian.

Outside the treasure cave at this time.

Yu Huatian paced back and forth, looking very anxious, and said, "Old Daoist, are you not in a hurry? My lord and the others have been down for such a long time, so there won't be any accidents?"

"Don't turn around, you've turned my head dizzy." Li Chunfeng stroked his goatee and said, "Don't worry, my lord is not a thing in the pool. Auspicious people have their own appearance, no Something will happen."

While the two were talking, they suddenly felt a slight shaking in the surrounding space.

"Who?" Yu Huatian shouted a little nervously.


A familiar voice rang in Yuhuatian's ears.

Turning his head to look, it was Hou Tian who came out with Han Ruoshuang and Murong Xue.

"My lord, is everything going well?" Li Chunfeng asked at this time.

Hou Tian showed a bright smile on his face, and said: "Of course, not only did it go smoothly, but the harvest was also very rich."

On the way out, both Han Ruoshuang and Murong Xue counted the spiritual stones and magic crystals they had harvested. Murong Xue was the opposite of Han Ruoshuang, collecting more than 2 million spiritual stones, but only 5000 magic crystals. Ten thousand.

All in all, Houtian has harvested more than 2 million spirit stones, more than 2 million magic crystals, and those spirit herbs, medicines, and even weapons.

So, the harvest is very rich.

There is no value here anymore, Hou Tian and his party returned to the castle of the Demon Race, but now, it is already a dead city, and there is no one from the Demon Race.

Even their corpses were completely absorbed by Xiaoqi, the blood of more than 100 million demons, but for Xiaoqi, it was barely enough.

When they arrived at the castle, Zhao Yun had already arranged all the Jinyi guards, and Ling Tian and others were also there. ,

"See your lord!"

"See Mistress!"

"See the empress, see the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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